Monday, November 7, 2011

Blog #7 Veteran's Day Tribute, I can't say thank you enough...

Hi again cadets and welcome back to your weekly blog assignment. This week your task is to find a moving/fitting video that pays tribute the our Veterans that fought and served our country.  Once you have found the video that you like, post the URL for that video on our blog. Then you must give a brief explanation on why you chose your video. The last part of the exercise is to comment on other cadet's work. Remember that the purpose of your work this week is to thank those individuals that have served our country.  For bonus points, you can create your own video that pays tribute to Veterans and post it on YouTube. Once you have completed that task, make sure you publish the URL back to our site as well.  Good luck with this assignment and I look forward to seeing your hard work.
PS: Make sure that you use a different video for each individuals own posting, do not duplicate each other's work. Here is the video that I chose and I post it in honor and in tribute to my dad, who was born on 11-11-37.  He fought and served in the Korean War, may he rest in peace.



    I chose this video because I think everyone should follow the message it sends. We should all salute and thank our troops for everything they have done for us. We are all so blessed to have these brave and amazing soldiers fighting for us. They put their lives at risk so we can freely live our own to the fullest. And for that, I thank you with all my heart. Thank you for fighting for me, you are all appreciated so dearly in my heart.

    1SG Lewis' video is amazing, I liked all of the pictures and the song is a beautiful way to thank our troops.


    I found this music video by Toby Keith. It shows him performing American Soldier. I chose this video because it not only pays tribute to Veterans, but it also pays tribute to all American Soldiers.


    I chose this video because it tell us that a lot of soldiers and sailors lost their lives for protecting our freedoms. I am thankful for our military services to keep us safe. Thank you our troops around the world for your duty and sacrifice.

    I chose this because it shows that most people don't think about our soilders much till there going to war then thats when they support them. The song is "Thank you" by Daniel L. Smith. It shows that we have to say thank you to all American soilders for their sacrifices.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. celebrating veterans day!:)

    I chose this video because it contains pictures of the hardship that those who served our nation went through. It showed what this men and women went through so we kept our freedom. We should truly respect veterans more. Haniff’s video is also a great tribute because the music was great for that situation and it shows all the love, care and respect we have for our troops.


    I chose this video, because it showcased the wars and soldiers in the past, and lead up to present day. This video showed that fallen soldiers did not die in vain, and they will always be remembered and thanked.

  9. I agree with Cadet Cordero. Veterans and the men and women currently serving deserve our thanks and utmost respect. Without them we wouldn't have our freedom. They risk their lives for the sake of so many people.


    i chose this video, because it lets people we didn't forget about those who serve our country .

    I chose this video because it gets people to understand that soldiers were and are out there for us. RIP to the brave souls that fought for this country we call home.

  12. I agree with Cordero, we should be thanking and honoring our veterans. Imagine if we had no troops fighting for us. What would this world have become without them?

    Only soldier can accept this Great and tragic honor--deth.
    With out them , maybe we are in the cage of nazi or the Mikado.They change the histoty.When we lie on our sofa and watch TV and eat chips. Heros are still standing in the front line under the rain of bullets.
    they work hard to make sure we have safe and better life, so cadets should study hard and do something for our country.Be a useful person and enjoy your life.


    i choice this vedio because it really shows the spirit of the solders.

    I chose this video, because it shows the hardship certain soliders have to go through and may regret all their lives and can't change it. They have to deal with many problems and always remeber. They fight for our country and only get one day celebrated for them. It letsus not forget that soliders are also people with real feelings.


    I picked this video because I love the heart that the Tuskegee airmen had. All the men wanted to do was to fight for there country, and nothing got in there way of there determination. I think that this is a huge turning point the armed forces letting colored men fly. The Tuskegee Airmen were outstanding at what they did. They did not let one bomber fall to the enemy. They flew and fought as men.
    I am glad that the Tuskegee airmen fought for my rights and freedom even though the troubles they went through.
    I really like the song that S.Darrough8 posted, it meant a lot to me and reminded me of my good friends brother that came home from Iraq a few years ago, and the trouble he had adjusting to civilian life.
    ~1SG, my prayers go out to your dad tonight and I greatly appreciate his and your service.

  17. I really enjoyed Jessica's video because its a really touching a song and many people don't realize the risk that these soliders face every single day and I believe that us as a nation we take the time to celebrate and remember those who served for our country and for those who are still doing it today.

    I picked this video because it shows you different pictures and gives you an idea of the kind of things these soliders go through and yet it doesn't give you the actual reality of it all. To me its hard decision to go out into the Army/ Marines/Air Force/ Navy and Coast Guard because you never know if you'll see your family again. To me Veterans days is extremely important to me


    This video brings tears to your eyes. The pictures are beautiful and makes you realize how much these soldiers are so adored and missed by their families.The title was so fitting for our American soldiers that have served, are serving and going to serve. Veterans day is an important day, but soldiers and veterans and future soldiers should be celebrated and remembered every single day.

    I wanted to comment on Guaman's video, I thought the song was really beautiful and the pictures worked well with it. It was a great video, and it's inspires me to create one as well, extra credit or not. 1SG, i'll have my video in by the latest on friday!!!


    I chose this video because it moved me so much especially since one of my cousins just left over the summer. It also shows how everybody else supports veterans.

    I would also like to comment on Orellana's video she is right, it is a hard decision. I know how it feels like.

  20. i chose this video because it mainly responded to me in class


    I watched this video last year in SFC. Poirier's class. It is a great video because it shows that the United States is a strong country and will not give up. Because of all the troops who have given their lives we are sitting in a country full of freedoms. The troops have given up so much for their country and we should remember them everyday. I really enjoyed cadet E.Chan's video and I also agree with what he wrote. We should remember troops everyday and not just on one day.


    i chose this video because my grandfather fought in the Korean war and is still alive but unwell. it is the one thing in his life that he remembers every detail of is being in the army and he is most proud of. I think Jessica Guamans video she made was amazing and really showed how much she gives thanks to out veterans and in the service.

  23. The video gives tribute to all soldiers and veterans of war. It shows what a soldier goes through in the enemy field. Also they defended our country like true warriors and deserve to be remembered. So many lives at stake including soldiers and civilians alike. It has a catchy song but what is more important is the meanig of the video. S.Darrough8 I agree 100 percent because soldiers are people with family feelings and fears like everyone. Everyone should thank the soldiers on that special day. Also I liked the video you posted.

    i like this video because the words of the song was actually a letter from Capt. Ryan Beaupre to his family and when you listen to the letter it makes me feel warm inside because it reminded me of my dad but he didnt die and the video is a message from base force telling the soildiers famililies and paying their respects to the fallen soldiers and i also like the song in this video.

    ~This is my video i made using Windows Movie Maker.


    I chose this vedio, because this vedio shows tribute to everyone who has served in the military for the US. One session is impressed me is that said "you are angry because your class ran 5 min over, he is told he will be held over an two extra months."when Everyone was complaining something actually dosen't matter, the sodiers even don't have the time to complain about it. Whatever the veterans or in serving soldiers, they gave their youth away to protect the country and support the people's right.

    this is my video and i know that i will make my videos sooner but i am happy with the results
