Monday, November 24, 2014

Blog #8 I have so much to be thankful for, what about you?

Since the holiday of Thanksgiving is this week, I think that we should all reflect on what we have to be thankful for and post our opinions to our sight this week.  Once you have posted what you have to be thankful for, next select a video to support your post.  Good luck and I'll start the blog off with my own personal comment. "I am thankful for a loving and caring family that helps me through thick and thin. I have been blessed with great friends throughout my life and those two items are just the tip of the iceberg". Here is a video that I found that sums up my feelings.


  1. Many people are not being grateful of the things around them and its because they don't feel the love that surrounds around them. We, are born onto this unfair world but they doesn't mean everything in this world is negative. Including me, we are not made perfect and we should still be thankful of the things we have now. People in the third world countries are suffering more then us and they are still being grateful of what they have. We are considered spoiled because we are complaining about things that aren't important, complaining about the food we eat, the slow internet, going to school and other irrelevant things. I am grateful of being part of this world, I am grateful for my caring teachers, I am grateful for my loving parents, and I am also grateful to be in Fort Hamilton High School JROTC.

    1. Im thankful for for you john hope you had a good thankgiving

  2. YangZ8
    I am thankful of my parents and my close friends that stayed with me through the ups and downs that I had to experience in my life. I am thankful that my parents took care of me ever since I’m born. Although parents had the responsibility to take care of their children, they also have the right to abandon them and leave them uncared. I am thankful that my parents not only took care of me but, everything that my parents gave me was always the best that they can give. They took care of me when I’m sick and whenever in needed them. I am thankful for my friends for being with me and they are trustworthy enough for me to tell them every little secret that I have. They will always be with my whenever I need them and not many people would do that for another person. Nothing is granted in life, we have to work for everything that we have right now. We should be nice back to the people that are nice to us and that ones who used to be nice to us.

  3. I am thankful for being born into a caring family. They have been through tough times to raise me and i appreciate their efforts when they could have abandoned me, but they didn't. I am thankful for the food on my plate because there are many people in the world out there who have nothing to eat. Just having a sandwich or juice for a meal will make me happy enough. I am thankful for meeting such wonderful friends who aren't afraid to tell me the truth. Many focus on meeting "real" friends, but a real friend doesn't exist. No one is perfect. I am thankful for being able to have free education because many kids throughout the world aren't allowed to have such education as we do or aren't allowed in schools. People take advantage of the opportunity to learn in school and cut, but there is someone out there who will be willing to take your spot instead of doing what they have to go through. I am thankful for a home to live in. It may not be those rich fancy houses, but a house with a warm family is enough to satisfy me for there are many out there in the world with no home and no place to go home to. I am thankful for the clothes i have given to wear so i don't have to go naked and catch sicknesses faster. I am thankful for just being alive to experience such a wonderful thing known as "life".

  4. GuivesesZ8

    While I admit that I often take the simplest things for granted, I am thankful for having a roof above my head and a loving family to greet me everyday. Common familial conflicts often blind me from the positivity that they contribute to my life, and cause me to develop grudges. In addition, the constant need to attain something tangible and greater detach me further from what I already possess. Today—and hopefully for more days to come—however, I am grateful for merely having them with me. I should always take into account that I am luckier than a majority of the people in this world for having at least three square meals a day, and having all members of my nuclear family alive and well.

  5. DominguezB7

    I am thankful for everything, the ups the downs. Everything people take for granted. We can all thank our parents, thats great im not one to stop you but some people wake up disabled. They can't speak, see or move. Our health, it seems foreign because not a lot of people are grateful for being healthy. Someone always has it harder than you, they might have eyes that can't see or ears that can't hear yet they are grateful for what they do have cause they know "someone always has it harder than you." Food, i'm grateful for having a plate on my table every night whereas my own family in Mexico can't afford that. I'm grateful for having rights in this country because I know well that other governments can't offer as many. I could go on but my point is there are an infinite amount of things to be grateful for and I hope starting from now on we don't just say thanks on Turkey day but everyday for everything, small or big.

  6. This year i have a lot to be thankful not necessarily for the big things but for the little things in my life. First thing i have to thankful for is my mother. She wakes up at 4:30 every morning to make sure i get on the bus safe. She calls me when i get to school and when i get out. If i ever need anything she goes anything in her power to bet it. I'm thankful foe my Grandmother for always making sure i come home to a warm cooked meal and for taking my uniform to the cleaners weekly. I am also thankful for my brother my brother has been through it all. Just around this time 2 years ago we were in the hospital with him and no one knew what was wrong with him. so having him here to make me laugh, and bother me is a blessing. Thats not all i have to be thankful for my friends that pull up with my craziness sometimes. there always will to listen. So im grateful for them everyday not just today. We have to be thankful for the small things in life because you don't realize what you have till its too late.

    This video will really make you think about the things you should be grateful for....

  7. CasqueteP
    I am thankful for alot of things. Im thankful for my family and friends that act like family.i am also thankful for friends who have been real with thankful fo food and videogames and technology. Without these stuff id die.

    1. I would also die without food Casquete we have something in common.

  8. I am grateful for having an opportunity to live a life where I am healthy and loved and fed. I am thankful for nature to take care of us and does everything in its power to keep us alive. I am thankful for the animals that sacrifice their life for it to be our next meal. I am thankful for music for healing souls and for being their through all of my emotions. I am thankful for my beautiful mother and my family over seas and my grandma for raising me so well and protecting me and feeding me and loving and caring for me. I couldn't ask for more from them they are incredible and honestly they mean everything to me. Most kids take it for granted to be sitting in a table full of family together but thats all i could dream about! I am thankful for my mom being so brave and surviving the soviet union days and not let society change who she is thank you for being an amazing single parent. I am thankful for myself for impacting myself and my passion to care and put others before me and to help as much as I can to make others life easier. I thankful for beautiful chance i get to see breathe and feel everything around me and this beautiful manifested universe for the most part. The list is an infinite but at least you got a glimpse of my imagination of what means the most to me!

  9. I'm thankful to have the opportunity to have access to education and a safe place to live all my life. These are not things that I think about everyday but they are things that have shaped me to be who I am. Many people today do not even have the bare essentials of life and when looked at in this way it seems that whatever I am thankful for is simply me being spoiled rotten. With this in mind I am thankful for food, water, and a safe home.
