Monday, November 2, 2015

Blog #5 We The People, the first 5 Amendments to the Constitution and the Election

Good morning and welcome to the study of our Constitution and our government. As we have discusssed already, the Preamble to the Constituion is an amazing start to what is the longest living document to govern a single country. Your task this week is to select one of the first 5 Amendments to the constitution and post why you think that it is important.  You must then find a reliable/confirmable News source story that is related to the Amendment of your choice and post the url/video while explaining how it is related to the Amendment of your selection. Lastly, you must post if you think this Amendment will be a factor in the upcoming election of 2016.  Once you have posted all three elements remember your positive comments/critiques relating to at least one of your peer's work. You can post to more that one so don't be shy, remember to help your peer's confidence. Good luck and I look forward to seeing your work.


  1. I think that the first amendment is the most important and my favorite amendment in the first 5. It as I state "Prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances." I think this is the most important because it gives the people in the nation the freedom of their beliefs and the freedom of saying or writing anything you want. This is the most important one because without it, the others amendment would not be possible to make.
    This article talks about a blogger that uses the first amendment to protect his views and video.
    This video talks about the first amendment and how it come and go. I also feel that this amendment would have a impact on the elections. If grants the freedom of speech and people get prosecuted over their views or religious views like the photo you showed us in class.

    Ireneusz Szymborski LET2 PD8

    1. I, too chose the first amendment because it is one of the most prominent ideas in a democracy and I believe it to be one of the principle aspects of a free individual when he/she can speak whatever they desire (with limitation of course) without fear of persecution. I think a nation without the freedom of speech is indication of an oppressive government.


  2. Personally, of all the amendments I value the freedom of speech (first amendment) the most. I think we as people exercise this right the most of all rights granted to us. As a highly opinionated individual with very resolute beliefs, who thoroughly enjoys debating and writing adamant articles for the school newspaper club, I exercise this amendment very often. In fact, without this I am very certain that I would be imprisoned and/ or persecuted for violations numerous times. Freedom of speech is incredibly consequential for the advancement of our country and maintenance of a dynamic society. New ideas and opinions must be shared, political pretenses must be called out, right to expression must be exercised, and corruption must be exposed.The freedom of speech allows for all of that to happen, therefor I believe it to be the most significant. . here is a link to an article that I enjoyed reading. it was about the importance of the first amendment within our nation.
