Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Blog #24 News Surprise

Hi Cadets, remember that you have your test tomorrow and if you have 100% attendance, you will get an extra 5 points on your test.  Your news story will be a story about what happened to the L.A. Clipper's owner. Check out the story on CNN or NPR and be ready to give your personal opinion as well. Remember that your essay is to compare the Drug Alcohol to the Drug that you taught in class so good luck and see you in class tomorrow.


  1. M. Conrad 8

    I believe that Donald Sterling's racial comments were unnecessary. I believe that his punishments of a 2.5 million dollar fine and being banned from the NBA will teach him a lesson about being racist. However, I believe that the fact that they found out about his comments by listening to his phone calls is wrong and can be considered an invasion of personal space.

    1. Great response and right on the money Cadet. Thanks for being the first and only one to answer this question so far.

    2. Cadet Conrad I agree with you that invasion of privacy shouldn't have happened. A simple fine should have been enough, being kicked out of the NBA was a bit too much.

  2. What Donald Sterling did was unacceptable and not needed. The fact that he would make such a racial remark is unbelievable. Even though he wasn't saying it to a particular person, it was wrong to listen to the call. That's why I believe that being banned from the NBA was a bit too much. The call was being recorded and he did not display his option of words on the phone in public. So he shouldn't have been punished to harshly. A simple fine of 2.5 million dollars for him was more than enough.
