Monday, December 8, 2014

Blog #10 Assets of a Manager and how they are important...

Since we know that there are 4 Management Resources, your task this week is to explain which resource is the most important to you.  Post your response with your reasoning along with an Article or Video URL about your Manager Resource. Good luck and here is my Management Resource:


  1. Yangc8
    I think an important asset of a manager is training and development. This is because to be a good manager, you need to know how to manage your time daily and organize your work neatly. You also need to think out of the box and find many ways to enhance your thinking about choices and decisions. Not only are you learning, but there is a high chance that you're teaching someone else about how to be a good manager. Additionally, you would need to know how to train newbies efficiently to make progress.

    1. Training and development can go closely with hiring. You want tot make sure this person picks thing up quick and can do thing in a neat timely fashion. You never know when this person will have to fill in for a higher position.

    2. I agree with you i think manging your time is very important

  2. YangZ8
    I think the most important management resource is time because time is valuable and it won't change because a person wanted it to. the other three management resources people, money, and material can be earned or found but without time thing will be really hard to accomplish. people and money can be to to gain materials but time is specifically set and it cannot be changed. In my opinion time is the most powerful, valuable and unreversable management resource that we need.

    1. you make a good point but I'm not sure what you mean by unreversable resource.

    I think the two most important manger resources are recruitment an hiring. Identifying, recruiting, interviewing and hiring high-performing employees is essential for the long term success of your company. Creating policies and procedures for the hiring and recruiting process and teaching these skills to all of your managers is also critical for the future of your organization. You want to make sure you hire people that are going tot be a great asset. Some skills the people should hold is good social skills, good work habits and being responsible/respectful.

  4. CasqueteP pd7
    I think the most two most important manger resources are time and hiring. I think time is a big part of it because you have to put in time to get the job done. Time so you could practice you job and etc. Hiring is a big job because then you dont have people helping you work. Also you need to pick the right type of people to get hired. You dont wanna pick those who dont care.

  5. I think the most important manager resources is people. People are important because you can have all the time you need, all the money you need, and all the material but if you don't have people to help you its more pressure and stress on you. Also you are out to set a goal as a manager and the only way to accomplish that is by teamwork. If you have no people there is no team work.

    1. You make a valid argument in that a manager should make it a point to assign efficient people to complete certain tasks. It does matter how many people are involved if none of them are adept in working properly.

  6. I think the most important resource is people because people not only allow you to get jobs done but they can also inspire you. Even without resources such as materials jobs can get done because the people in your life or part of your project can help get those materials and assist you in managing things. Without the people nothing moves.

  7. GuivesesZ8

    Considering that all other resources are futile without it, time is the most important out of the four. Before carrying out any management tasks, a schedule should be taken into account to guarantee completion. It does not matter how efficient the people involved in the project are, without allotting the proper amount of time to have them cooperate and disperse to tend to their individual duties, nothing will come to fruition. Same applies to training and development.

  8. I believe that the two most important resources are time and people.In order you do anything at all you need time, an organized schedule is very important. Also without people you have nothing to work with and you add stress to yourself. As long as you have people and time , money and materials wouldn't even need to be considered.

    1. You are right about the People, without them, you can't accomplish the mission on time even if you have enough money. You will run out of time and the mission will fail without the people involved.

  9. Logan Santos8 I have to agree with Adilia however people aren't exactly the most important. Time and money are the key. Money buys everything and if you have time to spend the money effectively even better.
