Monday, January 5, 2015

Blog #13 A Healthy and Happy New Year to all...

Happy New Year cadets and I hope that you had a wonderful time off. If you made your Goal/New Year Resolution, you are a large part of the population in the U.S. As you know, if your resolution is not achievable, you will not be successful with your goal and will stop trying by the end of January. To help you out, just remember that it only takes 30 days to make something become a habit. So if you walk 1 mile each day for the next 30 days, you will start to enjoy your walks and will be more likely to keep walking and want to become more involved in other exercise. What are you going to do this semester to improve your fitness? What is your goal and how will you achieve it? Post your answer and add your video/URL that supports your goal. Don't forget to comment on a peer's work and let's start 2015 off with a Healthy New Year!


  1. YangZ8

    This year I planned to run a mile every weekend, walk everyday for at least 10 minutes and stretch better to improve my running skills and flexibility. Running everyday would also help me with swimming because i would be able to control my breathing better and be able to hold my breath under water and swim like usual. Doing daily exercise will help my improve my fitness. Most importantly daily exercise would help burn out our calories and help us gain less fatty substances for our body. This makes us healthier. My goal this year is to be able to do better on every exercise for the fitness gram. I want to achieve this because this proves that i am healthy and fit enough to so sports and what i wanted to do without feeling unsafe because i am not healthy and fit.

  2. Philip Ioannou, LET #2, Period #8
    For this semester and year I plan to continue my regular workout routine and weight training. I am going to run a half-marathon in October with my mother, and younger brother. At this time I can run decently fast, but I have issues running long distances as I find it hard to breathe. My goal is to be able to run that half marathon in October without any major breathing issues like I experience now. I am going to do this by training with my mother and brother and running three miles around my park at least once a week, although I try to run it more frequently than that by making free time for myself by clearing up the major or lengthy things on my to-do list earlier in the day, hopefully before 4:30 PM. I would also like to cut down my mile time by two minutes within a month and as I start running the three miles, maintain or beat my current mile time which is less than desirable.

    1. I believe you can do it if you set your mind to Ioannou. I think you're heading in the right direction for the better and that is amazing. I really hope you achieve your goal. Everyone deserves to be proud of something they work hard on.

    2. You can do everything you want but you have to believe and be determined to do so.

  3. YangC8
    To be honest, i'm a hypocrite when it comes to exercise. I want to be fit, but i'm lazy and i procrastinate too much which is a bad thing. I always say i will accomplish my goal, but i do not and i get upset at the end. So when it comes to fitness and staying fit, this year i am going to create a achievable goal that i will fufill and try. Yes, i am going to take it slow. I know that i am in Raiders and i am suppose to be near fit as possible, but i am not which really upsets the instructors of the raider team, even though they don't say it to me, i know. I try so hard to catch up to the others, but at times i want to give up, but i know i'll regret it if i quit or get kicked out, this frightens me. So i've decided that when warmer weather comes out, every weekend, i will run around my block once and do more when i can. I'm not physically challenging myself, but emotionally too. So far, every night, i've been doing push ups before bed and i haven't made progress, but i'm not giving up. I want to be proud of myself for something i worked so hard to achieve. I'm going to attack my weakness, running and endurance. Hopefully, within months will i be more fit than i am today.

    1. I think that your plan to achieve your goal gradually is a surefire way to go about it. For instance, you cannot expect yourself to be able to do 300 push ups by attempting to do 300 on the first try.

  4. GuivesesZ8

    While I had been regularly exercising ever since the beginning of the previous school year, the workload for this year is causing me to neglect my fitness. Therefore, my goal is to compensate for those lost hours by working out in school instead. I will make it a point to complete at least half an hour of physical training during my gym period, and I will utilize the fitness log sheets that the teacher provides weekly. I want to focus on my upper body strength, which I seek to improve by starting at 20 push ups on the first day, increasing by 1 rep everyday, working up to at least 50.

    1. Guiveses, I feel the same way getting home late to complete homework and prepare for the next day is already a struggle. So we must find time during the day to workout.

  5. Although i already do workout often , there is always room for improvement. This semester i plan to reconnect with my fellow bar brothers and sisters, the workouts they have are killer and the things they can do with their bodies are unbelievable. I would like to run more often and for longer distances, but with the weather right now its not very motivating. The problem with my running is that i'm a sprinter, so when it comes to distances my knees tend to disagree with me and so does my breath.My mother goes out running every day, she may go really slow but she always pushes herself to go, and i guess ill try to get out of bed on the weekends and tough it out with her. Also in swimming i plan to build up my stamina, by everyday swimming one more lap than the day before.I plan to push myself more than the day before.

  6. Logan Santos8 I realize I'm terribly late with this blog but as they say better late than never. Let me just start off by saying Marilyn Monroe is still in my opinion one of the most beautiful women to walk the earth. My resolution is to improve my mind and strengthen my body. Right now I'm trying out for raiders and I intend to earn the title.

  7. LinK8
    My resolution is to further strengthen my health in terms of staying fit because in order to change the general health of Americans you must be the change itself. As of now I am taking the fullest advantage of my weight training class and home exercises, since I'm too lazy to actually go outside to a gym and pay for a membership. Yes I know it doesn't make sense to be lazy and yet try to stay in shape but in my ways I'd rather exercise whenever I want to without having to actually go somewhere. However school is required by law so I'm taking advantage of what is essentially a free gym membership.

  8. NakhlawiR8
    My resolution is to start training my body for running long distances. I plan on trying out for the flag football team in February and i need to be prepared to run a lot without taking long breaks to breathe. Another resolution I have for myself is to find something to motivate me, I know that if I have something to make me try harder, I can reach all my goals but lately that's been really hard to do.

  9. Torres F PD7
    As of today the weather isn't as motivating as it should be however I do have some goals to better my physical strengths. Since the new year started I go to the gym at least 3 times a week. Since it's cold outside and I don't want to get sick I spend at least an hour on then treadmill. Also I started dancing again at my old studio so I'm also doing some cardio at least twice a week. When the weather gets warmer I would like to start running a mile a day. Running daily will help me with my speed and controlling my breath for softball season which right around the corner. It will take some motivation and pushing myself but I know it's all for the best.

