Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Blog #5 The power of one vote, is it real?

Hi again cadets. Your task this week should be an interesting one. We showed the video "The Power of One" in the classroom and there were many examples of one vote making a difference. Your task this week is to watch the following video and verify if the facts used are actually true or not.  You can also find additional facts about one vote making a difference and post that information to our Blog Site as well.  Make sure to post your URL where you found your information and to comment on other cadet's work also.  Good luck and I look forward to seeing what facts and information you find.  I also hope you enjoy the video.


  1. http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/CharlesI_execution.htm
    Charles the first was not executed by one single vote.In fact he was tried by 68 out of 135 judges that had shown to try him. 26 of those 68 voted to further try him with no specific reason why. the matter of the fact is that he may not have been beheaded by a single vote but it was the collected and combined votes of the remaining judges that utterly decided his fate.

  2. http://www.fff.org/freedom/fd0403a.asp
    Hitler did not win head of the Nazi Party by one he actually lost. But many people favored him leading to his rise of power in the Nazi Party. Johnson’s did a great job with his work. His link strongly showed that he was not just executed by one vote. It was also nice to know that voting existed back then.

  3. Chan is right the Nazi party couldn't withstand his favor with the populous and was almost forced to make him Fuer due to the over whelming popularity with the people.

  4. hitler didn't win the nazi party by 1 vote ,he lost in fact but president andrew jackson was saved from impeachment by one vote according to http://millercenter.org/president/johnson/essays/biography/print

  5. http://www.pbs.org/speak/seatosea/officialamerican/englishonly/ accordingg to this article americans speak english with one vote of difference!

  6. http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/Nazi_Germany_dictatorship.htm
    Hitler didn't won the election, but he was lucky that he became the dictator because people in Germany believe that they need a strong government.

  7. One vote can really make a difference, and I agree with E.Chan.

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G3bNxStYBI
    those facts are true. And you should always vote because that one vote can make a difference.

  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_Kif7INJ_M&feature=related

    This video shows the facts of history where one vote made a difference. Despite the fact that there are people who believe their vote doesn't count, in reality it does. Everyone should exercise their right to vote, everyone is entitled a voice in their gov't and country as well as to represent their individual opinion. One vote can make or break it.

    Cadet Curtis' video is a good video where it shows that there are two sides to an issue. People should vote and express their opinion to help.

  10. I found out that 1 vote DID NOT make Adolf Hitler the leader of the Nazi party in 1929. This is a fallacy, used to trigger emotion. This tricked me at first but i couldn't really grasp the fact that 1 vote could effect History that greatly. http://www.snopes.com/history/govern/onevote.asp
    I found out that 1 vote made Thomas Jefferson president in 1800. Also, adding Alaska to the US was the outcome of 1 vote.
    I found Johnson8's comment very interesting. It really went into depth of voting.

  11. i agree with Ragon but at the same things changed since then.

    This video caught my attention because it talks about how many people don't bother voting which in reality one vote can make a difference in the future president. seeing this video it makes sense if before people fought for the right to vote and now that they have it they actually don't vote it makes no sense but people should try to do the effort to go out and vote


  12. i believe that one vote could make a difference but not all the time

  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Jackson

    President Andrew Jackson was never impeached. He was in office from March 4, 1829 – March 4, 1837. He was put on trial but I am certain that one vote did not save him from impeachment. I agree with all of the cadets that posted on this blog. The facts in this video are false. I believe what the video is trying to say is that voting is very important and everybody should do it.

  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgZn7vF57NI
    this video represents how one vote can make a difference. i beleive the facts in that video is true

  15. http://www.lewrockwell.com/hornberger/hornberger100.html I agree with all comments about hitler. He did not win the election and 1 vote didnt make him head of the nazi party.
