Monday, September 26, 2011

Blog #3 The Constitution and what "rights" are for you?

The Bill of Rights from the Constitution is considered the key to America's freedom.  The 10 amendments are important as well as the additional 17.  James Madison is given credit for ensuring that the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution.  Your task for this assignment is to look at all 27 amendments and select 1 amendment that you feel you could live without. If you had the power to remove this one amendment from the Constitution, how would it affect you and how would it affect the United States?  Post your response to our blog and also the URL for the Amendment that explains about the Amendment that you chose.  Good luck with this assignment, I am interested in what you will decide to elminate!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Blog #2 Who's your choice for the next President of the United States?

Since we are studying the Constitution, this week you task is an easy one.  You must decide which candidate you want to be President of the United States and post your choice to our blog.  Explain why you want this individual and also post a URL for a website that supports your candidate. Remember that you must also comment on another cadet's work in order to get full credit for your work.  Good luck with this exercise, I look forward to seeing your work.
P.S.  No, I am not going to influence your opinion by telling you who I would vote for...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Blog #1 Welcome back cadets 9-11 tribute

Welcome back Cadets to what I hope will be an exciting year for you in JROTC.  We are approaching the memorial for September 11 and as such, I hope that each and every one of you will be able to pay tribute to those that lost their lives that day and paying tribute to the Firefighters, Policemen, and First Responders that help save lives that day.  Your task at hand is to find a video and post the link/URL to this site along with your brief comments. You must then watch another Cadet's video and comment on that as well. Remember that spelling counts as well as grammar. Good luck with your video, here is my video.