Monday, October 31, 2011

Blog #6 What's the big deal about the top 1%?

Happy Halloween cadets. Your task this week should help put things into perspective with the OWS, or Occupy Wall Street protests.  Listen to the NPR audio recording and you will begin to understand the issues concerning the top 1%.  After listening, post your feelings and list 3 items that you or your family have had to cut back on due to economic issues.  Find a site that deals with our economy or place a video showing facts about our situation.  Remember to also comment on other cadet's work and make sure that you start to finish your final push for the canned food drive that we are holding to help the needy during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. Remember that the canned food drive is over on the 16th of November.


    My family has given up few luxuries but we have cut back on them. we don't buy as much as we would like to and often have to plan months ahead for the safety and security of our funds. we have planned as of last year to go to Disney Land but we have planned to take this trip a year from now so that we may actually go and have our fun. we cannot go any sooner and we have had to not purchase almost any secondary or unnecessary items in order to maintain our budget. the video may have been a bit over done but he was rite the country we live in has brought about the creation of anger between classes and the trickling effect of capitalism is making people angry even though it is an economic system were anyone can make as mutch as you want. these systems are showing signs of struggle and GOD forbid failure. I only hope that our leaders will do the best to fix this for the future.

  2. In my household we've had to be cautious about electricity and shopping. J.Johnson8 has summed up the general thoughts on the subject.

  3. My family had to give up some channels on Time Warner Cable since the bill came to high, we also gave up some shopping if we don't need it we don't buy it.I personally have to give up some money to be able to help my mom with the bills or anything she needs. My feelings towards this npr were worried because the future what if it gets worse.

    in my household we had to reduce the use of electricity and water as well as other things

  5. My Family could give up on some of the use of our electricity and the amount of the cable we use. We don't need a house phone because we all have cell phones. My feelings on the video are that is a very good showing of what the rich have gotten and that all the middle class are just loosing there jobs and such i think that Johnson made a very good statement.

    This site will help people stay up to date with the economic situation. It may also contain a person's personal opinion on the matter.

    I agree with Dang, this site is really involved and helps you get informed.
    Some things that my house had to cut down on is shopping(my mom), fixing the boat(my dad), and also the electric bill has gone up so i cant do 30 thing at once any more(me) :(

  8. My household started to cut back on electricity, water and many of our luxuries. My comments to that clip was it was easy to understand because the reference to candy corn. Just like Johnson my family has pushed planned vacation back year after year because it isn’t a necessity.

    1:When i just came to us, I ate my first mcdonald i spent 6.7 dollars. Last week i ate mcdonald again and its costed me 8.16 dollars. same set meal, but almost 2 dollars different!that‘s only one meal!so now ,i don’t go to MC like befor i go less.
    2:I like gum alot, i remerbered a pack of Doublemint was 2.50 ,now it's 3.00.i eat less gum now (>_<)
    3:I like to go shopping when supermarkets are on sale.But all the supermarkets dont have lots of sale now。so i have less new nike ( ⊙ o ⊙ )

  10. In my house my dad tries to cut down our spending. Now we use less electricity and water by taking shorter showers and stop watching tv and using the computer at the same time. We also try and only spend money on sales. A couple years back, my dad used to go to Costco every week to buy supplies and grocery, now we only go to Costco once a month or so and we only buy things on sale.

  11. In my family we had to give up certain luxuries in order to manage our money well. I got a job to help my mother pay our phone bill, as well as our gas/electricity bill. I agree with Cadet Dang and Cadet Johnson. The site is a great way to stay informed, and Johnson made a valid point. We need to prioritize our spendings.

  12. in my family we had to give up certain family vacations out of the country its bad like now only 2 family members travel instead of all 6 :( ! some cable channels and we watch our spending budgets ! economy has brought everyone down :(


    This video explains how taxes and tax breaks work for both lower and upper class. It's a good video because he explains what's called "Barstool Economics" through a very nice and clear story.

    My family had to give up some luxuries after my father was diagnosed with cancer two years ago and then we had to cut back a lot last year when he passed away. Having had to take care of my dad what with food, hospital bills, gas for the car because we drove to the hospital almost everyday and then after he passed away we had to take care of the costs for the funeral arrangements, buying a decent casket, shipping the body to the Philippines, and 5 members of my family flying there for the burial. In total it must have been almost 50-60,000 $ spent.
    To compensate, when my family came back, we were careful with our spending. We didn't buy anything unless absolutely necessary. The food we bought was also strict, if we weren't going to eat it in the near future, we don't buy it. We turned lights off when no one was using them, we don't leave the tv on, nor the computer. My family still has to be cautious because there's only one source of income which is my mom. It doesn't help anyone nor my family, that prices on almost everything as well as taxes have been raising these past few months.

    I agree with Cadet Johnson, and also summed up my thoughts.


    My Family could give up on some of the use of our electricity & i have to give up on shopping for a little . Rich getting richer, poor getting poorer. Thats how just it is ..

  15. In my family were cutting back on family trips, making sure we turn off lights, tv's, radios etc. instead of walking out of the room saying we'll be coming back in a few minutes, and also less shopping sprees :(

  16. It is crazy that in the last 30 years the lower class has had an increase of 18% in income over a year and the middle class has had an increase of 40%. I believe that even though there is an increase, over 30 years there should be a higher percentage. Now, what really blows my mind is that over the last 30 years there has been an increase in the upper class(1%) of 275%! What happened to 18% and 40%...? That is just a huge gap and i think that everyone can agree that it is not right.
    Three items that my family has cut back on is defiantly electricity, i walk into a dark house every day. Using the car less and less, its all about public transportation. Lastly i think my family has cut back on electronics, such as kitchen appliances. I haven't had toast in forever.
    I can relate to J.Johnson8, my family has most defiantly cut back on luxuries. I also like Dang.K's site. I like that it is a little personal.
    -This video is great to figure out about how the economy works, and why America is having a problem.

  17. i agree with Johnson and Ragon because its time to time what could happen in the near future.

    Recently I went to visit the Wall Street protesters and lucky me I got to talk to speak to one of them and they told me that sometimes its hard to pay for the bills while they have to jobs. in reality its hard for a family to b living under 1 paycheck. In my situation both my parents are working and my sister has a scholarship to a private school but recently my mom's job informed her they will soon be layoff people so its going to be hard to buy things of desire and start think that there are bills and expense to start pay more close attention too.


    This website shows facts and statistics of today's economy. Because of today's tough economy many people have had to cut back in their households. I have to be careful of how much electricity and water I use. There are simple things that can cause big changes. I make sure I turn off the light when I go to sleep and when I am not in my room. Also I waste less water whenever I am taking a shower. I agree with cadet Wang. I have realized how the prices have gone up tremendously as time has progressed.

    this video shows people who have a tough economy and they have to go to the food pantrys to get food. my family had to cut down on electricity shopping and even watch how much we ate because the money sent from my dad was only supporting just enough for 6 people in a month including high rent bills.

    i particularly like Demesas video because it shows how rich people are taxed less then the people running on our wage who get taxed more which is wrong , i think we should get taxed equally because really, what sense does it make to take the money from the people who need it and let the people who play around with it keep what they have in their pockets?? not cool ....

  20. In my family, we used to get things about 20 to 30 dollars for daily eating everyday. But now we control the amount under 20. we reduced the using with electronic stuffs. Becuase so many products' prices are incresed, so eventhough i got part-time job, i still can't get every snacks i want, cause i have to save the money.

  21. There were a lot of things me and my family had to cut back. First was my allowance. MY allowance was 30 dollars a week, now it is 1 dollar a week. Second thing my family limited is eating outside food. Also the third thing my family limited is electricity. Me and my family make sure the eletronic we dont use is turned off. My feelings for the top 1 percent is not fair. By hearing how many candy corns the rich is getting more and increasing with time. It is not fair for the poor people which is getting less and decreasing.The government should create a system if the income is higher and increase their taxes. I agree with johnson that I hope our future leaders will fix this crisis.
