Thursday, April 10, 2014

Blog #22 Anyone can fall prey to the lure of drugs...

As we finish our classes on drugs, here is a story that shows what can happen to a person in a position of authority when the lure of drugs is to easy.  Read the story and post your responses. Find another story on the WEB and post the link along with your opinion about that story as well. Don't forget to comment on your peer's work and once you have completed all 3 tasks, your assignment for this week will be finished.  Here is your link:  The lure of drugs

Don't forget to check back during Spring Break as you will find a new posting to get you ready for your Term Project.  Have a great time during Spring Break and I look forward to seeing all of you when you return.  


  1. A. Lee 7

    While I found Alisson's story to be very interesting and compelling, I am left intrigued as to the details of how she started doing meth.

    1. M. Khan 8

      Cadet Lee, during the beginning of the article it tells of how Allison had an affair with another man in the force who was only using her and because of that sadness, she turned to meth to help her feel happy.

    2. In the article, Allison explains as to why she started doing meth. Maybe if you read more of the article you would have found the answer to your question.

  2. M. Khan 8

    When I first started reading the article I felt somewhat angry as how a cop would go and start meth, especially one who was part of the DEA but as I progressed further into the article, although what she did was wrong, I felt bad for Allison. Anyone can become a victim so easily and it's unfortunate that she was one.
    The article that I found is about another local government official who was found with marijuana.

  3. M. Conrad 8

    Although it was wrong of Allison to use meth, especially since she was a police officer, I felt bad for her because she had to stoop down that low just to find a little bit of happiness. If only she had a little help or if she wasn't in charge of the evidence this wouldn't have happened. Still, I am very proud that Allison was able to overcome her drug use and is now trying to help others from overcoming theirs.

    This article is about a local government official charged of drug possession.

  4. A. Gaudet 8

    Unlike the other cadets who posted, I do not feel any pity for Allison. While I do think her story was unfortunate, life is hard for everyone and if you're going to make reckless decisions then you have to be ready for the consequences. She began her downfall with an affair, which I have absolutely no sympathy for, and proceeded to use meth as an outlet for her despair. The fact of the matter is her actions are the sole reason for her misery. You cannot expect the world and the natural laws of consequences to treat you kindly simply because you've had a hard life. However, I sincerely think she wrote this memoir as a way to warn others and not to search for pity. She learned her lesson, and for this reason I applaud her.
    This article discusses the excessive abuse of drugs in the Iranian government.
