Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Blog #23 The Early Bird gets the worm

Since we are nearing the home stretch for JROTC as LET2's you need to know about your term project so here it is. We are going to be studying the Cold War; the Korean Confict; and the Vietnam Conflict this coming marking period so your term project will revolve around movies and learning from a video You assignment is an easy one as you will see from the following list.  You first must select a movie about the Vietnam Confict and watch the movie.  Once for pleasure and the second time to fill in your movie review term project paperwork. Once you have completed this you will be on your way to passing LET2 as long as you have passed all of your other requirements.

Here are a few of the Vietnam War movies that are available to watch online or downloadable from various sources. Remember to post your 3 choices and you must explain why you want to watch at least two of the movies. Post a URL for the movies and also comment on other Cadet's work. Good luck and I hope that you are one of the lucky ones to post first in your class.

Movie Name                                                    Movie Name                              

84 Charlie MoPic - 1989                               Platoon Leader - 1988
A Bright Shining Lie - 1998                           Rescue Dawn - 2006
A Yank in Vietnam - 1964                              The Anderson Platoon - 1967
Apocalypse Now - 1979                                 The Deer Hunter - 1978
Bat 21 - 1988                                                    The Green Berets - 1968
Born on the 4th of July - 1989                          The Hanoi Hilton - 1887
Casualties of War - 1989                                The Iron Triangle - 1989
Coming Home - 1978                                      The Odd Angry Shot - 1979
Faith of My Fathers - 2005                              The Siege of Firebase Gloria -1989
Full Metal Jacket - 1987                                  The Walking Dead - 1995
Go Tell The Spartans - 1978                            Tunnel Rats - 2008
Good Morning Vietnam - 1987                        Under Heavy Fire - 2001
Hamburger Hill - 1987                                       We Were Soldiers - 2002
Heaven and Earth - 1993    
Platoon - 1986    


  1. A. Lee 7

    My three choices of movies to watch would be: Full Metal Jacket because I have not seen the whole movie yet, the Green Berets, because I know a decent amount about their naval counterparts, but not as much about the Berets and Apocalypse Now because I have heard positive reviews about it.

  2. N. Vera
    My three choices are: Platoon because my friends told me it was pretty god and i haven't seen it, Go Tell the Spartans because it seems pretty interesting, andvRescue Dawn since it shows how POW were like in vietnam.

    1. M. Khan 8

      Rescue Dawn seems like a very interesting movie if it's on POW in Vietnam. I may have to watch that one as well, thank you Cadet Vera!

    2. I also think that Rescue Dawn will be interesting. I would like to know what it was like to have to survive as a POW.

  3. G.Lopez

    My three movie choices are: Rescue Dawn because my uncle watched it and he said it was great and so I was interested in it, Tunnel Rats because it seems different and intriguing, and We Were Soldiers, because i thought it's also be very interesting.

  4. Y. Alvarez. 7

    My three movie choices would have to be, We Were Soldiers (2002) Because I've been able to visit a few of the places the movie was actually filmed but I've never really gotten to see the entire movie. My second choice would be Hamburger Hill, because I've seen the trailer several times & it seems to be extremely interesting & I've been told that it's a great movie, but I've never really been able to watch the movie myself. My third choice would be between Tunnel Rats because of the way it's Narrated, it's intriguing, but I'd also watch Good Morning Vietnam, because it's more a of a comedy with Robin Williams, it's just bound to be a great movie.

  5. R.Colca 8
    My first choice would be Full Metal Jacket, because i want to become a marine after highschool and the whole movie is about marines in vietnam. My second choice is Hamburger Hill because it is an extremely good movie. My last choice would be Platoon because it is a great movie.

  6. My first choice would be Rescue Dawn, its because its a very meaningful movie to my family and myself. My second choice would be Tunnel Rats just because it sounds like an interesting movie to watch, and my last choice would be Coming Home because being taken from home in the first place is really upsetting, and I know this is a great movie. Just watching this short part makes you really think about this movie.

  7. M.Khan 8

    The movies that I want to watch are as follows:
    1) Apocalypse Now. I would like to watch Apocalypse Now because it has been recommended to me before, in the past but I never got a chance to watch it.
    2) The Green Berets. I would like to watch this movie because I know that the Green Berets are actually a very elite group of soldiers and I imagine that this movie will be very interesting.
    3) The Iron Triangle. I have no specific reason to watch this movie but the fact that it reminds me of the Iron Curtain from the Cold War so that may be interesting.
    Trailer of The Iron Triangle:
    Documentary on the U.S. Special Forces, The Green Berets:
    Trailer of Apocalypse Now:

  8. N.Tzavelis 8
    The movies I would like to watch are
    We Were Soldiers- I would like to see this because it seems like a good movie and im also currently reading the book it waws based on so I would like to see how it would compare.
    Full Metal Jacket- I would like to see this movie because I only got to see the very beginning of the movie a long time ago and from what I heard it is an excellent movie
    Apocalypse Now- I want to watch this movie because it is higly recommended movie to me and is a Vietnam classic and it is something I would like to watch
    trailer of we were soldiers
    trailer of Full metal jacket
    trailer of apocalypse now

  9. M.Torres 7
    The Platoon- I would like to watch this movie because it has a a good cast and has a good story.
    The Deer Hunter- I would like to see this movie because it shows you what happens to captured soldiers and how they are tortured in the Vietnam war.
    Apocalypse Now - I would want to watch this movie because i have heard that it is a great movie


    Deer Hunter-

    Apocalypse Now-

  10. M. Conrad 8

    I would like to watch the movie Rescue Dawn because the story line seems intense and fun to watch. I would like to watch the movie Full Metal Jacket because many friends have told me that it was a good movie. Lastly, I would like to watch Hamburger Hill because it seems interesting and because one of my favorite actors, Don Cheadle, plays a character in the movie.

    Rescue Dawn -

    Full Metal Jacket -

    Hamburger Hill -

  11. A. Gaudet 8

    The movies that I would like to watch are Coming Home, Rescue Dawn, and We Were Soldiers.
    I chose those movies because they all offer a different perspective and experience of war. Coming Home illustrates the effect of war on the family that the soldiers leave behind. Rescue Dawn, on the other hand, shows the more unfortunate perspective of a prisoner of war. We Were Soldiers allows the viewer to have a feel of the experiences of a soldier in battle.

    Coming Home:
    Rescue Dawn:
    We Were Soldiers:

  12. H. Nicodemus
    The top 3 movies I would like to watch for the project are We Were Soldiers (2002) because I have seen it a few times and really liked the movie, Full Metal Jacket (1987)because I want to pursue my career as a Marine, and Bat 21 (1980) because my Grandfather fought in the Marines during Vietnam and suggested this movie to me.
    We Were Soldiers -

    Full Metal Jacket -

    Bat 21 -

  13. A.Asmal
    my 3 choices for this
    term project would be born on the 4th of July because tom cruise is in the film. My second choice would be rescue dawn. It seems very interesting and want filmed that long ago. My last choice is were coming home.
