Sunday, November 22, 2015

Blog #8 Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...but close the door on Syrians?

Good morning cadets. As we began to discuss in class last week, your task this week is to post your opinions, either pro or con on whether the United States should continue with bringing in Syrian Refugees after the wave of terrorist attacks around the world in the past two weeks.  You must listen/read the NPR news article to get a better understanding on how the Syrians will be allowed to come to the U.S. Once you have done this, post your personal opinion and use an article from a reliable source/video to support your believe. Good luck and remember to post positive feedback on at least one of your peer's work.  Good luck and make sure we keep this a friendly, spirited assignment.


  1. YouJ pd7
    I am for bringing in reuses from Syrian. I'm for it because there are families that are living in a war zone, they are living in hazardous, dangerous environments. we shouldn't leave them like that, if we can do the slightest thing to help why wouldn't we? they might even try to flee the county themselves and this might be extremely dangerous and could lead to many of them dying. some people also may be overwhelmed by the fact that there are 10,000 of them but americas population is about 300 million, 10,000 to 300 million is nothing we can defiantly make some room and help out as much as we can. this article shows how grateful some of these Syrian people are for america opening its doors to them, you might think oh there is a terrorist treat but these people were living it, they saw people die, they were extremely scared for there families and for them to be in america where they feel a lot safer means the world to them.

  2. I think we should take in more refugees because it's what America stands for. I believe it should be in our nature to offer humanitarian support. All citizens of this country come from refugees or immigrants and it's our duty to continue this. America should be a beacon of hope for those in need

    1. sandhu period 7

      I, for once agree with you. It should be our moral obligation to help these people. This is a humanitarian issue, not a political one.

  3. Shammy Sandhu period 7

    I am 100% for bringing Syrian refugees into the United States. It is not only inhumane but also un-American to close the doors on thousands of men, women, and children suffering at the hands of our adversary- Isis. There is a point where we need to put politics aside and look at things from a more humanitarian perspective and help these people who are fleeing a war torn country and attempting to escape the same terrorist group we are fighting against. It is biased and downright wrong to feel sympathetic and compassionate for French citizens for attacks from ISIS but not for Syrian citizens who live in constant terror from ISIS. France named the Statue of Liberty when sending it to us-the Mother of Exiles, and if we wont take in these "exiles" then we do not deserve to keep the statue of liberty, especially when we are denying liberty to those who need it the most.

    Taking them in would not serve as a threat to the United States because the process to bringing them in is very elaborate and takes months to complete to ensure the safety of our own citizens first.

    Syrian refugees consist of a quarter of the Lebanese population, other nations such as Italy, Turkey, and France had taken in refugees as well, yet if the United States-the most substantial in size and population among all these nations refuses to take in these people escaping from what we are against, we would be an international embarrassment.

    this is a link to a political commentary show. it is only a few minutes long but it is very meaningful.
