Friday, January 16, 2015

Blog #14 Healthy Happy Hearts, we are what we eat...

We are almost at the end of the Semester and one of your last tasks while we are studying about eating healthy and managing our body weight is to find a story of video that promotes good health. Post the story/url to our blog and comment on the story, remember to comment on comment on at least one of your peer's work and have a great time with your Regents Testing that is coming up. Good luck on your Semester Finals as well. Thanks again and here is your video.


  1. YangZ8
    This website give tips for a healthy diet and which product we are supposed to eat to be healthy. There are specific types of food that we should eat in our meal everyday and a specific amount of that food as well. Eating too much of something that is healthy can turn unhealthy because it is more than what the body needs.

    1. That is true, eating too much of something or too less is very bad. You need to balance your diet regularly.

  2. CasqueteP pd7
    too stay in good health we should be eating right and exercising.Eating lots of junk food and not exercising is bad. Some people say you should only be eating a fist of a food.

    1. I agree that meals should be eaten in proportions in order to be able to maintain one's weight. And while people often use the excuse of having no time to refrain from exercising, there is one simple solution: make time. Health should be everyone's priority.

    I found this video quite funny and adorable, but it was very helpful. It says how eating is good and how eating the right stuff can benefit you. It also says how keeping clean and playing sports is a good way to stay healthy, because it helps you stay/look young and keep you exercised.

    1. This is very tuque maintains a healthy diet and. Working daily can also increase your energy level. You feel lighter and more active.

  4. Philip Ioannou, Period #8, LET #2

    This site states ten different "[m]otivational [t]ips" which can assist an individual in obtaining and, or maintaining good health. I choose it because I found it simple to comprehend / direct and being posted by, in my opinion, a sufficiently credible source.


    The video gives a brief overview as to how sugar can become addictive when ingested frequently in high amounts. While carbohydrates are essential to regulating bodily functions, they should be taken in moderation—especially foods that fall under the simple category. The speaker in the video provides a few countermeasures that can be applied if you can be classified as "addicted".

  6. Logan Santos8 in a long shot this video is basically giving advice on how to be healthy and keep in shape. These simple tips will help people stay healthy. The best thing about the video in my opinion was the little baby drinking water #adorable.

  7. LinK8
    There's too many sub articles on this website but it's basically a government website on how Americans should live their healthy lifestyles. It also has many articles that could educate the general public of information they might need to know. This website is made by the CDC and they know their stuff very well so this website is very ideal for others to read and take notes of for their own personal health and the health of others family or not.

  8. NakhlawiR8
    I found this video very insightful because not only does this video target children and teens, but also gives health tips that most kids don't follow. The video tells kids that drinking water and keeping off the computer will be healthy for them. In the society we live in, children and teens are always locked in their bedrooms either playing video games or watching t.v, its very rare that you see teens or children being active unless they join a team, maybe after seeing this video they may want to eat more fruits and vegetables and less potato chips and soda.

    1. Cadet, your writing is great but you didn't put the URL in for the Video you are refering to that you watched. Please take care of that.

    2. Cadet, your writing is great but you didn't put the URL in for the Video you are refering to that you watched. Please take care of that.

  9. YangC8

    I remember watching this show last year and it greatly affected my choice of the food i intake everyday. Instead of talking about facts of obesity and underweight, the show gives an example of two kids. Not to make fun of them, but to show us what exactly we're doing to our body. There was a scene in that episode where there was two huge tubes and from morning to night, the food goes down the tube showing what they eat everyday and the food aren't healthy. This show is aimed at not only children, but adults because sometimes the adults are at fault for what their children eat. I found this video very helpful.

  10. Torres F PD7
    SNAP-Ed programs helping children make healthy choices are important in battling obesity. Many schools have been given grants to start up more physical activities after school.Even ifs something as simple as dancing or playing tag for atleast 30minutes.

  11. Ziemczonek B PD 7
    To stay healthy you have to eat right and on right time , you have to exercise your body to maintain your health. Like my old trainer said your body is like car engine if you will not take care of it , it will stop working
