Monday, October 22, 2012

Blog #5 Thinking outside the box, cardboard box that is...

Good day cadets and welcome back to your second marking period. This week I was lucky to come across and innovative idea that could revolutionize travel in busy cities and 3rd world countries.  I would like for your to watch this video and provide your comments. You next task to find an new groundbreaking idea that you feel is similar to this video that will help improve our future. These types of advances are made by true leaders in the field of discovery and invention. I look forward to your selections and can't wait to see what you bring to our blog for everyone to see. Remember to also comment on your peer's work as well.  Good luck and I hope you like the video, here it is. Did I mention that the price for the bike will be $20.00?


  1. That guy has determination. When someone told him that he couldn't, he kept going until he made it work and accomplished his goal.

    In this video there is a challenge to build a man powered helicopter that reaches ten feet and sustains that height for 1 minute and without drifting out of a 10 meter box. They haven't accomplished it yet, but its still fascinating.

    1. wow i agree its fascinating and im glad you brought this up because I like helicopters and to see this blew my mind

    2. WOW I liked your research, Man I wished I had this invention. GOOD JOb

    3. I find that interesting and I hope they accomplish their goal.

  2. This man has created something fantastic he kept on going and achieve what he wanted to achieve.

    This video is a man that created Sixth Sense is a mini-projector coupled with a camera and a cellphone—which acts as the computer like it says on the you tube description box

    1. wow, that is amazing. I love watching ted talks, and that is just crazy, the capabilities are endless.

    2. I think that is just the beginning of a new "era" for our generation by the time we are 25 we will probably flying cars. IT'S POSSIBLE!!!

    3. I do agree it is crazy but also with vega that it is possible. Anything in this world is possible. Good job


    This men wanted something different than other bikes. He found it, he made his bike different than others by making it one wheeled bike (a mono bike) and he made it nature friendly were it is not going to harm the nature with toxic gases because it is powered by electricity.

    1. Wow this is great and its friendly to our environment that what we need for our future

    2. that's so cool! good job, I really like the story and the invention. I wish I have one of those.

  4. If peoplekeeping thinking and inventing new ideas, our future will be bright. I would by that bicycle for $20.00 dollars because a real bicycle is worth maybe like $100-$300 dollars. I will save alot of mony. A new invention that came out in 2012 that I found that was interesting is a drug that can gain your memory back. I think it is cool and interesting. Many people will not forget about their memories and keep them forever.This great invention could present great benefits for our ageing population. A pill version is in the works for human use, but the same drug will not be released for a couple more years.

    If you want to learn about this meomory drug or more inventions during 2012 is

    1. I find the invention you found to be very interesting thanks for sharing it.

  5. basically, once you've got the motivation in you, nothing can stop you from accomplishing anything. That's the same thing in JROTC. you need the motivation and dedication to accomplish anything.

    I couldn't find a site related to this blog. however, i do believe that this person had their mind set on the invention and so he pursued his dream through hard work.

    1. Law, I really like your response!
      I believe that accomplishing the goal that was set despite the hardship, is amazing.

  6. I really like this innovation. I've always believed that if everyone walked or biked to their destination, it would not pollute the air as much, less gas= less $, and more interaction between the people and the community. But again, there are many things that may not be done as conveniently without vehicles.
    This bicycle is made out of cardboard so it would benefit the environment. The invention of this bicycle is amazing itself. It can withstand weight and can transport a person to its destination.

    This is a short video of a new body armor made for females in the military. With this new invention, it would benefit the females, the military, and overall, it would benefit the world.
    With this new body armor, the females would feel comfortable while wearing it, which would benefit their efficiency in the field.

  7. Well this guy had lots of determination and was able to build something extraordinary. He never backed down and kept going, as a result he was able to make a bike out of cardboard box.

    The Medical Mirror takes your pulse by analyzing your face,using a web cam behind the glass, measures the amount of light your face is reflecting and uses it to calculate your heartbeat. This is a really cool invention which can help us in the future.

    this is the story of a father that makes an incredible invention to help his son whose doctor predict he would never walk again because of his disabilities.
    this men (Jorge) built in just a month out of a bicycle and wooden planks a machine that became a homemade rehabilitation device for his son. Jorge has now built four machines and is using them to try to help other disabled children.

    1. I believe this invention is great for his son and and everyone with the same disabilities. I thinks it just a great blog!
      It shows how everything its possible with love and care that the dad gives to his son. It is just magnificent how much love a father has towards his son. I believe its inspiring for those whose family is in bad conditions, they can always do their best to help them....

  9. This guy idea was genius who knows when somebody would have thought about something like that and it’s good that he didn't give up even when people told him it couldn't be done.

    This invention is called sleep mining it is a small device that is worn on your head and while you are sleeping it will see if you have any disease that can normally take a doctor a while to diagnose. The information that is found while you’re sleeping is sent to your smart phone.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. wow this is amazing because with this invention we can safe people of getting late diagnosis. that's really smart.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.


    This is a series called the what if machine its about on how we can use different types of jetpacks in the future instead of using oil or something we can use water which will be very cool because I doubt we will ever run out of water. This is one of my favorite series. Enjoy !

  12. Wow I am impressed, completely blown away by this idea. This guy took an idea and made it happen. Like he said, "one of my favorite things about it is that it's made out of card board." Imagining how many card board boxes I've opened since I started working at the movie theater upsets me because everyone of those boxes could have went into making one of these. He can even open his own cardboard bike shop and the card board is free. Just genius!!!!He is helping the planet one bike at a time!!!!!

    i think this would be helping the earth and to carry it around is easy and fun

    1. That is very cool how they can make a bike that is now only 2 wheel But can be folded and stored easily

  14. this video shows how you can turn Milk Jugs into Fencing


    Random guy make a invention that helps a girl with cancer. The girl had cancer on her leg and she needs to get operated by operating her leg the growth of her leg stop. The guy make an invention which the doctors put inside of her and every time she goes to the Doctor they put her leg on this machine and it sends signals to the thing inside her leg and it grows and it does not hurt.
