Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Blog #1 Welcome back cadets 9-11 tribute

Welcome back Cadets to what I hope will be an exciting year for you in JROTC.  We are approaching the memorial for September 11 and as such, I hope that each and every one of you will be able to pay tribute to those that lost their lives that day and paying tribute to the Firefighters, Policemen, and First Responders that help save lives that day.  Your task at hand is to find a video and post the link/URL to this site along with your brief comments. You must then watch another Cadet's video and comment on that as well. Remember that spelling counts as well as grammar. Good luck with your video, here is my video.


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oOW-1OwtCA
    I cant watch these videos without being hysterical. I cant believe the people knowing how full the towers were and how many people were in them even had the thought getting rid of them. I miss looking out and seeing the towers and seeing there beautiful glow and how amazing they were and I miss and my friends and family that lost their lives on the particular day.

  2. http://youtu.be/_7Y2AKV0uQg
    I love this video simply because this video reflects the story of many children who lost their hero, best friend, their dad. those heros who cant see their children grow and acomplish good things in life and those children who dont have a dad to watch them suceed in life !

  3. http://www.youtube.com/user/DanielleRed1?v=qyM-txpj9Jk&feature=pyv
    This video made me sooooo sad because its almost like a love story. A young lady lost her husband/boyfriend. I know for a fact many people lost their love one brothers, sisters, mother, fathers, children, and so on that day. This event is a part of American history now and is never going to be forgotten. R.I.P to everyone who lost their life in 911 <3 .

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oOW-1OwtCA Is a very sad and symbolic video. The song and the pictures used in the video make it a great tribute for those who lost their lives or lost someone in this tragic event. Just like cadet Guaman video the song used in the tribute is perfect for the video. The song “daddy is miss you” and “I believe” fits in perfectly. For those to loss their parents and those who want to see their loved ones again. May this day never be forgotten.

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHstQv8C2zQ
    This video is a tribute to those who lost there lives on 9/11 and there families. The song "how to save a life" fits perfectly with the pictures in this video. You also hear a few people accounts on this tragic day.

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_nUMeTHs7Y

    this video is very different from the one i had posted because i felt that this showed more work and effort. i felt this way because each block was placed one by one and that kind of devotion towards something shows real love this may be cartoony and i know that there is nothing serious about minecraft but this showed me the care some one put into that project.

  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2Xo34g_SqQ&feature=related

    This video and it's song are a great match. The song reflects on the strength of the country's people as well as a way of saying that we will remember everyone who sacrificed their lives on that fateful day. The song was specifically for 9/11. It will always be in peoples hearts, no matter how much time has passed since then.

    On Johnsons video, I found the video interesting as well as symbolic. Each block having been placed one by one seems to symbolize the significance of those two buildings as well as what it had stood for before and during 9/11 as well as after. It sends out a message that the two buildings were gradual in a way, both in construction being that it was a symbol of power for the country and in destruction to the fact that the pain of 9/11 is still in peoples hearts, and is gradually going away.

  8. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=911cartoon&view=detail&mid=4D3A45D863D450BC9FAF4D3A45D863D450BC9FAF&first=0&FORM=LKVR34

    Some people said life is boring,i hate my life.But when they almost lose it ,they turnaround and said how buautiful my life is ?
    I love my life. In 911, those firefighters and policeman lost their life and leave their family alone. Today, some young people still want to suicide. Life is the most important things for all livingthings. Do every act of your life as if it were your last.

  9. http://youtu.be/xDh_pvv1tUM
    I think this video shows how drastic and awful the 9/11 was. It presented the reality of the situation in a hopeful way.

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRYdRse76FM
    This video is a tribute to all the people that lost their lives on 9/11 and their families.It was made to show the events of 09/11/2001 in the exact sequence in which they occurred. Thousands of people including policemen, firefighters, and many other rescue workers lost their lives on this day. This was a tragic day that we will never forget.

  11. http://youtu.be/fcrj1iBtdL4
    This is a story related to 9/11. A boy is born without a father. His father was a firefighther and died rescuing other firefighters in the attack of 9/11. The boy patrick lyon writes letters to his father in memory of him. I had a sad feeling watching this documentary story. Patrick never met his father and never will because the attack of 9/11. I can't imagine having no father. I put this video because it is one of the sad story of people losing their loved ones.

  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6V790ahM9o
    This video is about the people who is trap in the Twin Towers and calling there family before the towers came down. This video also contain a man jumping off from one of the tower on 9/11.
