Monday, November 28, 2011

Blog #10 Welcome Mr. Wiley, journalist and world traveler

Welcome back from your Thanksgiving break cadets.  The good news is that Mr. Wiley will be able to join us this Friday so your task is to read his bio that is posted with the attached link and to write three questions that you would like to have him answer. Remember that he will be in our classroom as well so you will really enjoy what this person of living history has to say. As always, also reply to other cadet's work and post a link that will have some pertanance to one of your questions. Good luck and I hope you have a great time with this assignment.
Mr. Charles Wiley's Bio


  1. 1) How do you think Ahfganistan will be after the US leaves?

    2) Do you think alhfganistan will be able to regain its stability? Or will they be taken over again by their enemy?

    3) What do you feel is the most important lesson you have learned during your travels around the world and all that you have been through? Can you share some of that knowlege with us?

  2. 1)Which military branch did you served in World War Two?

    2)What battles where you were in the Pacific Campaign?

    3)What was the best part of traveling to different military collages?

  3. 1)How do you fell befor you go out to the feild?
    how does it look like ? it's that really look like the picture in the movie?
    2)Does your parents say any thing when you wear your uniform?
    3)Have you ever lost any friends? Do you fell sad?

  4. 1) How was your reaction to war? Or your battles?
    2) Were you in any way close to becoming severely injured?
    3) Out of all of your travels, what was your favorite experience?

  5. 1) What are your motives and purpose for speak and traveling to many colleges?
    2) How were you able to establish guidelines for Mongolia free press? What did you do?
    3) How was it like in Afghanistan during your visit? Has it changed with US influence?
    Great question Ortiz. What was your favorite experience in all your travels? Why was it your favorite? What makes it most memorable to you?

  6. 1. How was it like to visit the Russian 13th Tactical group?
    2. What was/is Wiley's favorite college to speak at?
    3. Why help Mongolia for free press? Not that it is bad, but why Mongolia?
    J.Ortiz07 asked what Wiley's reaction to war was. I would love to hear Wiley's answer.

  7. 1. what make you have so many courage to search fact from 100 countries that you know you would get arrested?
    2. During so many war, which one you have most manories?
    3. If let you use one word to discribe your life, what it woul be?

  8. 1. During the imprisonment you have been through, did it made you have more courage to continue on your career? 2. How do you feel on what you had accomplished in your life? 3. Did World War2 had a impact on your life? J.Ortiz07 I like your questions they go straight to the ponit and are good ones to.

  9. 1.What was it like covering the wars?
    2.How do you feel about the war going on right now?
    3.If you could go back, would you do it all again?

  10. 1. After our experience, do you now enjoy lecturing at different states?
    2.What is the Russian 13th Tactical Group?
    3.If another war breaks down what advice would you give a solider?

    I agree with cadet S.Darrough.

  11. 1. Is there any particlar memory that you tend to look back on when you were serving?

    2. What do you think you have learned after serving in the war?

    3. How many countries have you visited whil on duty?

  12. 1. What was you best thing to do when you were a kid?
    2. What made you want to serve in the war?
    3. What was the best memory while on duty?

  13. 1. What countries have you seen and been to? which was your favorite?
    2. What branch of service were you in?
    3. Did you enjoy being a journalist?

    I like Romans questions as well.

  14. 1) You've traveled to so many interesting diverse places, have you had a chance to enjoy the many different cultures in each of those places? And better yet, sample the food?

    2)If you weren't a journalist, what do you think you would have done instead?

    3) Many people say that journalism is dying out in these new generations, what would you say to encourage others to be journalists?

    I like Darrough's questions about going back and doing it all again, I wonder what he would do differently.

  15. 1) how did it feel to travel to different parts of the world.

    2)what was your emotions during WW2

    3) do you still travel

  16. 1)Is any goal worth the risk of incarceration
    2)Has there ever been an instance were you just gave up
    3)Do you still love what you do?

  17. 1.What is the most memorable moment in your life?
    2.Did you enjoy being a journalist?
    3.Where scared to go out on the field?

  18. 1) Which military branch did you serve in during World War two?

    2) What was your most memorable moment as a journalist?

    3) Did you enjoy being a journalist?
