Thursday, November 20, 2014

Blog #6 Obama and the Executive Order

Hi again Cadets. Your task is/was to watch President Obama's press conference and see what action he takes with his Executive Order on Thursday night.  Once you have watched the conference, give a brief synopsis of what he said and also respond with your personal feelings about the situation. Once you have posted your information/point of view, make sure that you post a URL/Website that supports your information.  As we discussed earlier in class, there are quite a few myths surrounding the Executive Order so now is the time to set the record straight. If you add new information to our knowledge, then you are truly becoming a better citizen. I look forward to your posts and can't wait to see what you find.


  1. GuivesesZ8

    With certainty that his proposal for immigration reform would remain stagnant, Obama made a controversial decision to issue an executive order to protect millions of undocumented immigrants from being deported. From the surface, it appears that the very essence of this action is to avoid separating children from their parents who moved to the country illegally. What may lighten the debatability of this move is his argument that he is not bestowing a level-playing field of opportunities to those immigrants, but is simply hindering the government from dividing families. While this is by no doubt an ethical move, it can be argued that Obama's main goal is to appeal to the legal children of illegal parents.

  2. YangZ8
    Barack Obama gave his speech about the actions that he will take to give fairness to those immigrants that come to the U. S. illegally. Obama’s executive order gave the illegal immigrants the ability to stay in the U. S. temporarily if they have been here in the U. S. for more than 5 years and have children that are legal immigrants or U.S. citizens. His executive order does not apply for the people that came here for less than 5 years, for people that are coming to the U. S. now, and those who want to come to the U. S. in the future. Obama did this because he wanted to give the illegal immigrants equal chance as long as they pay tax and follow the laws. I agree with this executive order that Obama made because illegal immigrants work equally as hard as us citizens or even harder and they surely deserve to stay in the U. S. Although illegal immigrants might not deserve the benefits of a citizen they should be able to stay in the United States without worrying about when they will get deported. His executive order given today could have been a law already if the republican leaders would agree on this and not just leave this idea hanging for a year and a half. There should have been voting of citizens determining on whether Obama’s idea is acceptable. The republican leaders at the house didn’t bother to care for Obama’s executive order.

    1. I agree with you because while many feel like Obama is creating chaos in America, he's actually doing his best for what he think is right for our country. Many people are so ignorant over the fact that he makes these situations, but if they were in his shoes, what would they do?

    2. I agree with the both of you. Sometimes making decisions that can affect the whole U.S. can be difficult at times.Never will we all agree on the same thing so he has to decide based on his evidence and opinions.

  3. JiangJ7
    Our honorable president, Barack Obama had decided to help the immigrants that had came to our country illegally with have some positive effects and some negative effects on our country. His speech was clarion and logical because it symbolizes our country. Our country is made out of immigrants, and we should not mistreat the immigrants now since we are all immigrants. Obama doesn't want our country to have a bad reputation for kicking out immigrants and this speech may help and unveil the successful future of United States.

    1. I agree with you john there are positive snd negstives effects to this

  4. When the president Barack Obama said "I know the politics of this issue are tough, But let me tell you why I have come to feel so strongly about it. Over the past few years, I have seen the determination of immigrant fathers who worked two or three jobs without taking a dime from the government, and at risk at any moment of losing it all, just to build a better life for their kids." it made feel like he cares and letting people know that people that immigrants would doing anything to do good but that there is a limited to it and what it will cause in the near future to us americans. He also announced that there " 4.1 million undocumented parents of u.s citizens and about 300,00 undocumented immigrants who came to the u.s illegally as children

  5. casuqete phill pd7

    Presidents Obamas speech got my attention when he said he would give illegal imigrants a chance to become citizens if they pay a fine and would agree to pay taxes and have a clean criminal record. I think thats pretty fare in all honesty. Id say hes actually doing something for a change. Also it was interesting how he was targeting Congress by saying that they should pass a bill. I agree their are illegal families out their who want to become a part of this country but we wont let them. Imigrants come to get a better job and education for their children. So i agreee with president Obama


    2. I agree with what you said because President Obama is trying to make our country stand out from other countries where they have strict rules for immigration

    3. Actually, he stated that his goal is to avoid separating families—not to provide illegal immigrants with a path to citizenship.

  6. LinK8
    The speech Obama gave regarding the undocumented immigrants in the United States is no doubt stirring up a big controversy around it. His decision to grant citizenship to these illegal immigrants is both beneficial and detrimental to this country however it is without a doubt a decision that reflects the values of the US. On a ethical standing point this was the right thing to do so families can be with one another in the land of opportunity. Although this decision would not be helping the issue with overpopulation in the United States. I have no opinion of this decision except that I hope these immigrants don't take this second chance for granted and live up to be honest, hard working people.

  7. Yangc5
    Our president Obama has announced that he will allow 5 million illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S. That is if they have a clean background record and have lived in the U.S for more than 5 years. In a way, this is a good idea because we are giving them a chance to prove themselves in our country. We may never know if they become more successful than those of born here. But in a bad way, this isn't a good idea because what about those who haven't been here for more than 5 years, but have a clean background? What will happen to them? I feel that America is a country for opportunity. Obama has only done what he has done because he felt that this was the right thing to do. Many may be controversial over this executive order, but as of right now, we aren't sure if this will be a good idea or not. That is because the executive order has just started. When Obama said "What we can't do is just keep on waiting, there's a cost for waiting", i'd have to agree with him. Sitting back and doing nothing about the situation doesn't solve the problem, you'd have to get up and make a difference whether or not it will be a positive or negative outcome.

  8. President Barack Obama announced that a he will allow 5 million illegal immigrants to stay. I think this is good because he said that there is no need for them to be scared anymore that they can come out of there shadows with out the fear of being deported. Also he said he will only be deporting felonies not families.Obama’s executive order gave illegal immigrants the ability to stay in the U. S. temporarily if they have been here for more than 5 years and have children that are legal immigrants or U.S. citizens. This is good because it gives them equal oportunities as a citizen, they might even be more successful we may never know if we don't give them opportunities or chances. This is also good because it gives them a chance to prove them selves in our country. The bad thing about this is that this law is what about the people who have been here less then 5 years or who plan to come to america for a new life, they should have the same opportunities.

  9. On Thursday evening, President Barack Obama announced his hotly anticipated executive action on immigration, which will keep nearly 5 million undocumented residents from being deported. Even though the sweeping measure has elicited threats of retaliation from congressional Republicans, Obama said he moved forward because comprehensive immigration reform is unlikely to go anywhere in the GOP-dominated Congress next year. Obama himself stated "I know some of the critics of this action call it amnesty, Well, it's not. Amnesty is the immigration system we have today—millions of people who live here without paying their taxes or playing by the rules, while politicians use the issue to scare people and whip up votes at election time. That's the real amnesty—leaving this broken system the way it is." Some of the winners out of this are the Dreamers, Board Patrol, and families who are legal but have family elsewhere illegally. The losers would be undocumented immigrants.

  10. President Obama announced his executive order, he explained what the oder would do , and how it would not affect the rest of the country as much as people feared.In his speech he said he would allow 5 million illegal immigrants to remain in the country and pay their taxes and fees, without the fear of deportation.However this deal is only intended to work with those who have been here for longer than 5 years and /or have legal children of the united states.
    This type of compromise has both its advantages and disadvantages. On the bright side it allows families to remain together. It will bring in more money due to the people paying their taxes and fees. The argument with there being overpopulation is complete nonsense because of those who are being granted this temporary residency already reside amongst us.The only con that i can think of is the boss's now having to pay workers a salary that is minimum wage
