Monday, October 1, 2012

Blog #2 Should You need a State Issued I.D. in order to vote?

Good morning cadets and I hope you are up to the task at hand today. Today you are being ask your opinion on whether or not you should have to have a state issued I.D. in order to vote.  What ever your opinion is, you must back up your opinion with valid research material online to support your position.  Keep in mind that at least 14 states have already enacted this law for the upcoming election.  Do you think that this is fair?  Keep your opinions clear and don't be afraid to stand your ground. Let your fellow students and the world know where you stand on this issue.
Post your URL for support of your opinion on our blog and also comment on your peer's work.  Good luck and I look forward to reading your responses.


  1. According to this website:

    Thirty-one states presently have laws in place that will require all voters to show a photo ID in order to vote this November. Although it would be rather convenient to have photographic proof/documentation of our country's voters, it would also be impractical, as many Americans do not own proper photo identification.

    These individuals include people who can not drive. A driver's licence is one of the most common forms of photo identification, yet certain disabilities (among other reasons) can prevent citizens from owning one of their own. Approximately 11% of the United States population - which translates into roughly 21 million people - do not own a photo ID (Source: ).

    In my opinion, proper identification is necessary to verify a voting individual. However, photo ID distribution to all 21 million citizens lacking any is an impractical feat. Our government should focus more on the vote itself, and not the voter (for the time being).

    1. I think thats so true they should try to focus on the vote and the results they get instead of trying to see who is voting and if they have proper photo identification . Even if it's 11% they still need all 21 million people to vote for the upcoming event.

    2. good job supporting that idea but I think as we AMERICANS we do not need an I.D because I know for sure if this was back in the days this problem would not be happening be good job on supporting your opinion

    3. I had no idea that 11% (21 million) Americans did not have a form of Identification with means the right to vote has been basically been stripped from these U.S Citizens.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. i also believe that the people should have a choice of bringing an I.D. if it is necessary for proof of age.


  2. As reported by this website -

    In Pennsylvania already a state that goes along with showing your photo I.D to vote , is trying to see whether it would remain intact. The law is made by Republicans so they can be safe and not have an election fraud although Democrats having a hard time because it stops from minorities or younger citizens to get easy access to photo i.d . Some are easy to get hands on and some hav to wait on long lines just to get these and others make it hard for them just for an identification.

    Another website is :
    This website informs us that 11 percent of eligible voters don't hav proper photo i.d's , due to being majority of seniors, people with disabilities,low-income voters etc.

    My opinion for the need of proper photo identification for the individual is that it isn't neccessary. I agree with what my researched webpage says theres technology aswell so that mistakes won't happen, and why are they making it difficult to vote? Don't they need our votes and honest opinions , why make it hard when if we are eligible enough to vote those people should.

  3. My opinion is that we do not need to have state I.D in order to vote. This is because We the people have freedom suppose the government says,and it dos not matter weather if we have a I.D or not because we are free and honestly why would we steal other peoples identity just to vote. I think people deserve to vote without an id and freely because we are Americans and we deserve a right to choose who we want as president or congress members.If you guys are still debating weather or not to have i.d's go to this website and i guarantee your going to change your mind

    1. Indeed, despite the Department of Justice’s 2002 “Ballot Access and Voting Integrity Initiative” promising to vigorously prosecute allegations of voter fraud, the federal government obtained only 26 convictions or guilty pleas for fraud between 2002 and 2005. And other studies of voter fraud consistently find that it is exceedingly rare – a 2007 Demos study concluded that “voter fraud appears to be very rare” and a 2007 study by the Brennan Center found that “by any measure, voter fraud is extraordinarily rare.” The Voting Rights Project will continue to fight these laws that disenfranchise millions of eligible voters without any legitimate justification.

      THIS is what i mean that I.D does not matter because fraud is really rare and all people want to do is vote

    2. I see your point of view, and I agree for the most part. This country was built on freedoms, and the necessity to vote doesn't really require identification. I'm sure you as well see no real benefits in voter fraud. Thank you for sharing your opinion on the matter.

    3. I understand that it is for the freedom of the people, but if we don't have rules, people will abuse those freedoms. For example: If I.D. is not required then it is possible for the same person to vote 50 times, once in each state

    4. Thank you Bychkov and Ekonomakos I agree with you but we can do something to prevent people voting 50 without needing an I.D don't you think?

    5. Thank you! Your basic information and your VOTE is what is necessary! This law might actually limit people's freedoms, which is supposed to be the base of the United States of America! Well done.

  4. I think that as long as you have proof that you live in that state you should be able to vote.

    1. Yea me too i agree with this. Its freedom and thats what we should give to the people

    2. you put it simple and straight to the point, well done.

    3. very true. that is exactly what a lot of people wants, so they would be able to vote in a more easy way.

  5. I do not think you should need a valid state id to vote. I do however think you should have Valid Proof you live in the COUNTRY because i was looking at Illinois current voting Requirements and they are absurd. The fact that a Valid U.S Military Identification card is not accepted is outrageous.
    The link for Illinois Voting requirements:

    1. i agree it does make it hard for people to vote but i can also see why they would want to put the ID act in affect

  6. I feel that we do need a state idea to vote. It goes both ways as a yes and no situation. You can say yes you need one because its showing your an american citizen and you have the right to vote because you live in this country. If you don't have a state I.D its not bad but society scrutinizes you differently and looks at you like "Why is she or he voting and there not even part of the country yet",but people have there rights and own opinion so why not let them vote it would be unfair to be people who didn't have one. I feel like this situation goes both ways depending.

    1. Yeah, I believe that proper state I.D. is needed for someone to vote cause people use fake I.D.

  7. There should be a state issued ID for voting because there are s many fraud out there these days not to mention identity thief. Licenses and passports can be forged so easily. If the states came up with a higher modification of the watermarks and unique embedded codes for the ID, this would decrease the rate of forgery and fraud. article/everything-youve-ever-wanted-to-know-about-voter-id-laws

  8. There should be a state issued ID for voting because there are s many fraud out there these days not to mention identity thief. Licenses and passports can be forged so easily. If the states came up with a higher modification of the watermarks and unique embedded codes for the ID, this would decrease the rate of forgery and fraud. article/everything-youve-ever-wanted-to-know-about-voter-id-laws

  9. According to the article:

    Thirty-one states presently have laws in place that will require all voters to show ID at the polls this November. According to the article voters without the proper ID cannot cast a valid ballot. Voters who are unable to show ID at the polls are given a provisional ballot. Those provisional ballots are kept separate from the regular ballots. If the voter returns to election officials within a short period of time after the election (generally a few days) and presents acceptable ID, the provisional ballot is counted. If the voter does not come back to show ID, that provisional ballot is never counted. Seventeen states require that the ID presented at the polls must show a photo of the voter

    My opinion is that we need proper state photo ID in order for us to vote because some people can use their fake I.D. to cast multiple votes. Seventeen states require that the ID presented at the polls must show a photo of the voter. The proper I.Ds are Government-issued photo ID, U.S. passport, U.S. military ID, Employee ID card with photo and drivers licenses. I believe that proper identification is necessary to verify a voting individual because it is more accurate that the I.D. belongs to the voter.

  10. My opinion on this act is that an I.D. should be required to vote because it presents/shows that you are a citizen of America and you have proof of that to ensure our security. Also you can easily forge or fake your way into voting if the states requirements are low. I would be more comfortable knowing that only citizens of the state are voting.

  11. in my opinion on the act is a yes and no situation.In one side i can see why people should use an ID. It make sense that only American citizen are voting.Plus people can make fake IDs.On the other hand it does make it hard for people to vote and as a result less people will vote witch can change the outcome of the election.

  12. I believe a State issued I.D. is needed to vote. With a state issued I.D., one person can only vote once causing the outcome of the vote to be more accurate and less bias.,4670,7-127-29836-202520--F,00.html

    In Michigan, these are the different identification acceptable to vote. With these I.D.'s shown when voting, a person may not vote more than once for a certain candidate causing them to win the election.

  13. In my opinon I beleive that a State I.D. is not needed to vote. Why do you need a State I.D.? A peron who is a United Staes Citizenship and is over the age of 18 has the right to vote. This has been the law for a long time, why do we have to change it. Why do we need a State I.D. to vote. You just need to prove that you were born in the United States or is a U.S. citizen and have to prove you are over the age of 18. You can prove this by a United States paasport or a birth certificate. Everyone is free here and has the right to vote. I don't understand why a person would not accept an military identification,they ask them for a State I.D. Like really that person has proof that he or she was serving our country and you still ask them if you have a State I.D. I found this excellent artivle about all the states laws and inforamtion about the State I.D. situations. I would like everyone to read this and give me a comment about what you think about it.

    Something that I learned when I was reading this is that some of the states doesn't agree with the State I.D. situation and aren't accepting it, even thou a law was passed. Some states aren't even following it, why should everyone follow it. THis sounds unfair.

  14. I think that its not fair for some people that cannot vote because they don't have an I.D. But I also think that making fraud its even more unfair to everyone who wants to raise their voice and choose a good representation. people should show evidence of who they are for them to vote, it has to be a way for us to stop the fraud but that at the same time does not stop people from voting.

    related article:

  15. In my opinion I think that state issued I.D. are needed to vote because it makes sure people don't vote more than once and it makes sure that they don't steal someones identity so they can vote again.

    My personal opinion is that we donot need to have state I.D. in order to vote just proof of age and that you live in the state of which you are voting. also the only reason i think we should have I.D.'s is so illegal imigrents cant vote.


    I believe that people should not be using State ID for voting because is against the voting rights for citizens there is always different ways to show you are citizen such as passport and driving licence. State ID is a way just to say: "hey it's me and I'm voting for you" when the voting should be anonymous.


    My opinion about having a state issued I.D. is that we should not be required to have one. This is because many elderly people do not have a state issued I.D. and many minorities also do not have State issued I.D.. Also many people would like for their vote to remain anonymous.

  19. You don't need to have a state ID in order to vote. Every U.S. citizen has a right to vote if they are 18 or older.So needing only a state issued I.D is pointless. As long as you are a citizen of the United States you are allowed to vote.

  20. I don't think it is right to require a state-issued I.D. to every citizen of the United States. <= In this article, several statistics are stated, one of them being that nearly 7 million people move from state to state each year. Are they just supposed to start over? Also, I don't understand why America would be so meticulous about the voter's information, rather than his/her actual VOTE. These citizens already meet the necessary requirements; requesting even MORE private information would seem like more of a tedious job, wouldn't it? Also, being more specific, state-issued I.D. doesn't include the military. Where are the military's benefits? Shouldn't military I.D. be way more than enough? This seems pointless rather than sensible.

  21. I don't believe in requiring the citizens of the United States to show state issued identification.It is quite clearly a way of simply making it hard to vote, and really doesn't serve any other purpose than making it difficult to get through the process of voting. <--- According to the information provided by this link it is easy to tell that requiring state issued identification would simply hinder the ability of good American citizens to vote.

  22. I believe they should have an I.D to vote because someone could vote two times you know. They could fake thier name and other info and vote again.

  23. According to the Article:

    passed wave of laws that could make it harder to vote which I don't agree. People fought to have the right to vote and Freedom why people would go and try to changed that a lot of people don't got a state ID and if the voting laws change a lot of people could not vote and have a say on situations.
