Monday, October 13, 2014

Blog #2 Community Service with Pride and Integrity

Good morning Cadets and welcome to your second Blog Assignment. Your task this week is to watch the following video and comment on it's content. Once you have done so, you must find another Story, Video, or New Report that talks about positive Community Service like the story that you just watched. You must post the URL/link to your story. Once you have done this give a brief discription on what the story is about and lastly, you must comment on one of your peer's work.  Good luck as some of you had a great start last week, I hope hope that more get motivated for this assignment. Here is your video.


  1. RobertsM7
    This is quite a spirit-lifting video. When I see that there are people that go above their call of duty it motivates me to work harder and do my part. Although this cop did more than he had to, if we make this the standard, just think how amazing the true hero stories will be.

    This video is of a police officer saving a woman after a traffic stop for running a red light. He reacted quickly and saved her life.

    1. This video shows how police are still trustworthy and because of his good deed which have most likely inspired United States that we can still trust in them and not abusing the citizen for something that is not a big deal.

  2. YangZ8
    This video is really inspiring because there are barely any officers that are in the U.S. that world buy a car seat for a child, instead they would give the car driver a ticket because they are being unsafe. This officer is special, he did something that other officers might no do, this officer is a real hero because he help someone when that person really needs the help.

    1. san5
      (let 1)

      I agree with you. usually officers do not go beyond what their duty requires. this is indeed a special case

    2. YangC8
      I agree with you also. There is a rare amount of officers who will go out of their way to do something good to the world. Giving a ticket, what good does that do? Not everyone is capable of paying back a ticket, considering our economic situation.

  3. This video is enkindling because now a days there are very few people especially police officers who will spend their own money and help someone rather than give them and ticket and bring harder times upon them. This cop did more than his job, he created an icon and hopefully motivated others to go out and help someone out of the good of their heart and not because its their responsibility.

  4. I think it is very noble thing for the officer to do.It is his job to ensure to safety of a citizen and not just to give out tickets. Also a ticket wouldn't help this family, especially with their financial circumstances. The family would go further into a financial crisis, thus unable to buy their daughter a safe seat and ensure her safety. It is wonderful that this story is being covered by the media, for the deed of the officer is not going unnoticed and more citizens and officers can use this an example.

  5. JiangJ7
    Not only did this officer did the right thing to fo but he also proved that we can still trust them and nowadays, cops are having a bad reputation for pulling people over for no reason and shooting them because of their race. This officer proves that there is still ways to help the citizens and not give him or her a ticket because the officer wanted to get something out of it. Police officers are there to help us and keep us safe from danger and this officer did his job.

    1. I agree with your statement that police officers nowadays have a bad reputation for no justifiable reason. The acts of a few should not represent that acts of a majority. However, I hope that this particular officer's good deed would influence others to do something similar if not greater.

    2. I also agree with your statement, the negative reputation that police officers are receiving nowadays is decreasing the trust we bestow upon them.This officer should be recognized more and be used as an influence to not other other cops but general people that you can go past your responsibilities and help others.

    3. I agree with Jiang because this pilce officer showed some kindness instead of giving her a ticket he got the woman a car seat. This puts a different perspective of people.


    Considering that life at present revolves around tending to oneself and merely trying to get by, this police officer's deed should hopefully reverse today's social conditions. There are simply moments in which going astray from customs is necessary to aid one who is in need. Some may argue that the officer failed to carry out his task by following his emotions rather than going by the book. However, the law is not plainly about giving tickets to those who break it; it should be taken into account that there are people who do not intend to commit a misdeed but are bounded to it out of necessity.

    1. The story is about "a man on a mission" to encourage his neighbors to perform random acts of kindness. He wants to highlight even the smallest displays of goodness in the world to counter all the negativity that is currently going on.

  7. This video is very inspiring because it show that good people do still exist. Not many officers do this now a days if it was another officer he probably would of given her a ticket any ways even when knowing her situation. This was very kind of the police officer because he did it willingly he was not forced to do so. He also would not mind doing it again. He didn't want anything in return either.

    In this video it shows that doing a act of kindness does not take much at all. It can be done anytime, anyplace, anywhere. With out expecting any thing in return because once you do and act of kindness it makes you feel good about your self.

  8. YouJC7

    What I think about this video and what the policemen was a very thoughtful thing. The policemen could have just gave them a ticket and went his way but he didn't and he bought them a booster seat. I think that this was very appreciated especially because the family was at a though time where money wasn't at hand and what the policemen did was very considerable.

  9. CasqueteP7
    This video is very thoughtful. There have been videos where policeman are hurting others and I'd say this video puts in some thought into who some people really are. It shows that not all cops are brutal and hurtful some actually do care about others
    This was a news article that showed a cop being nice to family helping out in a situation where the kid didnt want to livs in his household anymore. I thought this was pretty nice cause most people dont care about others.but in this case he did care and sought things out.

    1. I agree with you Phill because it's been a while since I've seen a news report where there isn't a cop doing something wrong like beating somebody for no reason instead of helping other people out like this Police officer did.

  10. LopezD7
    This video is over whelming because now at days, the cops aren't the same as this officer is, being brutal and disrespectful. This cop has a heart and is thoughtful of the child's safety and is understanding of the families finance problems. He says that giving the mother a ticket doesn't solve the situation of the child not being in a booster seat behind in the passenger seat, and I agree because the childs saftey is more important then giving the mother a ticket.

  11. YANGZ8
    This specific police officer pulled over a car for running a red light, but he didn't give the lady a ticket right away instead he intended to give her a warning which saved her life. the pullover and not giving her a ticket, prevented her from choking to death.

  12. LinK8
    Videos of things like this reminds people that police officers are people too, and like people they suffer and act like us. Much of today's generation and media loves to antagonize police officers when they can, but at the end of the day they have families and generally want to help people. Actions like the kind this officer took is a perfect example of a man who joined the force to help and protect others.


      I completely agree with you. Our generation is constantly targeting police officers as the "bad guys" when, although sOme may be, most of them just want to help us!


    This video is evidence that not everyone is the same. In this case, you cant say police are messed up because they are unfair and all are the same. No, not at all. Its evident that he went out his way to help a family which shows that you cant say that everyone is the same old "bad guy".

    1. I agree not all Officers are the same, some of them although the number maybe be close to 0, there are some that still care or at-least have human emotions.


    The Video above shows that there is good side to officers in the U.S whereas many other videos don't. No one could be certain that the officer is a good officer or not, but judging by his actions he most certainly proved that he takes his job very seriously and helped to prevent the woman from getting another ticket that she could not afford. Police Officers today are often portrayed as horrible people, but this officer showed that not all officers want to do harm to civilians.

  15. What this officer did for this young girl and her mother shows that there are still good people in this world. Not everyone is bad. We all make human mistakes, its understanding our mistakes and taking it up on our selves to make a change. I do believe that something blessful will happen to this officer for doing a good deed.
    I found another story of a officer coming to rescue of a man on a wheelchair. The chair battery had died and he couldnt move on his own. So the officer pushed the man three blocks up were they would pick him up in the freezing cold.
