Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Blog #15 Leadership and Lessons I Have Learned

You are halfway completed with you final this week and you last task is to prepare for your essay tomorrow. Your task is to write at least a one page essay on how you have improved as a student/cadet over the past 4 months. Also state why you are planning on staying with the program and how has it helped you as a young student. Remember to use the 14 leadership traits and 7 Army Values to support your work. I know that some of you will be leaving JROTC at the end of the year so your input will be invaluable to making our program a better one for future cadets.

The Second Part of your Essay is to write a One Page Essay on the book that you read about your leader this past month. Remember that you have two pages to write so I hope that you are ready for your task in class tomorrow. Thanks again for your work and progress and I look forward to your award ceremony this next month. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Blog #14 Healthy Happy Hearts, we are what we eat...

We are almost at the end of the Semester and one of your last tasks while we are studying about eating healthy and managing our body weight is to find a story of video that promotes good health. Post the story/url to our blog and comment on the story, remember to comment on comment on at least one of your peer's work and have a great time with your Regents Testing that is coming up. Good luck on your Semester Finals as well. Thanks again and here is your video.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Blog #13 A Healthy and Happy New Year to all...

Happy New Year cadets and I hope that you had a wonderful time off. If you made your Goal/New Year Resolution, you are a large part of the population in the U.S. As you know, if your resolution is not achievable, you will not be successful with your goal and will stop trying by the end of January. To help you out, just remember that it only takes 30 days to make something become a habit. So if you walk 1 mile each day for the next 30 days, you will start to enjoy your walks and will be more likely to keep walking and want to become more involved in other exercise. What are you going to do this semester to improve your fitness? What is your goal and how will you achieve it? Post your answer and add your video/URL that supports your goal. Don't forget to comment on a peer's work and let's start 2015 off with a Healthy New Year!