Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Blog #8 What Leader floats your boat and will be your role model?

Good morning cadets. Since we are reading about leadership and management your task this week should be a relatively easy one.  You must select a leader from the 20th or 21st century that is a positive role model and read an autobiography or biography about that person. Below is a list of possible selections but they are not the only ones to choose from.  You must select your person, then find a web-site about that individual and post the URL back to our blog. You must then explain why you chose your person as well. The last thing that you must do is to comment on at least one other cadet's work. Remember that leaders come in all shapes and sizes and also from all areas and walks of life, not just from the military or politics. Anyone that has had a profound positive effect on society as a whole is up for grabs.  Don't forget that there are 4 parts to this assignment and that you must complete all 4 parts to get full credit.  See list that follow for ideas:


  1. A positive role model in my life is Oprah Winfrey because as I was reading her biography I was able to get a better understanding why she did what she did. Also I was able to understand what shaped her to be who she is today. To me many famous now a days don't open up as much and talk about their childhood and what inspire them to do what they do today. So as i was read this passage I was really impression with the biography of Oprah because in all honesty I never bother looking into her biography but I'm truly impressed.


  2. One positive role model in my life is Douglas MacArthur because he was a great military leader in World War Two and Korea War. He show a great leadership in the military.


  3. A positive role model in my life has always been Dr. Maya Angelou. Angelou has been my role model for many years because her life has been an inspiration to me. She is mostly famous for her poetry, which has gotten me through many hardships through the years. Her poetry has made me think outside the box, she has taught me to love equally and be open minded. Angelou is also the reason why I was introduced to the arts. She was my inspiration to start playing the violin. 13 years later I continue to play and grow as a person.


    @ H.Chan7 I really like your role model because I really think that you share some of the same qualities. You are a great leader and you show great amounts of respect.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. My positive role model leader Gandhi. The fact that he was considered the father of the Indian independence movement and that he didnt eat until the violence stopped In India is really the role model I would follow. I like the way that Ghandi wanted to make his point without any violence. In my life I tried to resolve problems peacefully. Ghandi gain my respect and definitely be my role model. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/50664.stm J.Orellana4 I like the fact you said many famous people dont open up. It is ture. Also Oprah Winfrey is a good role model.

  6. http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1953/churchill-bio.html
    My positive role model leader is Sir Winston Churchill. I will choose Sir Winston Churchill because he has a really nice background. Former First lord of Admiralty and a Prime minister. I want to know what helped and aided him to reach his success.
    Lesmes reason for reading about Gandhi is very valid. That someone started a revolution without any violence . This man is very similar to Martin Luther King Jr. and may have be his inspiration.

  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_F._Kennedy

    My role model is John F. Kennedy. President Kennedy was in my opinion the best president the United States has ever had. He was charismatic, young, vibrant, he put life back into the presidency, handled a major crisis, and did much more. He did what he said he will do but unfortunately he was assassinated. I like and agree with what cadet Lesmes wrote. I believe Gandhi was a good person and never gave up on his dream.

  8. i follow bill gates many because he proves that you can never give up at anything you put your heart too

  9. http://www.elvis.com/about-the-king/biography_.aspx
    My role model is Elvis Presley. Elvis was an amazing man. He was a singer, movie star and also served in the U.S Army. His talent was amazing plus good looks endeared him to millions of dollars. If it wasn't for Elvis the king of rock would probably not influenced so many people to be who they are today.

  10. I agree with Orellana because Oprah Winfrey helped so many people throughout thick and thin. She is an amazing/strong women.

  11. I've selected Dwight D. Eisenhower.
    I chose Dwight D. Eisenhower because I feel that he has changed history itself through his actions. Dwight D. Eisenhower is an outstanding leader. Dwight D. Eisenhower served as a 5 star General, and President of the United States. I think that is just amazing.

    I like that J.Orellana4's positive role model is Oprah Winfrey because Oprah has changed society and helped people in need. Oprah has a big heart and i feel J.Orellana4 feels the same way.

  12. I chose John Wayne because he helped alot in the 1950's and was know for his calm voice and helping the anti communist movements. I always remember growing up watching John wayne movies with my father. And i think J. Orellana's choice was a good one because Oprah helped people and she was looked up to and inspirational.

  13. I chose Neil Armstrong because he motivates me, especially since he's the first man to set foot on the moon. That makes me think that anyone can be able to do anything if you work hard.

    I also agree with cadet Roman because if it wasn't for Elvis Presley we wouldn't be influenced by him a lot.

  14. i chose rosa parks because i feel that she is a great woman or at el==least she was. she had made a move in society when she stood up for hersellf in the bus that day and proved to those white people at the time at black people arent peices of shnitzels and they deserve better then what the white people put them through constantly in the past.

    i agree with what lesmes because i do beleive that ghandi was a great leader and he acted like he was a father to the people and children and he had such a good heart. he taught ;essons to the old and the young and he impacted us all with his words.

  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Sinatra
    one positive role model is frank sinatra because he started his success from the ground up. He can make music without prophanity in every sentence and I actually really like him

  16. http://www.oprah.com/index.html

    A leader sets standards and accomplishes a tremendous amount during their life time. They successfully help the needy, and overcome their own struggles. For these reasons, I chose Oprah Winfrey as a great leader of the 21st century. She's accomplished so much during her lifetime, and continues to do so.

  17. I agree with Cadet Vega. If you put your mind to it, then it is possible to achieve anything.

  18. http://www.baberuth.com/biography/
    I chose Babe Ruth because he is one of the best baseball plasyers of all time. He was a great batter and a amazing pitcher. He set a lot of records with the red soxs and the Yankees. He impacted the game in a way never seen before, or since.

  19. http://www.biography.com/people/leonardo-da-vinci-40396
    I would have to choose Leonardo Da Vinci because he was a complex person. he was a man far ahead of his time and was gifted with great knowledge and understanding in which mystifies people today.

  20. I chose Niel Armstrong because he was the first man to step foot on the moon and he is a responsible person and he inspires me not to give up the things i start on.http://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/5-8/features/who-is-neil-armstrong-58.html

  21. http://www.bruceleedivinewind.com/ The person I chose was Bruce Lee, one of the greatest martial artists of all time. This man has shown what humans are truly capable of through hard work, determination and discipline. He is my role model mainly due to his sheer determination toward his training and work. He is someone I strive to be in both body AND mind.Below I have added one of his quotes that I live by......

  22. I chose Princess Diana :)
