Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Blog #1 Good Samaritan Saves Good Samaritan | Video - ABC News

Welcome back to a new year Cadets.  As we are starting to work on First Aid and the importance of saving a life, your task this week is one that should be interesting for you.  You must find a news story online that is about a Good Samaritan and post the URL link back to our site.  Your next step is to give a brief synopsis about your story and your last part of the assignment is to read another cadet's work and leave positive feedback on their work. Below is my video link for your first story. I hope you enjoy and learn something in the process.

Good Samaritan Saves Good Samaritan | Video - ABC News


  1. http://www.ktla.com/news/landing/ktla-hermosa-beach-good-samaritan,0,5884878.story. I find this story interesting. The boy drowned underwater but managed to survive. He was laying at the bottom with no signal of life. So George Murray jumped in as he heard screams. He kept the boy alive till professional medical care arrived. He said "I almost lost him right there" which must have been nerve wrecking because he had the boys life in just about his hands. That Friday he celebrated his birthday thinking about that event. That must have been crazy!

    1. WOW that was so intersecting to watch. Some one brave enough to jump in the water and save the boys life. She did a good deed

    2. amazing!! He must be a really good person

    3. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/brooklyn/street_justice_good_samaritans_drag_yiWqFSGJgtJd16WHVM1DdI

      THIS STORY IS about how some people stopped a pervert on the flatbush bound he gropped her

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2012/03/13/pkg-good-samaritan-crash-rescue.wdaf

    Well this story talks about how a man saved a women from a burning vehicle. Ralph Maser the man who saved the women said he was going to pick up his daughter until he saw the fire.When he was going to pull her out she held on to the steering wheel. so he unhooked her and dragged her out.The women's name is not mentioned but the officer said if it wasn't for him she wouldn't be alive. This must have been scary for Ralph but he did his part and saved a life that day.

    1. Thats really cool I mean look at the rides we get on with the fire and see how hot it is. To go into a real fire takes alot of courage. This was a really good deed too

    2. Wow saving someones life like that and risking his at the same time by going in there and dragging her out, an awesome Samaritan !

    3. I find that crazy that a man put his life in jeopardy to save another. I don't think i would have done that in that sort of a situation.

    4. it takes a lot of courage to put your life at risk.

    5. thats nice to hear about good people

  3. http://www.newser.com/story/51876/injured-good-samaritan-gets-traffic-ticket-for-his-efforts.html

    In this story it talks about how a guy saving 3 people's lives by pushing them away from the path of the truck. I find this very courageous to just risk your life instead of others. While doing so he got injured having suffered bleeding in the brain, broken bones, a dislocated shoulder and a possible ruptured spleen.Although acting as a good Samaritan he didn't get a very good deed by the law but he risked his life to save 3 people !!

    1. Sad to see that the government of Denver Colorado doesn't recognize the heroics of this good samaritan. I am sorry that he was not supported and hope that others will come to his aid to fight this injustice.

    2. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11190559/ns/us_news-weird_news/t/teen-saves-life-woman-who-saved-him/#.UFuYWLJlQuk

      This story is about a 7 years old kid where he was practicing for baseball. During practice another person hits him with his bat by accident. The seven years old kid passes out. Fortune enough there was a nurse around the area. She gave him CPR and saves his live. Ten years after the nurse shocks in the food she was eating and the same kid that she helped out, help her out, giving her CPR.

    3. wow that man was very brave but its sad to hear that he didn't get positive feedback.But even though he didn't get recognize for his actions he did a good deed by saving these innocent people.Good work Salazar

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mL0YBs0yOmA

    This story is based on a collision between a SUV and a motorcycle.Luckily a good samaritan was nearby and rushed to the scene. His name is Robert Doyle, noticing the biker was bleeding he quickly tied his belt around his leg to stop the bleeding.Knowing there are people that would save your life in a heartbeat is a good feeling

    1. I heard about this too. I really think many people underestimate the about of generousity/good conscience a person has. I feel as though, on your story, this guy was more than helping someone else. He risk his life a bit too bc the guy was a biker and what if he had a gang? Robert Doyle could've been beat up if the biker's gang was nearby.

    2. Wow this man knew what he was doing and acted fast to save the life of that person.GOOD WORK man keep it up.

    3. This man really is a good samaritan, he prevented the motorcycle driver from bleeding to death and saved his life.

  5. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2012/06/unemployed-man-misses-job-interview-to-save-baby-on-tracks/
    I'm pretty sure you have heard about the person who saved someone else on the train tracks. He risked his life knowing the train could've hit him then and there. However, he took the risk and dove in the tracks to save another man's life. He didn't ask for anything in return. He displayed a great deal of effort into meeting the requirements as a good samaritan. This guy, I believe, deserves a MOH. He had so much to give in return of possibly losing his life.

    1. Wow, what a good man. To be able to risk his life to save another person. A good samaritan.

  6. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2012/03/good-samaritan-helps-driver-who-flipped-her-off-moments-earlier/

    This story is about a woman who had helped a woman and her daughter,who just a few moments before the woman had given the good Samaritan the middle finger for passing the double line.The good Samaritan had seen a bunch of smoke and pulled over so she could help get the people out of the car before anything horrible happened.She put the in her car and drove away from the fire.Other than burns, the good Samaritan had saved a few lives that day.

  7. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11190559/ns/us_news-weird_news/t/teen-saves-life-woman-who-saved-him/#.UFuYWLJlQuk

    This story is about a 7 years old kid where he was practicing for baseball. During practice another person hits him with his bat by accident. The seven years old kid passes out. Fortune enough there was a nurse around the area. She gave him CPR and saves his live. Ten years after the nurse shocks in the food she was eating and the same kid that she helped out, help her out, giving her CPR.

    1. Its Ironic that the Person who saved him several years ago needed assistance, with his knowledge of the Heimlich he was able to do so. They are both very fortunate to be able to tell their story.

  8. http://dunedin.patch.com/articles/good-samaritan-rescues-woman-who-crashed-into-pond

    This is about a man that saved a woman from a sinking car that crashed into a pond. The 20 year old woman was cut off by another car and she crashed into a pond. Joseph Daniel Isabelle, pulled over and jumped into the pond. Luckily the woman's window was open, and he helped her escape through the window before her car sunk. It must of been nice to know that someone was willing to take time from their day to save your life.

    1. WOW. It was lucky that the window was open. I can't believe a man will risk his life to save some one he never met.

    2. The woman is so lucky that Joesph Daniel Isabelle was there to resue her and he should be so proud of himself

    3. Amazing!! Like Katherine said, she was very fortunate to have her window open! It's wonderful to see humans caring about one another! You never know what could happen as well as how could the strangers around you can be.http://dunedin.patch.com/articles/good-samaritan-rescues-woman-who-crashed-into-pond Here's a story about a father, Johnathon Tucker who pulled a man out of his burning car right before it burst into flames. This proves a good Samaritan can be any one is disguise.

  9. http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2009/July/Good-Samaritan-Saves-Child-from-Burning-Car/

    This Article is about a 3 year old girl who gets trapped in a Burning SUV that was driven by her Grandmother on the San Bernardino Freeway. The grandmother and mother tried to get the toddler out the car but failed, they then seen a man running and asked him to assist and he did not decline the grandmothers plea for help. With his swift actions he saved a little girl and he said "It was all Instinct."

    1. I think its amazing how people can trust their self like this, follow their instincts and be able to safe others people life. Its a really good story!

    2. wow that is great that someone would risk his life and go into a burning car to save a random baby that is a good samaritan.

    3. This comes to show that good people exist and that if he had refused that little girl wouldn't have survived. He can really say, "I saved a life." It was all about timing and he didn't even think about it.

  10. http://youtu.be/oMyjVpag8os

    i find it amazing a man in a wheelchair would do something like this!!

    1. I couldn't believe it either, you never hear alot about a man in an wheel chair ot help somebody else in danger. Awesome video and excellent samaritan law

  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZ3xHwP2l38&feature=player_detailpage

    This video is simply about a bus driver who saves a little girl from running into the street. The Little girl got off the bus before her mother did and started to run into the street. the bus driver got out of the bus and stopped her from moving into the traffic.

    1. Next time the little girl's mom should be more responsible of her, if it wasn't for the bus driver she could have injured really bad. It is good thing that the bus driver stopped her before moving into the traffic.

  12. http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/32006584/ns/today-today_news/t/hero-brothers-pulled-boy-out-burning-suv/

    This story is about two brothers who are also off duty fire fighters saves a mother and her sons from a burning car. They were able to save the mother and her 2 year old son but a 4 year old boy was stuck in the back seat. They saved the young boy but he suffered severe burns. It is amazing that those men are willing to risk their lives for strangers. We need more people like them in the world.

    1. I'm impressed and amazed from those people who are willing to risk their lives and save someone's else. I gain respect and i'm absolutely honored that we have those kind of people and I look forward to become a good Samaritan by trying to help every person in any kind situation that they may be and may risk their lives.

  13. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/12/02/minnesota-good-samaritan-finds-and-returns-lost-wedding-ring/

    The article Minnesota Good Samaritan Finds and Returns Lost Wedding Ring is based on someone losing their wedding ring and a Good Samaritan returning the lost wedding back to its rightful owner. Leah Gosch had tied her wedding ring to her sneakers while she was working out and then when she realized that her shoelaces were untied, her wedding ring was missing. This is every wife’s most fear, losing their wedding ring. Thanks to Rian Vierzba she was able to get her ring back. Rian found the wedding ring in gym’s parking lot, Vierzba then returned the ring to its rightful owner without receiving anything in return.

    1. Wow that's a cool story and returning something to the rightful owner that's a GOOD Samaritan.good work man

  14. http://articles.nydailynews.com/2012-05-12/news/31682584_1_suspicious-apartment-fire-fast-moving-blaze-dead-woman
    This article is about a brave passerby, Eduardo Leonardo, who rescued Katrina Evans, 46, and her 8-month old grandson from a fire that killed their neighbor. They were trapped by a fire escape ladder that instead of being helpful was a hazard for Evans and her grandson. The fire that killed her neighbor was considered to be suspicious. Thankfully no one else was killed or injured severely by the fire.

  15. As doctors people might say that they dont count when it comes to the good Samaritan law. I myself believe that as people they work to save life's each day. So why not consider them? This article is about a women who suffers a hard attack while being pregnant... doctors did not know how to treat her.

    1. I am so confused of how the doctors didnt know to treat the woman. They are doctos they should have known.

  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ-e07735rE&noredirect=1
    I was looking for videos for the Good Samaritan Law. I found this awesome video in youtube and I hope you guys could watch it. This video is about a three man who resuced Jeff Scheinman from a burning car. Jeff Scheinman was met in an accident by another car and his car was buring so much. Fire was everywhere and nobody was there to resue him out because they were afraid. Three man had courage to resue this man out of the exploding, burning car.I feel so proud for these three man.

  17. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11101039/ns/msnbc-the_abrams_report/t/good-samaritan-act-saves-young-girl/#.UF845o2PWRF
    This is the story of a good Samaritan with good instincts. Some people decides to trust their instincts, and some people don't and that can be fine but not always. Tracie Dean knew that it was not ok to find a little girl alone in a gas station and knew that it was not right to left her with an older man. deciding to follow her instincts,Dean took down the license plate on the truck they drove off in, and spends a week calling the police and searching for missing children but she finds nothing. So she goes back to that place and ask to look at the surveillance tape. when she is watching the tape Sheriff's Deputy Bryan Davis walked in. she explains what is going on and he helps her safe this little girl's life.

    1. Wow she could have just have let it go and go on with her life but instead she decided to follow her instincts. Nice story Nicoll

  18. Nadia Ortega

    What an amazing story! It feels good to say we still have people willing to go the extra mile. Stopping by to check if something is right or not can make all of the difference. What a Great Samaritan indeed.

  19. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11101039/ns/msnbc-the_abrams_report/t/good-samaritan-act-saves-young-girl/
    this story is about a good samaritan named Tracie Dean who caught a sex offender. Dean trusted his instinct when he saw a little girl "who the sex offender called Elizabeth" was in the middle of a gas station alone. Dean waited four or five minutes and the little girl was still alone, he went over to the girl and said"hello" the girl said hi back. After another few minutes he ask the girl if her mommy works at the gas station. At that moment the sex offender said the name Elizabeth and walked over to her. the man said to the little girl,"are you trying to find a new mommy." the little girl seemed frightened. Dean went in the store to check on her things when the little girl opened the door to the store and would not let go of it. right there he knew that the girl s not supposed to be with the man. Dean immediately took down the license plate and called 911. the police did nothing. dean spends a week calling the police and searching for missing little girl she found nothing. Dean finally goes back to thegas station an asks to look at the security tapes, as she is watching the tapes the sheriffs deputy Bryan Davis walked in. dean explains everything she witnessed to the officer and proceeded to help find the little girl and save her life. fom this sex offender

  20. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2012/08/two-good-samaritans-electrocuted-trying-to-help-in-los-angeles-accident/
    This story is about two women that were in the Valley Village neighborhood of Los Angeles on Wednesday evening. They tried to help a driver who had crashed his SUV into a fire hydrant. Both were electrocuted and killed by a power line that had fallen into the water that was gushing from the broken hydrant. The Los Angeles Fire Department estimated the current at 4,800 volts. Witnesses said Irma Zamora, 40, ran from her car to try to help the driver, and was killed by the electric shock. A second woman was killed when she tried to help Zamora. Both were praised as heroes for their efforts.

  21. This article is about a good Samaritan helping a Ohio police officer who was being attacked by a suspect who he have stopped for having a broken back light on the car. After the officer frisked the suspect, the suspect attacked him after scaning the area. The suspect aimed for the cop's gun and the officer requested for backup on his radio. During the attack, people passed by but no one stopped except for an Ohio women. Later on, another police officer arrived on scene. This is a good story because even police officers need help from the people they protect. If it was't for the good Samaritan, this incident may not of have the same outcome. Also, at the end, the officer stated her as a hero and as a women, I was shocked because I"'ve always thought of a male when I heard the word hero, but the truth is, women are heroes as well. Also, the officer believes it was his parents who sent the women, the guardian angel. May people be blessed and protected.


    1. Also, this story where a women helps a male officer shows that women are not the only vulnerable ones, but men can be in a vulnerable position as well.

    2. What a great example of a person coming to another's aid when dozens of others won't. It is nice knowing that courageous people are near.

    3. I like your article Ling and is a great idea people always need help even officers they work hard to save you one day if you see a police officer needs help stop and go for there aid.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/06/21/12338082-90-year-old-helps-chase-down-her-alleged-mugger?lite

    This story is about a good Samaritan who saw an old lady get mugged and tried to help her but instead she wanted him to go catch the robber which he did. Even though he was the one that caught the robber he said that he felt the old lady was the real hero because instead of having him help her she wanted to catch the robber.

    1. Good job Cadet Altiery. Glad to see that you were able to get on and that you fixed the problem. I liked your the little old lady also.

    2. what a good Samaritan, and what a nice old lady, not everyone trust an stranger. I'm glad they catch the robber.

  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UTvHhBMVQ4 about a good samritan that got killed after helping a lady that was getting raped

  25. http://www.newser.com/story/51876/injured-good-samaritan-gets-traffic-ticket-for-his-efforts.html

    I was shocked to read that this good Samaritan was facing a jaywalking ticket even though his actions can speak for himself. This good Samaritan put himself in danger. He pushed three people out of the path of a pickup truck before getting hit himself. He faced multiple injuries such as, bleeding in the brain, broken bones, a dislocated shoulder and a possible ruptured spleen. His Selfless act wasn't as impressive to us as it might have been to the state police because once he was stable he learned that he recieved a ticket.

    1. He acted very honorably in what he did, although the fact that he was ticketed is unfortunate.

  26. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/28/nyregion/28laborer.html?_r=0

    Mr. Tale-Yax, was a man who came the United States to help his family financially back in Guatemala. He had much determination even after eight years. One night Mr. Tale-Yax was stabbed in the stomach for coming to a woman's aid in Jamaica, Queens. This story shows that true Samaritans do not think about their safety as much as they care about helping a person in danger. Also that lending a helping hand is one of the many instincts we humans have!

  27. http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2009/July/Good-Samaritan-Saves-Child-from-Burning-Car/

    This Article is about a good Samaritan in California that rescued a 3 year old girl from a flaming car that could explode any second. Josh McDonald climbed out of the burning car and ran away from the scene,with 3 year old girl in his arms. Miraculously,the occupants of the car only have minor injuries, but police say things could have been much worse if not for a good Samaritan in the right place at the right time.

  28. http://www.boston.com/news/nation/2012/10/08/good-samaritan-dies-foot-conn-highway-fall/TBL1FkVil27NeTWFePk1ZJ/story.html

    This article is about an eighty-three year old man from Maryland who died in an attempt to help a driver whose SUV had rolled over.The man fell thirty-five feet off an elevated high way while trying to avoid a large vehicle (a tractor trailer, to be specific)that was close to the accident area. The driver of the SUV was apparently driving too fast on a wet high way and lost control of her vehicle.

  29. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnV2de5I3yk&feature=fvwrel

    Guy save girl on the hall way when she was about to die. She wanted to thank him and give him a hug for saving her life. She a brain injury when she was on duty and because of the she had a lot of surgeries.
