Monday, December 1, 2014

Blog #9 Management VS Leadership

You've learned about Management and Leadership in JROTC and have discovered some interesting fact about both. Your task for this assigment is to post which area is most important to you and describe why you made your selection. Post an article or video to support your point of view and remember to post your comments on one of your peer's work.  Take the time to examine the 4 management resources as well as P.O.C.D.C. and make this an enjoyable assignment for all. Hope you enjoy the following video.


  1. YANGZ8
    In my opinion management is more important than leadership because the manager is the person who keeps things functioning. I think the leader follows the order of the manager and lead the group to success. it is similar to a relationship, the man may be outside doing the work but at home the woman holds a big role to planning out what to eat and do house chores and at the same time create schedules that they have to follow. without the manager there no sense in direction and what will happen and things will get messed up. managing and leading go hand in hand because to be a good leader you must know how to manage and take thing to the advantage. as a manager, if you can't lead you would have thing planned wrong and out of control.

    1. YANGZ8

    2. I agree that without managers things may get out of control but without leaders what would managers have to manage?

  2. Yangc8
    From my perspective, management also plays a big part in decisions besides a leader. It is not true how managers only sit behind the scenes and aren't at the front. Some managers can lead from the front and some leaders can be good managers. Managers also have a big role in every day life. Managers are more organized and time efficient than most leaders. Leaders are more outspoken and sociable. Together, these two make a great team. But, managers do more work since they're managing mostly everything. They have to file papers, decide anything related to their job, gather information, etc. On the other hand, leaders lead from the front and stop arguments and solve conflicts.

    1. I agree. The manager is the person that further executes what the leader needs done. Without the manager the leader would have to do all the work.

  3. LinK8
    Even though I would favor leadership over management myself, management is probably a little more important than leadership. Managers are what keeps everything held down together, organized, and well managed. Leaders are required to make sure a manager's orders are carried out and managers make the orders. They have to constantly check that everything is going well and nothing is falling behind.

    Leadership and management must go hand in hand. They are not the same thing however they are necessarily linked, and complementary. Any effort to separate the two is likely to cause more problems than it solves. For example, The manager is a copy; the leader is an original.As much as I may want to say that a leader is more important I can't. Although a leader is in charge of a manager , the manager is the one that does all the work. For example President Obama is in charge of the armed forces. Therefor if he wanted to send more troops to Iraq he would have to communicate with the person in-charge of that specific branch. This person must come up with a plan how many soldiers are they going to send, how will they attack, how can I bring them back safe, how can we win this war. If anything the manager plays a bigger role. If all goes wrong they blame the manager not the leader even though it was his idea.

  5. Leadership and management are both equally important. They go hand in hand, if you are a great leader you are a great manager and vis-versa. They both share complementary themes. Like they both guide people, take charge, influence others, and etc. Management is the method by which great leadership is executed as well as take leaders instincts and inspiration and puts action to it.

  6. A balance between leadership and management must be reached but leaders are more important because they change people's hearts. They motivate others through words and true persuasion and not paychecks like most managers. Leaders are more important than managers because they don't need to be present to keep things running smoothly.

    1. While I agree that leaders play a more important role that managers, I think that leaders have to be present as well to ensure that all tasks are done effectively. A leader should show how matters should be completed by doing them themselves before expecting others to follow through.

  7. GuivesesZ8

    Although both leadership and management should come into play when working in a group setting, leadership is more significant out of the two. To successfully manage does not necessarily mean that leading should be employed. To effectively lead, on the other hand, equates to utilizing proper management skills. This does not dictate, however, that being in control should be prioritized over being organized, for a group without a solid system headed by an exemplary leader cannot be a unified group.

  8. DominguezB7

    Leadership and management, hard to tell apart and easy to come hand in hand. Leadership is a person who guides or direct a group whereas Management is the act or manner of handling, directing and controlling. When I personally imagine this, I think of twins. From the outside they look inevitably the same, you can't tell which is which. But just like twins on the inside they are completely different. A leader is most important because managing is just the act of knowing how to act in certain events whereas a leader knows how to act and much more such as the simplest things; respecting those subordinates below you, putting your subordinates first and looking out for your subordinates' welfare. A manager is only looking for his personal benefits whereas the leader is conscious of his subordinates.

  9. Although leadership and management go hand in hand and are equally important to any task, i personally believe that leadership plays a more important role.Leadership is working alongside the people,motivating and teaching them,management however is less of an interpersonal job, but rather instructing and keeping things organized. As my fellow classmates said, they appear to be the same thing, but once its more interpreted you discover a difference between them.
