Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Blog #4 Illegal Pete's, what's in a name?

Good morning cadets and welcome to your 4th Blog. As we are studying Citizenship Skills and learning about the Constitution, this weeks video will be a hot topic.  Watch this video and express wheather you agree with the protesters or the store owner.  Either way, you must support your opinion using one of the 7 Citizenship Skills or the Constitution.  Remember to post a link/url to also support your answer and then you must post a comment on one of your peer's answers. There are 3 parts to this exercise as always and you must post all 3 in order to get a possible 100 score. Good luck and I look forward to seeing your work.  And here is your video:


  1. LinK8
    I agree with both sides of this story to a certain extent however I am more in favor of "Illegal Pete's" side. Now this is not because of my own opinions this is entirely because the owners of "Illegal Pete's" have every right to name their restaurant whatever they want. This restaurant is obviously based on the illegal immigration issues in the U.S. with Mexicans crossing the border to the U.S. Although I do not like this racism even though it's still just a joke they are allowed to do this, these protesters are also legally practicing their right to protest against something they don't like. However the owners of Illegal Pete's don't have to listen to them nor do they have to change anything to meet the approval of others opinions.

    1. oooh. Lin, you didn't include any of the 7 citizenship skills that you were supposed to.

    2. I agree with you because the owner of "Illegal Pete's" have every right to name their restaurant the way they want to. They shouldn't all of a sudden decide to change it because a bunch of people are giving it racist remarks.

    3. On the contrary, the storeowner actually reasoned that the name was based on a book he once read. He may have only stated this in order to appease the protestors, but even then, I do not think he intended to be racist in the naming of his restaurant.

  2. I believe the restaurant should be able to have the right to keep their name. Yes, we have freedom of speech here in America, but it doesn't mean you should be saying things you aren't suppose to, such as being racist. As Bailey had quoted "we celebrate humanity, we celebrate individuality". There is nothing wrong with using the word "illegal" if it is for the right reasons. I must say i admire "Illegal Pete's" for their mental strength to be able to withstand days of customers complaints of wanting their restaurant to change the name. If the owner feels strongly towards naming his restaurant a certain way , he should be allowed to do it.


    1. Yang, I agree with you because the name of his store was based on his name and something he had read and it wasn't a racial slur. He did not intend to be racist.


    While there is substance to the argument of the protestors, the storeowner should have the right to retain the name "Illegal Pete." A matter so vague should not be taken out of context, for regardless of the angle from which it is viewed, a flaw would emerge if it is overanalyzed. As the storeowner stated, it is merely a reference to a book he has read. If any party should be labeled as racist in this case, it should be the protestors. After all, they were the ones who presented the idea that the name of the restaurant is a form of racial attack. The instigators should display respect and cooperation in that even though they do not agree with the owner's name choice, they should learn to coexist and fight for something of more value.


  4. YANGZ8
    I agree with the restaurant owner because he has the right to name his restaurant the way he wanted to. There can be many meanings to the word "illegal", it doesn't have to be illegal as for being against the law. since the store owner got the word illegal from the book he read he should explain to them why he used it and where he got the word illegal from. this might prevent the protestants from protesting because they will know the reason behind the whole situation.

    1. I agree 100 percent the owner has the rights to name his restaurant the way he wants to

    2. I do not agree with you, although he has the right to name it whatever he wants it is not right to name it illegal petes because many people will take it the wrong way

    3. I agress that he has the right to say what he wants but i disagree about the title

  5. YANGZ8

  6. what is life? to be honest. the restaurant should have the right to keep its name and it been around for 20 years. honestly there nothing you can do about it. people are going to just have cooperate whenever they like it or not, Its just a restaurant name.

  7. The constitution states that we have a freedom of speech ok this means not only speaking how we feel but expressing it and putting a name called ILLEGAL PETES is nothing its actually funny how the state of Colorado legalizes marijuana and is ok with drugs but has a problem with a restaurants name really ?

  8. Having freedom of speech does indeed allow the protesters to disagree with the name, however that same right gives the chain to keep the name. The owner has the right to name his restaurant how he pleases and in response to caraballos previous post, the state is fine with legalized marijuana but when it comes to a name people all of a sudden start loosing their minds

  9. DiazC4
    I agree with the protesters on this one. Although the store does have the freedom of speech, it is not right to name the store "illegal petes". I do not feel this is right because many people may get very offended considering the fact that they have been called illegal or are immigrants.

  10. DiazC4
    here is my link :)

  11. I do not agree with any of the oafs who feel Illegal Pete's is racist. Everyone just makes a big deal out of nothing, its absurd! The owner of his/her fine establishment can name their shop whatever they want simply because its theirs. The people could learn a bit of respect and keep their mouths shut. By the way Christian I don't agree with you. C'mon I'm Hispanic and I tell racist jokes all the time.

  12. Casquete Phill pd7
    I agree with the protesters. i think out of all the names they could of choose they choose a racist one. although they have freedom of speech theres a limit to things. its kinda racist but then again its their choice if it bothers people that much i think the owner should change it.
