Monday, October 26, 2015

Blog #4 Republican Presidential Debate this week.

Cadets, this is a little extra work for this week to make sure that you keep up with the Presidential Race that is starting to heat up on both sides.  This Wednesday evening is the 3rd Republican Debate and as there will be less candidates, hopefully they will get into more in depth answers to the questions that they are asked. Watch the debate on CNN and post which candidate you think won overall. Support your opinion with at least 2 facts that support their debate information and comment on at least one of your peer's opinions as well. I realize that most of you are not Republicans but remember, to win a war against your adversary you must know your opponent very well. Good luck and I look forward to seeing your results.

Remember to do your Key Terms from page 168 in your Text Book as well on Citizen Action Groups. This is due on Thursday, the 29th of October, the day of the Halloween Howl Dance for JROTC.

LET2 Text Book JROTC Part1          LET2 Text Book JROTC Part2


  1. I highly dislike all of the republican candidates and strongly disagree with my republican counterparts. Conservatism in society, for me, is absolutely pointless because in order to have a dynamic society we must progress, leave behind tradition and adopt a broad perspective and liberalism. fundamental conservative republicans have opposed the constitution and equal rights numerous times throughout American history. In the late 1900s, republicans opposed interracial marriage and most recently opposed gay marriage as well as denying service to these individuals (referring to the religious restoration act in Indiana) using religion as an excuse to justify discrimination.

    The beliefs and policies of the potential republican presidents are preposterous and many of the things they have said have proven to be fraudulent. For example, Ben Carson claimed that he got a full scholarship to West Point Academy when there is no evidence of him attending or even applying to West Point, especially when West Point does not offer scholarships. Ben Carson has said that Darwin's theory of evolution was made by "the adversary" which is a euphemism for Satan which only gives evidence to the extent of his ignorance. He also claims to support the confederate flag to appeal to more fundamentalist southern conservatives despite being African American.

    Other republican candidates such as Carly Fiorina and Bobby Jindal tried to maliciously defund planned parenthood in attempts to deter abortions when abortions are only 3% of what planned parenthood does. Planned parenthood does breast cancer screening, cervical cancer screening, pregnancy diagnosing and countless other things free for low income women when other medical facilities cost a significant amount of money for the same things. Planned parenthood is amazing to offer women medical care and attention for free without profiting from it Carly Fiorina made up a horrible fraudulent story to defund this amazing organization that does not profit from any medical care they provide to women. She used a heavily edited video to "prove" that planned parenthood was maliciously using the brains of developed babies to perpetrate experiments upon and for selling fetus tissue which of course was proven to be false.
    Another candidate of the republican party- Donald Trump who is unfortunately in the lead for his party is represented by radical, racist, ignorant bigots.

    I know my adversary- the republican party- very well, therefor i am justified in opposing them because i have evidence to bolster my claims.
