Monday, October 27, 2014

Blog #3 Showing your true metal and spirit of a winner

Welcome again to your 3rd assignment with JROTC as a LET2. Since we are looking at becoming a great citizen and the 7 citizenship skills,  it is always important to examine and learn from other's lessons in life on what they have done to excel and stand out in a positive manner.  Your task is to watch the following video, post your opinion and to find another story that is in print or video that is online and post the URL back to our site. Last as always is to comment on your peer's work in a professional manner to inspire their work.  As always, good luck and I look forward to seeing your results.


  1. LinK8
    This is one of the example's of good sportsmanship rather than a desire to be the best and win. A lot of people would probably see this kind of situation as an easy win to beat another competitor. However some people like Bailey aren't selfish and instead of leaving her fellow competitor in the dirt, helps her finish the race. This displays a show of compassion and leadership for others, if Bailey had not helped Le Noue, she may have instead been pulled out for medical attention, feeling unaccomplished that she didn't actually finish the race.

    1. i agree with you because all the other competitors didn't want to stop and help, they just continued their business. Melanie was the only one that stopped and help Danielle out.

    2. I agree with both cadet Yang and Lin. Not everyone can be able to put aside their desire to help out someone who is in more need than they are. It's hard to choose between winning and losing to help someone else out. There is no wrong choice because we don't know if one person may not be able to help out because they have their own reasons for must having to win a race. But Melanie, what she did, she should be rewarded for her act of kindness.

  2. YANGZ8
    i think it is a nice thing that melanie would stop and help the injured competitor Danielle. many people passed by danielle after she got injured but she was the only one that sacrificed the chance of winning and chose to help danielle. melanie was kind but also determined, she didn't stop the race instead she continued with danielle on her back. Melanie could've stopped running and just aid Danielle until medical arrives, but she chose to finish the race with another person on he back. what she did made her a real champion because no on else did this but melanie was the only one who wanted to help other people to complete the race, she would not mind if she is last as long as she finished the race and she tried.

    1. i thought it was a nice thing of what the girl did. and i agree on what you said she didnt just leave she helped her.

  3. YangC8

    I believe Melanie is an inspirational young athlete. Nowadays, it is hard to find citizens who are able to do what she did. She chose to help an injured athlete over winning the race. This is not only an act of kindness, but an act of fairness and justice. You wouldn't want to win a competition just because your rival got injured, what skills do you really show? Melanie has the patience to carry Danielle towards the finish line, the strength to lift her up and not drop her, the fairness to not win because of an injured rival, etc. Melanie is a true citizen, she changed her goal of winning to help someone who could no longer continue the race. This is a true act of kindness and justice. Not many people are one of those who can sacrifice their wants to help someone else in need. Here today, we need more people like Melanie, maybe the world could be a better place.

    1. I completely agree that those without shame would have probably chosen to finish the race and turn a blind eye on what just happened to their competitor. Not only does it blur the hardship of winning, it shows just how shallow such an individual is for prioritizing competition over amiability. Melanie deserves the commendation she is receiving for the act of kindness she had done is not something you would witness everyday.


    Considering that winning nowadays is the highlight of almost everyone's life, it is reassuring to know that there are still individuals who value compassion over self-fulfillment. Although Bailey was not obligated to help Lenoue, she assisted her in completing the race even though she could have chosen to reach the finish line on her own. Bailey may not have received a medal for the good deed she had done, but the intangible merit of it is something she will never lose. Hopefully, her sportsmanship will serve as an incentive for people to focus on the welfare of others rather than their own.

  5. Its very nice what Melanie did. She helping out another person even though they were in different teams she still her. And she said it felt right. I agree with her because i would also feel great if i help someone if i see they hurt even though your racing. Its good.
    - cadet arvizu

  6. It was really nice what Melanie did. She did it with out expecting anything in return. All she did was help an injured person, she thought that was the best she could do. Any body else could of done the same thing but they didn't instead they keep running in order to get first place. Now every thing is about winning people don't care about others but their selves. She showed that good people still do exist and that it is not all about winning in life that what is better is helping other and seeing their reactions of happiness.

    1. I agree , people shouldn't do good deeds expecting anything in return. Just as the girl Melanie helped out said people just ran by her not stopping to help but Melanie took it in her heart to help a fellow competitor.

  7. this video just goes to show that their are people out there who really care about others and are willing to help them even if means failure for themselves Melanie gave the race up to help the other girl finish but in the end she really won for actions.

  8. Rather than running past her as some other competitors did, she stopped and offered help. It was not her responsibility to do , she did it out of good character. At the time i doubt she expected something in return for her deed. This video is heart warming because presently it is more common to find a person who will say " whats in it for me," instead of them just voluntarily helping someone out.

  9. Casquete Phill pd7
    This video showed an act of kindness. I think what this girl did was a good thing. it showed what kind of person she is. She helped the wounded girl instead of just leaving her. She did what she thought was a right thing to do. It showed good characteristics and i would have done the same thing.

  10. TorresF7
    This video shows a number of citizenship skills. One skill shown would be Kindness. Melanie , unlike the others took it in her heart to stop running pick up the girl and continue down the finish line. Another skill shown in this video is courage. Melanie could have easily ran passed her and had a chance to place but she stopped and help. As she said it was a great way to end her season.
