Monday, September 26, 2011

Blog #3 The Constitution and what "rights" are for you?

The Bill of Rights from the Constitution is considered the key to America's freedom.  The 10 amendments are important as well as the additional 17.  James Madison is given credit for ensuring that the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution.  Your task for this assignment is to look at all 27 amendments and select 1 amendment that you feel you could live without. If you had the power to remove this one amendment from the Constitution, how would it affect you and how would it affect the United States?  Post your response to our blog and also the URL for the Amendment that explains about the Amendment that you chose.  Good luck with this assignment, I am interested in what you will decide to elminate!


  1. If I had the power to remove an amendment it would be the second. This amendment states the right to own and bear arms. If this was removed it would have no effect on me because I don’t own any and this would better the world because own a gun is not allowed.

  2. If I so happened to have the power to remove one of the amendments I would choose to removed the 21st Amendment: It is no longer illegal to drink Alcohol. Repealing the 18th Amendment.

    In my opinion alcohol should remain prohibited because it's not healthy for ones body, and many people abuse their right to drink alcohol. Due to alcohols high toxicity it becomes dangerous, there are drunk drivers and there are more car accidents due to intoxicated drivers. People binge drink, and they drink until their bodies give out, if people were more responsible, and if such accidents and things happened rarely or never, it would be okay to keep alcohol. People should be more responsible and to appreciate such rights of freedom rather than abuse it and possibly harm themselves or innocent people.

    Removing this amendment would not affect me since I'm underage and don't consume alcohol. It would affect the people because the removal of this amendment would surely create protest, and chaos, but to be honest, everyone would be better off without another source of self destruction via a large consumption of alcohol.

  3. In my opinion i I would take out the 2nd Amendment because if we had the right to bear arms then they're wouldn't be any type of control in the nation and people who start killing each other for simple things. I believe if your going to have the right to bear arms it should be for a legit reason and always have it within file of the reason you have the arms on you.
    I absolutely agree with Eric. But Rachel i understand its not healthy for someone's body but you have to realize that people are going to do it whether they want to or not, and the government obviously has no control over that.


    the link above is were i did my research.
    I believe that all of the amendments are important and should not be removed i feel that all of the amendments have nessisary point to each of them. Although certain sections could be removed i still believe that there would be much chaos if any amendment were removed.


    I believe that the 16 amendment should be removed only for war veterans. I don't think that they should pay taxes, they already did enough for this country and they shouldn't have to do anything else.

  6. In the Constitution , ot says everyone have the right to vote, right of speech,right of religion. Also the very important right is people have right to overthrow the goverment if its abuse of rights.

    If I had the power to remove an amendment it would be the 26th. I think you should be older to vote than 18. At 18 most people are in school and they may not know enough to know who will bring better changes.

    I disagree with Eric because if we didn't have the right to have weapons criminals would have an easier job of robbing people and stores who don't have weapons for protection againts them.

  8. I'm kind of thinking we don't need amendment 16, but then we might. Since the amendment allows congress to tax us, if amendment 16 was repealed we might not have any public places, like public school.

  9. i believe that the 16 amendment should alo be removed because these people have been workingg for this country in one of the most important stuff they shouldnt have to pay taxes for the country.

  10. I would not remove any amendment. This is because every amendment is there for a reason. If one changes it could affect many others. For example when the government banned alcohol there was chaos in the United States. People started making their own alcohol and selling it. Since government wasn't taxing this private alcohol they were losing money. This proves that removing any amendment is a bad idea.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. If I could get rid of a amendment is to get rid of amendment 22 . It could be a good thing of getting rid of this amendment. If there is a really good president that runs the country good people of the u.s can vote for the president as many terms as they want the president to run the country. This could affect me and the country if people decided to elect a bad president as many times they want. The country will suffer. More problems for the country and could make it worst if any bad president was elected over an over.

  13. Even if I had the power to remove any amendment, I would not. Personally I believe that all the amendments we have should remain. So instead of entirely removing an amendment, I would revise it. The amendment I would revise is the second amendment. Which is the right to bear arms. I would be more specific. Instead of having the right to bear ANY type of weapon, it should be limited to a reasonable amount. I personally do not think that citizens should be allowed to obtain grenades, and certain automatic weapons. Also I believe that people should be tested and certified to legally obtain a weapon.

  14. If I had the power to remove any amendment it will be the third amendment of the Bill of Rights. I chosen this amendment because this law is about soldiers aren't allow to stay any houses during peace time. And there hasn't been a war in United States.

  15. If I had the power to remove any amendment it would be the 16th amendment. I chose this amendment because I don't feel that people should have to pay taxes. A world without taxes would be so much easier in this economy.
