Monday, November 23, 2015

Blog #9 Thanksgiving and giving thanks, where thanks is due.

Good morning cadets. Your task this week is to post reasons why you are thankful during this time of year in advance of the Thanksgiving Holiday.  As usual, post a story or video that supports your point of view and lastly remember to post feedback on at least one of your peer's work.  I will start this off with my reasons for being thankful.

I am thankful for living in a country that guarantees I have Freedom of Speech. I am also thankful for my health, family, abilty to work, grand-kids, and mostly my loving wife whom has supported me through thick and thin.


  1. Sob.A-5

    I am very thankful for a family that supports me in all of my hobbies, having a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food on the table, and that I am still living. God bless our souls and God bless America!

  2. Acopd8
    I am thankful for having such a wonderful family that I come home to everyday and for having food in my fridge and a roof over my head. I am also thankful for great friends that I talk to on a daily day basis and that I am healthy and alive, I should appreciate it more because some people aren't as lucky.

    1. Sand5
      Its important to take time to be thankful that our fundamental needs are being fulfilled which we generally overlook in life, especially when not everyone enjoys the same opportunities as us.

  3. I'm thankful for everything,because everything is wonderful,I have a very good family,I have three friends,I have something to eat and I can go to school.The most important thing is,I can always meet good people,and they always help me.


  4. MunV8
    I'm thankful for the family I have and all the good things and bad things that have happened to me this year. It's all part of life and only God knows the reason as to why things like those happen. Thankful for the food I have on my table everyday because there's other who don't have to eat on a daily basis. I'm thankful for those friends that have stayed with me through everything and deal with me on a daily basis. Thankful that I wake up to a new day everyday and I'm not suffering like others are in a hospital due to illnesses. Thankful for my parents who keep me motivated everyday to keep on learning to have a brighter future than what they had.

  5. Sand5

    I am thankful for a functioning body, supportive and loving family and friends and I am thankful for being a citizen of a nation where I can freely voice my opinions, write or read whatever I wish, do whatever I please without being bound to unjust biased regulations based on religious affiliation, gender, race, or class and where I can truly thrive.

  6. YouJ pd7
    This holiday season I am extremely thankful for all of the privileges i get to have, i am thankful for the food that i have on my dinner table everyday, i am thankful for all of my friends and family who are always there when i need them and i am thankful for being in this country.

    1. SanI7
      Just like you said, I am thankful for the dinner table that I have everyday and the family and friends that are there for me when I need them. I like the thingss that you are thankful for and the video as well.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. SanI7
    This Thanksgiving I am mostly thankful for the mother that I have because she means a lot to me and I appreciate all the efforts that she makes for me to have a better life and she's always been there for me when I need her. I am also thankful for having a family and a house because I know others aren't as lucky as I am to have one so I appreciate that and for the people in my life. And I am lastly thankful for being able to go to school even though sometimes I complain and don’t want to go, I am thankful because I know that others aren't as fortunate as me and can't go because of money or other problems in their country and for my health.

  8. I am grateful for having parents as amazing as mine. They have always been there for me and provided through thick and thin. They work hard every day to make sure I always have what I need and for this I am forever grateful

  9. PlaC7
    I am thankful for the the house i have, my parents and my siblings. MY parents worked very hard to get to where we are now and i am very thankful for that. Also my siblings have been there for me whenever i needed them and i cant ask for a different family to have.
    this video shows everything that i am thankful for that i didnt get to say.and i apologize in advance if anyone gets offended by this video because its a christian video.

  10. Roc W Prd 8
    I am thankful for my parents and my sister specially my mom who is always their for me.Also i am thankful for the food we ate and that we always eat together as a family, we also gather together and cook and i help out my aunt by cooking and making pies and other types of foods.. we always have a big dinner table with different kinds of foods and im thankful for that. i am also thankful for my sister she always comforts me when i am upset. i am also thankful that me and my family are all alive and healthy. Also the place i live in and that we had a enjoyable thanksgiving.
