Saturday, December 31, 2011

Blog #14 (Bonus) The year 2011 was a great year because...

Hi Cadets, hope you had a great vacation and got all of the goodies and presents that you wanted.  As we are about take that giant leap into 2012, it's time to reflect on 2011 and what it was good for, for you.  All you have to do for bonus points for this year is to complete the following sentence with as few words as possible.

The year 2011 was a great  year because...     Remember to use as few words as possible and be specific.  I'll start this off.

2011 was a great year because my grandson was born. :-)

Have fun and see you in 2012, Tuesday, January 3rd.  

Friday, December 23, 2011

Blog #13 Feeling full after the holidays?

Hi again cadets and Happy Holidays.  I hope you are enjoying yourself during this time off from school as much as I am.  Remember that you are what you eat so take the time to drink more water and eat less sweets and don't forget to exercise. You will feel much better when you come back to school.  Your task this holiday is make your New Year's Resolution Goal.  Remember the S.M.A.R.T. tool and post your resolution to our site.  Make sure you find a URL link that will help you with your goal and post that as well.  You know my goal already and I am using: My Fitness Pal .  You must also comment on other cadet's work as well.

For those of you that missed the last day of classes before the Mid Winter Recess, here is your link to download your Leadership Review Worksheet.  Make sure you follow the instructions on the sheet and this will help you be prepared and finished with your project on the 9th of January.  Good Luck and I hope that everyone has a Happy New Year.  

PDF Format link: Leader Book Review Worksheet PDF,
MS Word Format Link: Leader Book Review Worksheet DOC

Monday, December 12, 2011

Blog #12 Breakfast, it does a body good?

Hi again cadets. As you learned last week, soda or sweetened drinks are one of the highest forms of calories that you can put into your body on a daily basis. I am sure that most of you were surprised to find out actually how much sugar you were drinking on a daily basis. Well, now it's your turn to educate each other. Watch the following video about breakfast cereals. Once you have finished, you must post your favorite cereal and explain what amount of sugar is actually in each box that you eat. Remember to post your information along with a website to support your facts. And last as usual, make sure that you read and comment on other cadet's work. I am sure you will be surprised about cereals today and how much sugar they contain. Here is your video, hope you enjoy: 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Blog #11 You are what you eat, specially during the holidays.

Good morning cadets.  Since we are learning about eating healthy, your assignment this week is to keep track of everything that you eat for an entire week.  The form that you need to use is in your Cadet Reference Handbook and you will need to print 7 of them, one for each day.  You must fill out each item that you eat and then find out how many calories you have consumed each day. While working on this exercise, you must post the item you have eaten that contained the most calories and also post a website URL that lists caloric content for food items.  The last thing that you must do is to post a comment regarding other cadet's work. If you discover something new, make sure you post that information as well and videos are always helpful.  Good luck and I know everyone will do great with this assignment.  Here is the link to download the Calorie Daily Worksheet: Cadet Calorie Worksheet