Monday, November 9, 2015

Blog #6 Honoring our Veteran's on Veterans Day!

Good Morning Cadets. Your task this week is to find a thoughtful video on YouTube that is a tribute to Veterans and post the link to our website.  Remember to post your own personal thanks to Veterans for their sacrifices and explain why you chose your video.  Lastly you must comment on at least one of your peer's work/post.  Once you have done all three of these requirements you will be eligible for a possible 100 points for your work. Remember that you only get credit for your video if you post it before someone else does.  Here is my video and I look forward to watching yours. I chose this one because of the music and the great work that salutes all of our Veterans, including those that went into space. Yes, they were in the military too.  I hope you like this one.


    I choose this video because it talks about the history of the holiday. It talks about why we celebrate and honor to those that fought for us, our country, without them we wouldn't be the same as we are today. I honor anyone who served in the army, and those that passed away and to honor those on this special day, November 11.

    Ireneusz Szymborski LET2 PD8

    1. I am very happy to be marching in a meaningful parade as the Veterans Day parade and paying tribute and memorial to thousands of valiant soldiers.

      Shammy Sandhu LET2 PD7


    I chose this video because it served a heart warming tribute to all that died serving the country. It is collection of videos of soldiers returning home to overjoyed families which leaves a melancholy feeling of the absence of those who could not return home.

    Shammy Sandhu LET2 PD 7

    1. I like your video, the soldiers are selfless!

      YAO LIU PD7

    2. SanI7
      I really like this video because it has both images and video clips put together and I think it is a really emotional video because it shows the soldiers returning back to their families and their reactions and it makes me happy to see that.

  3. I've really enjoyed the video that you choose. I felt it to be heartwarming and a really good video to the veterans.

    Ireneusz Szymborski PD8

  4. I chose this video because it shows the real combat environment - , the soldiers are always in danger, they can choose a comfortable life, but they didn't,they choose to sacrifice themselves, save others, they don't fear danger, not afraid of pain on the body, they are the greatest person in the world, I chose this video because it shows the real combat environment - , the soldiers are always in danger, they can choose a comfortable life, but they didn't,they choose to sacrifice themselves, save others, they don't fear danger, not afraid of pain on the body, they are the greatest person in the world, I hope one day, we will never have the war,their voice in the video, it piercing pain in our heartI hope one day, we will never have the war,thanks for you service!god bless you!

    YAO LIU LET 2 PD 7

    1. I chose this video because it shows the real combat environment - , the soldiers are always in danger, they can choose a comfortable life, but they didn't,they choose to sacrifice themselves, save others, they don't fear danger, not afraid of pain on the body, they are the greatest person in the world,their voice in the video, it piercing pain in our heart I hope one day, we will never have the war,thanks for you service!god bless you!

    I chose this video because it itself is dedicated to the veterans, both living and not.
    Id like to thank all of the soldiers (allied, and enemy) for fighting for their countries, and protecting their people. War....War Never Changes.
    Aleksander Lesniak LET 2

  6. SanI7
    I chose this video because it honors all of the veterans that have served our country and that are still serving or have died. I really like the pictures that it shows because I think that it shows how much they have sacrificed for our country and we should thank them for their service and the effort that they have made and things that they have gone through.

    1. MunV5
      I like this video you chose because it not only shows just one branch of the military but all. The video shows how each and every one of them has sacrificed their lives to protect us and how after serving the country and going home it brings lots of joy to their families.

  7. Acopd8
    I chose this video because it made me really happy , Throughout watching the whole video I felt a smile come across my face. I really do appreciate veterans , they had a lot of courage and they scarified a lot for our country.

  8. MunV5

    I chose this video because it shows all the little things throughout the years the soldiers have done for us. They fought for our freedom and protect it too. Even though I'm late I will forever thank what they do for us/what they have done for us as a whole. Each and every one of them has sacrificed their lives for the country.

    1. I appreciate this video because it shows the burden our soldiers have faced and overcome in service of our nation. It sets a mood of honor and duty and courage


    I chose this video because it accurately represents the honor of the armed services and the dedication of its defenders. Without those willing to lay their life on the line I am grateful. For without them this nation stands defenseless. But not only our nation our world.

    1. The video you have chosen was very heart warming, and it shows how many people risk their own lives to makes other lives better.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. MroK8
    I chose this video because, it shows what our soldiers when through to allow us to live the way we do today. This video brought tears to my eyes,seeing all the people that stood by their country all of the, the ones with us today and the ones not. Some soldiers coming home to their family, was very heart warming, because these people but their own lives at risk to make their country, what it is today. Our soldiers should be thanked everyday, for their bravery, not just on a certain day. As one of the posters in the videos state "Thank You For Our Freedom"

    1. MenA8
      I really like this video. It really shows what soldiers go through which is why we should thank and honor them not only in veterans day, but everyday.

  11. MroK8
    I chose this video because, it shows what our soldiers when through to allow us to live the way we do today. This video brought tears to my eyes,seeing all the people that stood by their country all of the, the ones with us today and the ones not. Some soldiers coming home to their family, was very heart warming, because these people but their own lives at risk to make their country, what it is today. Our soldiers should be thanked everyday, for their bravery, not just on a certain day. As one of the posters in the videos state "Thank You For Our Freedom"

  12. MenA8
    I chose this video because it shows what soldiers have to sacrafice to fight for this country. Not only them but their families as well. They try their hardest to prevent the worse from happening to us and their loved ones from harm and keep us safe. I thank all of those who have served and who are serving for this country to keep us safe and making us live the way we do today.

    i chose this video because it shows what the veterans go through and some of the wars they have been in. Also it shows that trying to keep us safe bad things can happen to them such as getting their limbs blown off in combat.Another reason why i chose this is because it doesnt only show one branch of the military it shows multiple. It gives respect to all of the branches.

    Cause I believe it shows that this is the kind of respect we should all be showing toward vets and more, I hope and pray we can honor what that young boy tries to teach everyone
