Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blog #4 Citizenship Skills and what should I practice?

Hello again cadets.  Since we are learning about the 7 Citizenship Skills, I thought it would be interesting to try and find News stories or videos related to each of the skills.  You must find a News story or video that is about one of the 7 skills and post the URL on your response.  You must also give a brief summary about the video and then the last thing you must do is to remember to comment on other cadet's work. Remember this last point as it is also part of your overall score. Good luck and I hope this helps to reinforce these skills for you. Below is my selected video for you to watch. I wish that Cooperation was as easy as President Obama makes it sound. If it was, our country would be in better shape than what it is.

; ; ;


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?desktop_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DqnajcQAwIwk&v=qnajcQAwIwk&gl=US ...The citizenship skill that is represented in this video is SELF IMPROVEMENT. This video implies that to be a better person you shouldn't judge a person. it does not matter what your religion is, you shouldnt judge. As the narator says we are not posted to be judge

  3. http://video.nytimes.com/video/2011/10/21/multimedia/100000001128094/timescast--us-withdrawal-from-iraq.html

    In this video I believe contained self-improvement and respect. This video contains self-improvement because what President Obama increased his chances of re-election. With the conclusion of the war he has added another achievement to his successes in his presidency. This video also contains respect because Obama did what we promised in his 2008 campaign.

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_EzzvNQXU4&feature=channel_video_title

    In the video above a shooting took place at ps/is 298 school. the shooters took the life of a pregnant mother who shielded her 11 year old. the shot killed her and the baby.the residents and witnesses state that they are not being treated fairly and that the people on wall street aren't dying but they are. they believe that police forces shouldn't worry about everyone else as much and protect the neighborhoods. so the citizenship skill this revolves around is fairness.

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZGsmw3f5Ik&feature=related
    This video is a cartoon about fairness. The little birds were all having a good time. Another bird wants to be apart of their fun, but the little birds just laugh at him and move away. So the bigger bird decides to just join in any way, the little birds don't want him to be with them. They decide to peck at his feet so he can fall, but the birds fail and don't realize that they are about to be flung into the air. The bigger bird lands on the floor and the little birds go flying, when the little birds have no feathers left on them and the bigger bird starts cracking up. This shows that the little birds should have been fair and let the bigger one be with them. But what goes around comes back around ;)

  6. I would like to Comment on Johnsons work that they should not just focus on Wall Street but other areas for safety. That because Wall Street is where all the business takes place, it should be a priority. Because of this priority a pregnant women and mother of an 11-year old died. This video lacks the citizenship skill fairness.

  7. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=what+is+self+improvment&view=detail&mid=01B241B23EEC9B40CE0501B241B23EEC9B40CE05&first=0&FORM=LKVR
    Self imporvment is the hardest thing to do In human's life. In especial of teenagers , they are in the first stage of their life. So it is very hard to educat teenagers and let them improve their self. This vidio teach me how to make a graph of self improvment. It gives me lots of idea for me to know my self better and find the weakness of myself.

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAFQ5kUHPkY

    In my video that I found is about cooperation and fairness. It is about 2 chimpanzees named Virgil and Vulcan cooperation to get food and being fair to share in the end. Enjoy.

  9. http://youtu.be/H9brT4tU-sE
    i found this video to show us why balance is important because you need balance in order to have a good life .

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMNgSipjEPg

    in the video, it is about the respect, it is important to respecct others, so that wo can be a good citizen and gain more friends.

  11. http://youtu.be/OTU-u6v-geY

    The citizenship skill that is being represented here is respect. Most people respect the same sex marriage bill that was just passed. I believe we have a right to marry anybody we love.

  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFDBLZl_9xw

    The citizenship skill that is represented in this video is respect. I chose this video because I strongly believe that we should respect people with different religious beliefs. I would never want to be disrespected for my personal beliefs, so I will treat others with respepct because that is how I would want to be treated.

  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsdHxUXf2CE

    In this video, it is showing some respect to the Tomb of the unknown at Arlington Cemetery. It is important to show some respect to the soldiers had served and died in military to protect our freedoms.

  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgSYu-cbpuw
    I believe that this video represents a numerous amount of citizenship skills including strength, self-improvement, cooperation, and patience. strength because AFC Randy Philips stands up for what he believes in. Self-improvement because he informs his dad of his homosexuality and makes him feel better that he doesnt have to look over his shoulder anymore. Cooperation because he involves his dad and his fellow airmen with his confession. Lasty this video involves patience because it took AFC Philips a while to confess and wait for the DADT policy to be repealed.

  15. @H.Chan7
    I really like this video and think that showing respect and remaining silent at the Tomb of the unknown is very important. Chan's video definitely shows the citizenship skill of respect.

  16. @ Odalis Vega.
    I completely agree with you! We should be able to marry whom ever we love. I really liked your video, it showed a great example of respect!

  17. http://youtu.be/5exvfbnFMUg
    This video is cute! It's about cooperation, and one thing I've learned from being in the program is cooperation is a necessity. Also, if you want anything to be done, you're going to have to cooperate with your peers.

  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rA_BQorRBms
    This video is about coopertaion. In this video which is a coca cola ad polar bears cooperate to open there coca cola bottles. I agree with what e.chan said about johnson's video.

  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQmypMorE_U

    This video explains the reasons behind peoples insecurities and shyness. This video portrays self improvement in the fact that people compensate for their shyness, sometimes more than necessary and that basically you can self improve yourself by just being who you are.

    Cadet Dang's video is really cute, and its a great way to instill the concept of cooperation and accomplishing a mission through teamwork to younger children.

  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJu9n9gDvFc&feature=related In this video is from a show called surviving the cut and it shows army candidates testing to become a green beret. I choose a part where the the candiddates have to build a transport vehicle to move a barrel to a destination in a limited time. This video is related to the 7 citizenship skills because of cooperation. The candidates cooperate to build the transport and get the barrel to its destination. That is what I call cooperation.

  21. I realy like T.Roman's video. It was funny but it was not fair to the big bird. But ture what goes around comes back around.

  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvsarnZXECg

    This video shows patience and it's something we struggle every single day. I really thought Cadet Dang's video was cute as well. These 7 citizenship skills is something we have to put in practice because at one point we all fail at, at least 1 of these 7.

  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnbRAy5wG9I

    This video shows president Obama's speech about the withdraw of American troops from Iraq.It shows two of the seven citizenship skills. The skills shown are respect and self-improvement. President Obama realizes that he might not get re-elected in 2012. Because of this he does what he had promised to do back in 2008. He withdraws almost all the troops from Iraq. This shows that he improved himself for a chance of getting re-elected. Also this video shows respect. In the video president Obama talks about how he has shown and will continue to show respect for the president of Iraq. He always communicated with the president of Iraq and did what was best for both countries.

    Also I like what cadet E. Chan wrote. He believes the same thing I do. We both agree that president Obama has increased his chances of getting re-elected because of this decision.

  24. i would like to make a comment on corderos video, it shows much respect and it shows diifferent religions. we should show respect to others just like we want to be respected for following our religion / beleifs.
