Sunday, November 23, 2014

Blog #7 What makes a good leader? Ask Colin Powell...

We are learning about Leadership and what makes a good or great leader.  The Army says that there are 14 Leadership traits that help make a great leader.  You need to watch the video of Colin Powell and then select which of the 14 leadership traits you feel is the most important. Post your opinon and explain why you chose that particular trait.  Find a website/URL or article online that supports your trait and post it back to our site. Lastly as always, remember to comment on your peer's selections and you will be on track with this assignment.  Here is your video:


  1. Trustworthy in my opinion is the most important leadership trait and it is a very crucial one too. If there was a team, where everyone in the team doesn't trust each other, therefore it would do horribly in any situation, like playing ball, fighting in war, or achieving a goal. When someone put his or her trust on you, that means he or she believes that you would get things done because he or she knows you so well that you have a job and is to please him/her and let him/her know that they can trust you. When someone put their trust on you, they think you would be a great leader because you are tactical and intelligent. When you lose someone's trust, it becomes hard to get it back and its the reason why many people have a hard time believing in other people because they don't want to have that feeling. As Colin Powell said, his subordinates believe he is a good leader because he organizes the team and complete missions successfully.

    1. I absolutely agree with you. In addition, trust is necessary to establish a sense of belonging among the members of the group. It also inspires others to make it a point to complete their tasks because there is more weight to their responsibility.

    2. John i agree with you without trustworthiness is important !

  2. YangZ8
    In my opinion, the most important leadership trait to have is integrity. Integrity is to be honest with myself and other people. Integrity is the most important leadership trait because as a leader we should be honest to the people who are looking up to them and even random people. Without honesty no one will believe in us and this would cause others to wonder why they are being led by people who don’t trust them. Have trust in others is the same as honesty, if we don’t trust other people we would not be honest to them, then there is no point of leading a group that we trust. If I trust my mates I would tell them the truth because there’s no point of lying to the people that I trust. In JROTC the most important thing is to not lie, cheat, or steal and this leadership trait is similar to what we site in the cadet creed.

    1. I agree with you because everything starts off with trust and you need trust in order to succeed in JROTC

    2. LinK8
      I agree with this as it coincides with the leadership trait of trust which builds upon a true leader.

  3. Yangc8
    Out of the 14 leadership traits, i believe, as cadet Yang has mentioned, integrity is the most important leadership trait. Everything starts from something and that something is being honest. When you are honest with yourself and to others, will you then be able to find morals and principles in life to follow. Depending on your morals in life, it will led you towards a good path or a bad path. Trust is very important because everything you do and say is based off from trust. You have to trust yourself and others to achieve many things and the key to success in JROTC is teamwork. When we work in teams, trust is very important for able to have your members trust you to make the right decisions.

    Out of the 14 leadership traits, i believe, as cadet Yang has mentioned, integrity is the most important leadership trait. Everything starts from something and that something is being honest. When you are honest with yourself and to others, will you then be able to find morals and principles in life to follow. Depending on your morals in life, it will led you towards a good path or a bad path. Trust is very important because everything you do and say is based off from trust. You have to trust yourself and others to achieve many things and the key to success in JROTC is teamwork. When we work in teams, trust is very important for able to have your members trust you to make the right decisions.

  4. GuivesesZ8

    Of the 14 leadership traits discussed, the most significant is the ability to trust. In order to instill the functions of working collaboratively, the head of the group must be able to delegate tasks effectively. This would only be possible if the leader trusts his subordinates well enough so as to leave them with respective assignments. More often than not, those in charge are cautious of bestowing too much responsibility on another person, in fear that matters would not go according to plan. For individuals to be considered as a group, however, trust should be present from the very beginning.

  5. Being in JROTC we all are viewed as leaders. Every choice we make is the result of being in this program. So far from being in the program, the leadership trait I have always practiced and have yet to improve is bearing. Bearing, in my opinion, is the most important leadership trait. Since you are a leader, what you do, say and think can effect your subordinates' behavior. You are the leader therefore it is your responsibility to influence your subordinates in the best behavior. They look up to you, they want to be you. But how if you're always showing signs of laziness and wan't to go home. Thats what you make them think, that being a leader is lazy and want's to go home. That's why bearing can make or break you. You can be very nervous before a certain event but you can never show it because your subordinates will be as well. You are the leader, set the example.

    1. I agree with you Cadet Dominguez. Also i feel this trait fits you well. As a friend i know when your nervous but you try not to show it so we wont get nervous. Its a comfort feeling.

  6. In my opinion being in JROTC really does change you as a person not in a negative way but in a positive way. This program has brought nothing but the best out of me.I have learned to be more productive, outspoken, involved, and willing to take risk. so out of the 14 leadership traits discussed I think selfless service is the most important. As Colin Powell said its not about what you can do for yourselves its about what you can do for others. You have to do whats best for everyone. Even if it means holding practice till 8 at night. If its needed its needed. yes this could interfere with your personal life but at least you took the initiative to make it your best. Im not saying its easy we all ways want the best for us but we have to think about whats good for everyone.

  7. CasqueteP pd7
    Out of the 14 leadership traits we discusses in class in my opinion cooperation is the most important trait. You may not like that person but to come to a final conclusion on something you need to work with eachother. Without cooperation nothing can be done. Working on it together is the best way to solve something.

    1. YangZ8
      cooperation is a citizenship skill not a leader ship trait

  8. In my opinion Integrity is the most important leadership trait. <> It corresponds with trust. People tend to trust those who have bearing and integrity. When people have bearing they are viewed a different way , a better way. With integrity its the same way, it takes courage to stand up for what you believe in and whats right, but once you do you are either admired or hated for it.Integrity can also be described as being an open book and being honest even if it hurts someone but not to the extreme.

    1. I definitely agree with you about integrity being important. This is another thing that needs to be shown to earn people's trust.

  9. LinK8
    I agree with the speaker of this video when he says trust is the most important trait. A leader is not a leader if people don't trust him/her, that would make one a dictator or a tyrant rather than a leader. Leaders are those who's followers willingly put their trust into them with their own consent and are content with following said leader.

  10. The speaker in the video has convinced me that trust is the most important leadership trait. Trust is the combined result of employing other leadership traits such as selfless service to earn the followers' trust.
