Monday, October 12, 2015

Blog #2 The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth?

The first Democratic Debate has been held and there was a lot of talk from both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders about Gun Control and how the Gun Companies should be held accountable for injuries to the victims and their families that are caused by their guns. The statement was made that "Gun Companies" are the only industry that is not accountable for their misuse of the items that they produce.  Read the following "Fact Check" from NPR and see if this is true. Post your own point of view and see what can be done to assist and help move our country to a better way of gun management.  Post your link/url/article to our site and comment on your peer's work along with your own opinion and you will have completed your work for this week..

NPR Article Link


  1. SanI5
    The article says that Clinton is wrong since she said that gun manufacturers aren't responsible for their products but they do have distinct protections from lawsuits. In my opinion, gun manufacturers aren't responsible for the way the guns purchased are used unless they were told what the purpose of buying the gun was. I think this because if you use a knife and you kill someone, you can’t sue the company for that because they didn’t make the product for that purpose and they didn’t know that you would use it for this purpose. I don't think that guns should be taken away because they are also used for protection. Also, I don't think that cops should be the only ones allowed to have guns because they could hurt someone the same way someone else could or they could start a shooting massacre just like anyone else could start one. Also because other weapons could be used to kill someone even if they weren't made for that purpose. I think that a possible solution could be having the trace information of the owner.
    The link to the article below talks about why guns shouldn't be banned:

  2. In my opinion,Gun control is a very complex thing, because now the gun has been basically distribute every household, but I think this is not a good thing, because the shooting occurred frequently,I think gun is only deserve such as police, but even so we also can't t stop criminals selling guns,this is the best result.

