Monday, November 21, 2011

Blog #9 We all have something to be thankful for, what's your reason?

   Since it is Thanksgiving week, your assignment this week is to list 3 things that you are thankful for and explain your reasons.  Once you have done that, your remaining responses are to comment on other cadet's work and to also post a video URL link about Thanksgiving.  Here are my reasons:
1:  I am thankful for having a wonderful caring family that offers support and brings happiness to my life.
2:  I am thankful for having a job that I enjoy and keeps me young at heart.
3:  I am thankful for having a new grandson that is healthy and my daughter is doing well also.

I hope you enjoy these videos:


  1. 1.I give thank to the God that turn me in to baby.
    2.i give thank to the Sun that give us light to survive.
    3 i also give thank to the world , the world inlucde my family ,frined etc.That paint my life alive,without black and wihte.

  2. things that i am thankful for is having a family, having food on the table everytime i come home,
    and having people for loving me for who i really am.

  3. 1. I am thankful for having a wonderful family that supports me.
    2. I'm thankful for all the things I have been blessed with in life.
    3. Im thankful for being able to wake up each and every day with a beautiful roof over my head, and for having the best sister I could ever have in this world.
    I wish everyone luck on thanksgiving dinner lol

  4. I am thankful for having a caring family
    I am thankful for being able to not wake up and go to sleep hungry
    and I'm thankful for getting to come and experiance New York

  5. 1.I am thankful for my family.
    2.I am thankful for everyday I have food, shelter and clothes to put on my back.
    3.I am thankful for all of the blessings I have in my life.

  6. Three things I am thankful are. . .
    1) My family - They're the perfect combination of crazy and supportive.
    2) My education - With an education I can go into pre-med. Without an education I'm restricted.
    3) My life - I've moved many times, and I'm not upset at all with moving so much. I wouldn't be me if I had grew up in one place.
    The best part about Thanksgiving- the food!

  7. The things I am thankful for: First is my family. My parents brought me into this world and my little brother. I really love my little brother. Second is I am thankful to be in good health. I couldnt do my daily life activities and goals. Third I am thankful for god to give me one more day of life. Many people dont get to live life to the fullest. ccordero4 I really liked the video youve posted it was so funny with the wrestling of the turkey. Also liked the third thankful thing you thank for. I really thought this video was funny.

  8. 1. I am thankful for my family who is always there for me through the roughest times even though sometimes we don't always see eye to eye.
    2. I am thankful for my nephew's health and development and how much joy he has brought this past year.
    3. I am grateful for the amazing friends that I have, who truly care about me in every way possible.
    I thought this video was amazingly adorable<3

    I love Cadet Dang's video. Who doesn't love Charlie Brown on the Holidays? And yess, food is one of the best parts to the Thanksgiving Holiday! Tuck in as Dumbledore used to say haha... sorry I love HP and lots of food always reminds me of the movies :)

  9. 1. i am thankful for the gift of life
    2. i am thankful for my family and friends who have been there for me through all our hardships and when i needed them the most, especially my parents and my neice n nephew !
    3. i am thankful for the roof over our heads, the food in our stomachs, and the clothes on our back.
    4. i am thankful for cable, internet, and my phone.

    you have to watch this this is hilarious LOLL

  10. I am thankful for my family who guide me in life.
    I am thankful for my home that’s keeps me warm in the winter.
    I am thankful for the food on the table, where I am not hungry when I go to sleep.
    Lesmes is right we all should be thankful of our health. That with good health we can accomplish our goals. Also really funny video turkey in a disguise.

  11. I am thankful for my family for supporting in my life.
    I am thankful for food, shelter, and clothes.
    I am thankful for the armed forces that are serving around the world to protect our freedoms and our country.

  12. I am thankful for my caring family
    I am thankful for the food on my table because in most places people only eat less than 1 meal a day.
    I am thankful for my education because in some parts of the world education is hard to come by.

  13. The three things that I am thankful for are:
    1. I am thankful for the food that i got on Thanks Giving.
    2. I am thankful for the family that has been there for me no matter what went on in my life.
    3. I am thankful to live another day.

    This video is to cute :)

  15. I am thankful for all that i know and those who have taut me .
    I am thankful for all of the days Ive laughed and cried.
    I am thankful for those who give some and all.
    (Thank you Papaw)

  16. 1. I am thankful for my family and that they are there for me and they make sure we have a roof above our head and food on the table.
    2. I am thankful for my best friend because she has been there for me through out everything.
    3. I am thankful for my dog because she makes me laugh and she plays with me.
    This video is really funny and i liked Romans video as well.

  17. Things I am thankful for:
    1) I am thankful for my family
    2) I am thankful for my friends
    3) I am thankful to live in a country where everyone has their rights.
    I also enjoyed watching cadet Lesmes's video.
