Monday, December 15, 2014

Blog #11 Leaders that light your way to the future...

Since we are reading about leadership and managment, your task this week should be a relatively easy one. You must select a leader from the 20th or 21st Century that is a positive role model and read an autobiography or biography about that person. Below is a list of possible selections but they are not the only ones to choose from. You must select your person, then find a web-site about the individual and post the URL back to our blogk and you must then explain why you chose that person. The last thing that you must do is to comment on at least one other cadet's work. Remember that leaders come in all shapes and sizes and also from all areas and walks of life, not just from the military or politics. Anyone that has had a profound positive effect on society as a whole is up for grabs. Don't forget that there are 4 parts to this assignment and the you must complete all 4 parts to get your full credit for this homework assignment. See the list that follows for ideas and remember that if you can't find your book right away, you must select a different leader as quickly as possible. Your book must also be at least 100 pages in length.


  1. YANG Z 8

    1. You didn't explain why you chose him.

    2. YANGZ 8
      I chose babe Ruth because he is one of the many leaders that inspires me. At first i chose Jackie Robinson because he is the first of many black baseball players that strove through racism and inequality. He is still in our world record today. i chose Babe Ruth because i think he is really similar to Jackie Robinson and i would want to understand him more and compare his life to Robinson's life and see what they have in common because of society's force and power.

  2. Yangc8
    Being honest, i chose Maya Angelou because i remember vaguely how her name appeared in a novel i read last year called "Speak". Her name just appeared on the top of my head and i decided to do my book review on her. Based from what i read on a website dedicated to Angelou, i found out she was a celebrated poet, memoirist, educator, dramatist, producer, actress, historian, filmmaker, and civil rights activist. Despite her race and gender, she was an amazing leader who spoke out for not only herself, but for others who didn't have the bravery she had. This makes her have great integrity which is also one for the seven leadership traits. Not only having integrity, she has strength and respect, those qualities of a good leader.

    1. I have never heard of her but I sure look forward to reading your book review to learn more about her.

  3. LinK8
    I originally chose Buzz Aldrin but was unable to locate a biography with a minimum of 100 pages so I chose Dwight D. Eisenhower. I chose him because I managed to find a biography about him with a minimum of 100 pages while searching for a biography of Buzz Aldrin. Even so, i still think Eisenhower was a good leader during the 20th century as he was the Supreme commander of the allied forces during WW2 and was president of the United States.

    1. It would have been helpful if you had at least elaborated on why Eisenhower made an exemplary Supreme Commander during WWII instead of simply stating he was a good leader.


    I chose Oprah Winfrey because she is a very important philanthropist who created a remarkable school for girls in South Africa. Of course, all celebrities start from somewhere, But Oprah’s childhood was an unfortunate part of her life. Once she started to become famous, she gathered her money and pushed it toward the greater good of the world. Oprah wanted to create a charity of her own but in the form of a school. Yes of course there are many other celebrities that donate money to charities but she went above and beyond.

  5. I chose Princess Diana because i have heard of her but i didn't know much about her. I wanted to know more about her what had happened to her. As i started reading my book i realized that she wasn't always about the high life with riches and etc. She was a kindergarten teacher she loved helping out as many people as she could she was caring and loving and was loved by all people. Although her life seemed wonderful she was always going through a rough time but she never let that get in her way of doing what she loved the must. Helping people.

  6. Reference:
    I choose Mark Owen because he has exhibited great mental courage, endurance and determination throughout his career as a Navy SEAL operator and member of DEVGRU (AKA SEAL Team Six). I also find him to be an outstanding patriotic, especially for having given fourteen years of his life to serve his nation enter dangerous and hostile situations to protect innocent people from tyranny and evil. To summarize up why I choose him would take a while since there are so many reasons. But a few things I is will say about him is that he exhibits courage, independence, fast and strategic thinking and extreme determination and endurance against all odds. He is one of the truest Americans to ever live, along as one of the best leaders, deserving of this recognition.

    1. If you don't put your information into response: "LewJ4" you can't get credit for your work. So make sure you do this from now on.

    2. If you don't put your information into response: "LewJ4" you can't get credit for your work. So make sure you do this from now on.

  7. GuivesesZ8

    Prominent for having been an anti-war activist in British-ruled India, Gandhi is my choice for this assignment for I admire his will to abide by his beliefs and his nation's original conventions through civil disobedience. Although I disagree with his refusal to assimilate with surrounding cultures/countries, I am aware that he deemed it necessary to seek unity from within first before attempting to interact with the outside world to ensure that their own values are not forgotten in the process. While his movement did not exactly leave an immediate impact on India after his assassination, his attempt in making a difference through peaceful means is awe-inspiring in a world where one has to resort to loudness and violence to be heard.

  8. I chose Ellen DeGeneres because i admire her for being able to in the same room as Beyonce and still being more flawless than her. She may not be a war hero or an athlete , but she is one of the most successful gay women in the industry. She was the voice of dory in finding nemo, and that definitely counts for a lot.She worked hard to be where she is today, and shes a role model to all people.

  9. Logan Santos8 I have chosen my main man Frank Sinatra. I love old style music. My mom is a small version of ITunes and she has passed a lot of music down to me. Frank is my favorite mainly because his music makes me snap my fingers and move to the sound of the beat. His music has inspired many people and paved the way for stars like Michael Buble and Harry Connic Junior. http://www.franksinatra/search

  10. LopezD7
    I choose Jackie Robinson because he was an outstanding baseball player and was the first African-American baseball player to join the MLB. Although segregation took place during his time in the MLB, he did not mind really mind the negativity brought to him because oh his passion towards baseball.
