Monday, December 29, 2014

Blog #12 Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

I hope you are enjoying your time off for the Holidays. As promised, here is your "Term Project" worksheet. Remember to follow the instructions for your work and this is not a "BOOK REPORT"!  I hope you have enjoyed your book and learned that leaders do in fact come in all shapes and sizes and that they don't have to be from the Government or the Military.

Your assignment for this week is easy since we are coming upon our New Year of 2015.  You must post 1 Goal/New Years Resolution that you are going to achieve this year and explain how you will do so. Post a video/article that is related to you goal and remember to comment on one of your peer's work as well. Easy as pie and you will be done in no time. Remember to have a Safe New Years Party and come back to school healthy and happy on the 5th of January, 2015.  

Here's wishing you a Happy New Year in advance.

LET2 Textbook Part1 PDF

LET2 Textbook Part 2 PDF

Cadet Reference JROTC #6

1. Make resolutions. People who make them are ten times more likely to achieve them (Norcross, Mrykalo & Blagys, 2002)
2. Be realistic. You are not Superman. Reflect on what you have tried in the past, what has worked, and has not worked. If you have succeeded whenever you made a short list of goals, then make a short list. If you know you forget your goals in February, set a reminder in you Calendar App to rewrite you resolutions at 9AM ever first of the month.
3. Be practical. Making a New Year's Resolution to get into shape is not going to help anyone. Make a resolution instead to go the gym every other day, or to go for 30 minute walks every morning. Make your daily tasks concrete and measurable so you can clearly see what you did and did not do.
4. Be accountable. Tell other people what you're hoping to accomplish. Choose people who care about you and will support your efforts in achieving your goals. Let them know you would appreciate their support and their checking in with you to see how you are doing every once in a while. Sign up for something. When you sign up, it's hard not to show up, and a deadline can do wonders for motivation.
5. Be patient. Heed the wisdom of an old Daoist saying: "A thousand mile journey begins with one step." Note that it doesn't say, "A thousand mile journey is complete in one step," or "in one day," or "before you know it." The Daosists were mystics, but they were idealists. Take yourself at a pace you know you will keep up with, and try to break any World Records. Even one step every day amounts to seven steps in a week.


  1. YangZ8
    For the year of 2015 i want to save up $2000. I want to work for what I wanted and gain experiences from the job that i work in. i want to rely on my self to get what i want, i do not want to rely on my parents to get my wants. i want to rely on myself because i am old enough to take care of my self and experience how hard it is to earn money and at the same time i experience what my parents are experiencing to earn money to hold up the family.


    2. That great yang I remember about 3 summers back when I got my first job it felt great. Especially when I came home with my first paycheck. I didn't have to ask my mom for money. I would pay for whatever I wanted.

    3. I also want to save money idk if ill ever make it to that much but anything is possible

    4. Great idea and you were specific on how much money you wanted to save. How much are you going to try and save each week or month? If you set up a schedule that will help you towards achieving your goal.

    5. $2000 is a lot of money, but if that is truly what you want, i believe you can achieve it by the end of this year or earlier. Don't give up and make your parents proud.

  2. TorresF PD7
    My New Years resolution is...... Well to be honest most of us pick new year resolutions that will stick to for maybe 2 months and then say to the heck with it. (I said some I know most of you will keep your resolutions) 2014 was a pretty good year for me I met plenty of new people, made new friends, visited different places. So my goal would be to make 2015 even more memorable than 2014.

    1. Cudo's and thanks for helping catch my 2014 date error on the Term Project paperwork. It should have read 2015. I fixed and updated the form. Enjoy the rest of your week and see you on Monday in school.

  3. Casquetep
    My new years resolution is to save as much money as i can. To do this i made the jar and put duck tape all around it so i could store my money and if i feel tempted to het some out i cant and i wont know how much is in there either.


    2. How much is much? You need to set a specific goal and strive to save that amount. How about saving $10 every week? Maybe $20 each month? Great idea to seal your money so you can't get to it.

    3. CasqueteP
      the amount of money I want to make is about a $1000. Saving money Is hard for me im one of those people who get it and go spend it. Saving at least 10 a week is my goal for now.

    4. Instead of taping your money up and not counting it you should open a savings account so that your money is safe and you can't spend it as well as you know how much you have.

  4. Philip Ioannou, LET #2, Period #8
    My 2015 New Year's resolution is to maintain grades in passing classes and raise my grades in any classes I hold less than desired grades in. I will obtain my goal by studying more before tests and trying to complete all of my homework assignments on a timely fashion. I would like to have accomplished this by late February 2015.

  5. This is a goal but is very vague. It is not easily measurable and you need to be more specific on how much time you plan spending studying before tests. More is not measureable.

  6. My 2015 new years resolution is to raise my grades in math and chemistry By them end of this marking period. I haven't been doing very well in those to subjects since the beginning of this school year. I plan to read my notes everyday if I have time for at least 10 to 15 minutes. I also plan on finding a tutoring section at can help me improve my grades. As well as practice on some problems based on the topics we are learning. I can also ask me teachers for there help and participate more in class.

  7. My new year's resolution is to stop being late to classes by hanging around in the hallways. I will do this by walking to class and not talking to people for 5 minutes. It seems easy but I will subconsciously want to stop and talk, so instead I'll ask people to walk with me and talk to not be late.

  8. This is a great idea. It will work for you but might make other people late to their classes if they are walking and talking with you. How will you measure to see if this is working or not?

  9. GuivesesZ8

    My New Year's Resolution is to raise all of my grades for every class by 1 point for this marking period as compared to the previous one. My original resolution was to increase my grade in Physics, but my last resort seems to be more practical to retain my overall GPA for I feel like a fish trying to climb a tree whenever I am in that class. In order to compensate for my loss in that particular subject, I will work harder in everything else. I will achieve this by allotting an hour each everyday for every subject to complete homework. I will also try to get at least 5 hours of sleep each night to be able to focus in all my classes.


  11. My New Years Resolution is to raise up my grade in math. In order to that is to continue studying 15-20 mins each day and study my math vocabulary and writing them in index card so it would be easier for me. Also my New Years resolution is to communicate more with my family like my aunts and uncles and cousins. In order to do that is to build up a relationship with them little by little and stop pushing them away.
    - Adriana Arvizui.

  12. YangC8
    My resolution for the year of 2015 is not grades, money, education, or any of that sort, but to have a better relationship with people who play a big part in my life. I remember last year as to where i was so focused on my grades, technology, and procrastination, i forgot what was really important; family and friends. I need to stop being on the internet so much and actually communicate with people face to face. I never know when one day,these people i love dearly won't be here anymore and i will be filled with regrets and guilt. I want to take my time away from the screen and school to spend time with people who make me happy. Thus, i'm going to still be dedicated to jrotc and my education, but also giving my friends and family my full attention. I will take some time off after school and go hang and catch up with my friends and be home in time for dinner like before. I've been working so hard, i think i deserve a break.

  13. Some resolutions i have for 2015 are to continue saving up money from the previous years until i reach 3,000 and then well keep saving .Teach myself to play new instrument,further my knowledge until i am fluent in both french and ASL.I would say to raise my grades but seeing that physics is still in existence in the curriculum that would be very challenging, i will however stop feeling guilty when i ask for help with a tricky subject.I plan to volunteer a lot more at hospitals and community events, also to get more involved in the school ;clubs, sports,stage crew ,etc.Another goal i plan to achieve is to bike or walk more often to places instead of taking a train or car.a resolution that is on the majority of peoples lists is to workout more often or lose some weight, for me my only task is to take the stairs every time. its actually pretty fun racing people in elevators when you're in the stairs.
