Monday, September 19, 2011

Blog #2 Who's your choice for the next President of the United States?

Since we are studying the Constitution, this week you task is an easy one.  You must decide which candidate you want to be President of the United States and post your choice to our blog.  Explain why you want this individual and also post a URL for a website that supports your candidate. Remember that you must also comment on another cadet's work in order to get full credit for your work.  Good luck with this exercise, I look forward to seeing your work.
P.S.  No, I am not going to influence your opinion by telling you who I would vote for...


  1. If Donald trump runs for president I'm running for him and he is smart and he wants to bring the country back to the way its supposed to be. The political system make speeches full false promises while in reality every sociological system is function under the eyes of corruption, chasing profits and ignoring human needs from medicine to education and everything. But in my personal opinion they are all stupid and they have no clue what they are doing and they are all liars. The make promises which they never hold and they make the further in debt.

  2. Im not sure who i would vote for but it would be someone who can put this country back in its place. At this point America is not as strong as it use to be because we selected the wrong people to take charge of us. Im guessing i would vote for Donald Trump if he runs for a president because he fints my needs.

  3. I think that when Steve Jobs was still alive should have ran for president. He should have ran because he could have made America much more prosperous. He would have made this country much better. Looking at what he have done for Apple he created a new standard for technology. He would have created a new standard for being a president. With his presidency would have made a new line of good presidents.

  4. Hey wait hold on you guys are going for celebrities here now i understand that they may seem to want to improve the country but Steven jobs and Donald Trump are businessmen they shouldn't have the kind of responsibility of the president. they are both wealthy and would more than likely put the wants of the wealthy in front of those of the poorer stature. personally i don't know who the president should be but i should have an idea in mind to figure it out. I just want a president to fill in the gaps left by the past presidents and increase the commonwealth of America.

  5. I do not know who should be president, but if I was of age, I would vote for Obama's second term in office. In my opinion, of all the presidents in the past, he's the only one that I have seen anything get done. I understand that the country isn't exactly at it's prime, but such change cannot happen overnight let alone in 4 years. It could take multiple presidents more till a significant change occurs but so far, I would stay with Obama not only for popularity reasons, or anything of the sort, simply because in my point of view, he seems to be doing productive things these past 4 years that have impacted the nation nonetheless.

    I agree with Johnson because those two men listed above aren't suitable to be president. They are famous men, and I really don't think they'd be too successful in politics, let alone be able to handle the job completely. I don't see them as a leader of a nation, although they are probably great leaders in companies and organizations that make money and etc.

    To Curtis, just because politicians make false filled speeches, what makes you think Donald Trump or anyone else for that matter, won't do the same?
    Think about it, if you were running for a position, you would explain and express what your goals are and maybe even make promises, but it doesn't mean that everything you hope to accomplish will be done by the end of your term in office. Everybody lies, and I agree that majority of politicians can be corrupt and stupid at times, but some of them that actually care about this country and they do try to do their best. If there weren't people who genuinely cared or weren't corrupt, this country would have been 6 feet under a long time ago. You shouldn't categorize that all politicians are corrupt and horrible or that the government sucks, at least, the country is still standing and standing pretty strong for that matter.

  6. **Jennifer Orellana pd.4***

    Well since I'm still not of age to vote and decide how should be president but I agree with Eric Steve Jobs would make a great president because he was a smart guy and not only did his work benefit the adults but Steve Jobs also contributed on the animations of Toy Story which indeed is a kid's favorite.

    But also you would have to see the type of backgrounds that person. But also you would have to see how this person would benefit and improve the country in a positive way.

  7. I like Tim Pawlenty he siad we have been listenning garbage from Obama for 3years.
    He said he does'nt talk much and he disagree
    about borrow money from other country.He also said he will cut the big banker. It sounds nice, but i holp he dose what he said.

  8. I'm not actually sure, but I really wanted Bachmann to run! I mean history was made since Obama was the first non-white president, why not continue this by electing a female. I think it'd be pretty cool.

  9. im not sure who i would vote for but hey i think i would of like to vote for a female like hilary clinton i mean its about time a female president showed what they can do for this country not only would she be the first female president but i feel she could possibly be a change to this country!


    I believe that Barack Obama should be re-elected for another term as president. The website above supports president Obama as well. President Obama tried his best to do what he said he will do. He tried to end the wars and tried to give jobs back to people in the United States. He might have failed in doing so but at least he tried unlike other presidents in the past.He should get another chance because he is the right person for the job.

  11. I would choose president candidate Michele Bachmann. It would good for history record. Never there was a female president.

  12. In my opinion I wouldn't know who to vote for. When I turn 18 and I am able to vote I would vote for someone who is able to maintain the country, can fix problems that past presidents caused, and also just to help the needy.
