Monday, September 28, 2015

Blog #1 2015 Goals and How to Achieve Them for LET2's

Welcome back to Tiger Battalion JROTC.  Your homework this week is an easy task. You must list 3 goals that you will/have set for yourself this year and explain why you chose those 3. Once you have posted them, you need to post a URL for a video or website that helps support your goal. The last thing that you must do is to comment in a positive manner regarding one of your peer's goals. Once you have completed all 3 tasks you will be elligable for a complete grade.  I look forward to reading your posts. Here is my video link from YouTube to show you what one of my goals are this year:  Music & The Brain


  1. For my three goals, I have a short, medium, and long goal My short goal is to pass physics for the first mp. My medium goal is to complete all my homework in JROTC and other classes. My long goal is to apply and get accepted into Brooklyn college. All my goals are achievable for me and radical.
    Ireneusz Szymborski LET2 PD8

    1. MunV8:
      I hope you succeed in all your goals because they're all good goals and it would be great to see you succeed in the future.

  2. Sob.A5- My main three goals are 1. To excel as an actress/fashion designer, 2. To be successful as a student, 3. To get in a good college. These are my goals because i am very into acting and fashion and design, to get into the honors academy, and to be successful so you exceed in the real world (I like how you have a goal to get into a specific college)

  3. My 3 goals are out of the ordinary compared to some people, but you will have to read them anyway.
    1. Become better than I am on the competitive scene of a certain game.
    2. Learn how to be a better, respectful person.
    I dont really have a video to show my goals.

    1. Google account thing didnt work
      Alex Lesniak pd8 let 2

  4. MunV8:
    My 3 goals are:
    1. To get higher grades overall/ higher average (above a 90%)
    2. Always complete all the assignments that I was told to do.
    3. Become a better leader within both JROTC and in my community.

    1. sand7

      Those goals are very similar to mine. I think everything leads to my ultimate goal which is to be a better leader which i see in your goals as well, for your long term goal is to become a better leader within the program and the community.

    2. Vanessa I think theses goals are something you can defiantly achieve within this year, you are very much capable of becoming a leader as of JROTC

  5. My three goals are:
    1.Get a good job
    2.Travel round the world
    3.Be a versatile student
    Actually i just want to have no trouble and no worries.but i have to get a higher average(report card) also.
    Yao Liu let 2 pd7

  6. sand7 (sandhu, let2, period 7)

    My three goals for this particular year are to maintain a 90+ average, to win competitions for debate team, excel in academic and drill team and ultimately make my mother fond of me.

    This is a video of motivational music that i listen to whilst doing homework or studying. Generally when I lose motivation, this music energizes me which helps remind me why this is important and of my aspirations.

    1. SanI5
      I have the same goal as you which is to maintain a 90+ average throughout the school year and I think the other two goals are really good as well. I also like how you have a certain song that inspires you and that reminds you why things are important to you.

  7. SanI7
    My three goals for this year are:
    1) To get an 80 or higher in my physics class. The physics tests are really hard and no one passes them, and also no one usually gets high grades in physics but I want to get an 80 or higher this school year in my physics class even when the subject is really hard.
    2) To have a 90+ average throughout the year because I want to make myself proud about my grades and my mom as well. Also because junior year is really important since colleges look at it the most.
    3) To do well on my SAT'S because colleges care a lot about the grade that you get in these tests.

    The following link is an article that gives 10 ways on how to do well your junior year, and I really like them therefore I think I should follow some of the tips that they give:

  8. MroK8:
    My three goals are:
    1) To pass all my classes with the higher grade then previously. Meaning that if I got a 85% in science i will aim for anything that is a 90% or higher in science.
    2) To be academically good, to be able to qualify for a ROTC/ regular scholarship for collage.
    3)Since I currently attend to schools: Fort Hamilton and my Polish Saturday School. My goal is to graduate out of both school. Fort Hamilton in 2018 and Polish School in 2017

    1. Abd.pd7 let 2
      we have the same 1st goal (which I think everyone does) and I hope you can achieve all your goals in time and do better than yo ever expected.

  9. My Three Goals are:
    1.) To Maintain an average above a 90 in all of my classes
    2.)To Spend less time on social media and focus on school more
    3.)to find what really interests me

  10. My 3 goals for this year are...
    1) Pass all my classes with at least an 85% or higher for the first semester and 90% for the second semester.
    2) Attend raider tryouts and make it on the team and stay on it for the next 3 years.
    3) try to find a part time job and keep up with school in the same time

    1. Keep it up. I'm pretty sure you will obtain what you want as long as you are determined. Just work hard for what you want and there won't be a problem. Your goals are great!

    2. Bar L Period 7
      Our goal related to grades is similar and I think anyone can achieve a goal they set for themselves as long as they are focused and motivated.

  11. My three goals are obtain 85 and above in all my classes and become as active as possible during my junior year. I'm planning to join as many programs as possible.
    2. To obtain a 90 and above average and to get a good score for the SAT in order to get into a good college.
    3.i want to strengthen my body. I want to get leaner and gain more muscle because I want to be in the bodybuilding show.

  12. Bar L Period 5
    My three goals for myself are to be more motivated within and outside of school, achieve a 90 overall average and to be less of a procrastinator. I chose these three goals because they will make me a better student. Also my goals can benefit me outside of school as well. This video motivated me to try and achieve the goals I set for myself and it is a good video overall.

  13. My goals for this year are:
    1.To obtain a 90% or higher in all my classes.
    2.Not procrastinate on my homework's/projects.
    3.Obtain a leadership position.
