Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Blog #5 Paying your respects to our Veterans and the sacrifices they made

Good Morning Cadets! I hope you are enjoying your day off this Veteran's Day. I am posting the following video because it seems just like yesterday that I raised my right hand and said the oath of allegience to our country.  Your task it to watch the following video and respond on how it makes you feel.  Once you have done this, find your own video to add to our site to pay hommage to our Veterans for their sacrifices that they have made to keep our country free. Remember to lastly comment on one of your peer's work and your assignment for this week will be complete. Good luck and I look forward to viewing your selected videos. Try not to duplicate your other LET2's video selections if you can.


  1. YangC8
    (This is the third time i am writing this.. Laptop why you do this?)

    Watching this video makes me feel proud to be an American. The veterans who fought hard to serve and protect our country, they should be honored and respected on this day. They did the job for many who didn't want to or couldn't. I appreciate the effort and time they put into protecting our freedom and many other conflicts. I feel like i should be grateful that i am still living today to see how America has progressed over the years. We should put more time into doing whatever we could to improve America to make those veterans who sacrificed their lives for happy that they did what they did. In the video i'm going to share, it shows pictures of many veterans in battle and the respect the creator has for veterans. Not only veterans, but for those who fought for what they thought was right. I am feeling content that they're still people today who care about America, just like i do. To veterans out in the sky or veterans still here today, thank you for your service.

    1. I agree with you in that they have already proven themselves as of a superior being just by displaying courage and devotion. If it weren't for them, we would not have the same liberties as we do today, and the United States would be an entirely different nation.

  2. GuivesesZ8

    Having adopted the American way of life, I feel pride and patriotism while watching this video. I salute to the veterans who have served for our nation, and admire their fortitude despite the trivial criticisms of a few of their fellow countrymen. In contrast to the common notion, being a veteran does not necessarily mean engaging in war, losing a leg, or sacrificing one's life. I believe that everyone who partakes in the military—whether for the physical aspect of it, or just for the value of serving—are worthy of respect. Without their contributions through service, our nation would not be of the same condition and name as it is today, and that is something that citizens often take for granted. We need to pay honor to our veterans, not only on Veteran's Day, but on every other day as well.


    1. I agree with you because veterans worked hard for our freedom. people take this as granted but, they don't know the real story behind our freedom. Our freedom and safety are given by the veterans who fought (physically and mentally) for the United States.

    2. Freedom is not something everyone gets, it something we all should fight for and these veterans are risking their lives to fight for OUR freedom which shows that there are people in our country that want to sacrifice their lives, showing how much love he or she put onto our country.

    3. LinK8
      I agree with this comment however I think citizens generally show enough gratitude for our veterans. For example we have large numbers of memorials and I constantly see people shaking hands of soldiers and thanking them all the time. Besides if everyone constantly praised every service member people saw we'd probably start annoying them more than making them feel good.

  3. YangZ8
    I feel proud for all of the veterans that fought for our country and gave us a safe home. They are patriotic and nationalistic to our beloved country. Being a veteran does not mean that we have to go to battle fields and risk our lives, they can develop new technologies that help our country, use their knowledge to make strategies that can be used for war. To me a veteran is a person who would give up their time for their country and help making the country better. They deserve our salutes because they work hard for us and our country, but most importantly the veterans take the oath seriously and they should have all of our respect.

    1. I agree with you cadet yang. I also feel very patriotic when i watched the video!

  4. DiazC4
    This video makes me feel very grateful to be an American. As i watch the video i begin to realize that if it weren't for the men and women who severed this country, there is a chance that many of us would not be here. The video also gives me a feeling a patriotism as i watch theses young men and women take the oath to defend this country.

  5. After watching this video it made me grateful to be an american. Anyone who serves for our country in that matter any country are brave. They desrve all the the respect they can get because they have fought day and night hot or cold on land and at sea and that has not stopped them for protecting our rights. This video has showed me that there are people out their willing to join our military to protect us. This video makes me feel patriotic because it gives me pride to see these young citizens take the oath to protect our country and every thing we have.

  6. Logan Santos8 This video is an inspiring one. It reflects the values of the American soldier. These qualities should be inside all of us. It makes me proud to live here. Guiveses Z I COMMEND YOU FOR ELIQUENTLY typing my feelings.

  7. As for the link: http://.youtube.com/watch?TributeToTheTroopsw. Logan Santos8

  8. this video makes me feel so proud to be apart of this country that someone that does not know who i am and has know idea whether i like the military or not but believes that i am worth fighting for and they are willing to give up their lives to benefit mine i am forever thankful and in their depth for what they do for me and everyone else

    1. These soldiers had put their lives on line to protect us and I think we should show our love to them, I give with everything you said

  9. This video shows how proud we citizens are towards our country. People who served our country should keep their head high because they have made the greatest achievement and sacrifice in their lives. After watching this video, I can imagine and feel the hardship and struggles these soldiers had been though to protect our country and protecting our rights. We, as citizens of United States, should also help and assists these soldiers because we should show them how thankful we are to them.


  10. People who serves for our country are brave. They fully deserve all the respect because they have fought with unconditionally weather and fight for our country.
    this video made me feel more thankful because I am proud of each one of the soldiers out there. and we should always support them.

    1. I agree they should respected if you see them

  11. LinK8
    People in this country who fight so others don't have to and to preserve the american land and way, deserve this kind of respect from Americans. They were willing to make sacrifices and many have so the strangers they protect can live normal lives peacefully and free.

  12. Casquete phill pd7

    I give a huge amount of respect for those who served for our country. Not knowing if these soliders would return to see their loved one is scary. I give all my respect to the veterans who have fought for this countryhttp://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/nov/10/deborah-simmons-veterans-day-is-a-time-for-honor-r/?page=all

  13. After watching this video i had a mixture of feelings thankful, proud, yet sad. I am grateful for all those who decide/d to put there lives on the line to make America a safe place for us to live in. These soldiers go through thick and thin regardless of the situation. The sad part is, is that some of them never come back home to say there last goodbye. Therefore if you see a soldier in the street whether there retired or on active duty say thank you for all that they have done.

  14. After watching the video i believe that every american anything besides delighted and proud of all our men and women who make the ultimate sacrifice of their lives for the United States.These soldiers,marines, airmen,and seamen have gone through hell and back,left their family and friends behind. These video perfectly captivates an inside to what they go through and simultaneously honors them.
