Monday, October 8, 2012

Blog #3 Presidential Debates and Half Truths

Welcome back Cadets.  Your task this week is to analyse last week's Presidential
Debate between President Obama and Governor Romney.  You must select your
Presidential candidate,  research and post your opponent's half truth that they 
tried to sway the public with during the debate.  Remember, that you must post 
the URL where you obtained your information that supports your fact and also
comment on another cadet's work.  The final part of this research is to do the 
exact same thing for the Vice-Presidential Debate this Thursday evening. 
Good luck and here is one of the statements that I found what was a half truth:

"Romney Fact Check #1: Health Care Costs Rose $2,500 per Family

Under Obama — 9:41 p.m.: Governor Romney:  Health care costs have 
up by $2500 a family. As we reported in March, the average cost of 
a family 
policy rose by $1,300 between 2010 and 2011, according to the 
(Even if you include the year before 
— so 2009 to 2011 — the increase 
was $1,700, not $2,500.)

Make sure that you use other sources besides the one that I have listed about
and good luck with this assignment.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My presidential candidate that I choose was Governor Mitt Romney.Even though I like President Barrack Obama Mitt Romney backed up his facts and was on target but he said half truth about somethings. This is an example why I think Mitt Romney Won that debate and swayed the public into thinking he is the good man to be president with half truths.

    (CNN) -- Wednesday night in Denver, Mitt Romney tried to imply that President Barack Obama had given $90 billion in tax breaks to solar and wind companies. After first noting (more accurately) that $90 billion went to the "green energy world," Romney followed up with "don't forget... you put $90 billion -- like 50 years worth of breaks -- into solar and wind."
    Personally, I wish the president had. But it just isn't true.
    The actual number was more like $21 billion. I know, because I helped oversee the administration's efforts in this area.

    Van Jones
    The larger number refers to all of the investments in the 2009 stimulus package that the administration designated "green" in any way. The number included $6 billion for advanced batteries to make electric cars possible, $29 billion for energy efficiency and home retrofits, $3 billion for job training, and even $18 billion for transit and high speed rail. To pretend that all of that money went to solar and wind companies is ludicrous. SO this was a half truth Mitt Romney said.

    1. A day after losing the first presidential debate, President Barack Obama and his campaign accused his Republican challenger Mitt Romney of being dishonest about tax policy and other issues.
      "If you want to be president, you owe the American people the truth," Obama said at a campaign rally Thursday in Denver. "So here's the truth: Governor Romney cannot pay for his $5 trillion tax plan without blowing up the deficit or sticking it to the middle class. That's the math." - Barrack Obama

    2. I like your proof, but i don't think you can use Obama's statement as a fact check.

    3. I like your facts and how you backed up your opinion.

    4. Very nice how you used quotes from Obama to prove your point

    5. Very good job in backing up your opinion, even if I do disagree.

    6. Wow good job with your facts and details. You convinced me actually when I read this. Governor Rommney did back up his stuff with facts.

  3. Good Job Guzman! I really like your comment and opinions!

    1. Thank you for supporting me :-)

  4. My Vice president that I would like to be choosen is Vice-president Joe Biden because he has more experience with being in office then U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan. This is one of what Paul Ryan's half truth was...

    CNN debate -Obama wasn't working closely with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and that the United States wasn't fully committed to making sure Iran doesn't require a nuclear weapon.
    "This president doesn't bluff," Biden said.
    Ryan, however, insisted that Iran was closer now to having a nuclear weapon than it was four years ago, blaming the administration for allowing that to happen. He bluntly said that Tehran could not become a nuclear power.
    "This is the world's largest sponsor of terrorism," he said. "And if they get nuclear weapons, other people in the neighborhood will pursue nuclear weapons as well. We can't live with that." well with that being said most certainly Iran is not working to make necular weapons and are not getting closer to achieOn Iran, widely backed international sanctions pushed by Obama and backed by allies have devastated the Tehran economy, Biden said. He also rejected assertions that Obama wasn't working closely with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and that the United States wasn't fully committed to making sure Iran doesn't require a nuclear weapon.
    "This president doesn't bluff," Biden said.
    Ryan, however, insisted that Iran was closer now to having a nuclear weapon than it was four years ago, blaming the administration for allowing that to happen. He bluntly said that Tehran could not become a nuclear power.
    "This is the world's largest sponsor of terrorism," he said. "And if they get nuclear weapons, other people in the neighborhood will pursue nuclear weapons as well. We can't live with that." Well with that being said most certainly Iran is not working to make necular weapon and is no where near achieving this goal i think that was a half truth

    1. Again Excellent Job, I agree that Joe Biden does have more experience in the office

  5. My Presidential candidate is President Obama because he kept his word, ending a war, bought our troops home and helped to minimize healthcare disparities. Everyone forgets that President Bush created this mess. I guess it is easier to blame someone else. I believe that President Obama also won the debate because he was concise and factual. Governor Romney was not professional, he was kind of laughing while President Obama was speaking.

    On Thursday, October 11 Vice President Joe Biden and vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan debated over taxes, Medicare, national security and some animated facial expressions in their only debate before Election Day. I believe that Joe Biden would be better because he has more experience. He was the one to bring a three-ring binder full of facts and figures to the debate, this show that he knows what he is talking about.

  6. My Candidate is President Obama based on this statement made by Romney ROMNEY: Obama's health care plan "puts in place an unelected board that's going to tell people ultimately what kind of treatments they can have. I don't like that idea."

    THE FACTS: Romney is referring to the Independent Payment Advisory Board, a panel of experts that would have the power to force Medicare cuts if costs rise beyond certain levels and Congress fails to act. But Obama's health care law explicitly explicitly prohibits the board from rationing care, shifting costs to retirees, restricting benefits or raising the Medicare eligibility age. So the board doesn't have the power to dictate to doctors what treatments they can prescribe.

    Romney seems to be resurrecting the assertion that Obama's law would lead to rationing, made famous by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's widely debunked allegation that it would create "death panels."

    The board has yet to be named, and its members would ultimately have to be confirmed by the Senate. Health care inflation has been modest in the last few years, so cuts would be unlikely for most of the rest of this decade.


    1. Don't forget your Vice-Presidential debate comments as well. Good job so far but where is your URL to verify your facts?

  7. After watching the first Presidential Debate, I am very hesitant in choosing either candidate. Without even listing the facts, the tone of both Romney and Obama can be judged upon. Obama definitely did get chewed out by Romney, but he wasn't the only one. The moderator was, too, interrupted by Romney. Many people can argue that Romney was rude and obnoxious and others can say he was just doing his job. Obama didn't step up his game like he should have, and he seemed to be playing the role of "mister nice guy." Romney was arrogant and even referred to the lower class as "poor people" right before correcting himself. After reading this article and looking over each of the candidates responses, it looks like Obama repeats himself and Mitt Romney gives false statistic. He claimed Massachusetts was the top state in good health care when it was actually Vermont. I would vote for Obama because of his plan for the middle class. Romney supports the upper class and lacks empathy with the lower middle class and the lower class.
    As for Biden and Ryan, Biden was quick to make Paul Ryan look young and inexperienced. I would go with Biden because he looked more skillful than Paul Ryan.

  8. I work for Michael Grimm so I don't need the internet for resources. Although he's a Republican, he told the entire office that day of the debate that Romney was only saying that he'd lower tax rate and unemployment rates because he wanted to degrade Obama. However, Obama has failed to make any change in the country that he promised in '08. Employment rate is now 7.4% and national debt is over $17 million. It hasn't gotten lower. It's gotten higher.
    My view is that Romney needs to stop degrading Obama and start saying what he can change. He also needs to stop being so rude. On the other hand, Obama needs to start making speeches that we haven't already heard in the past 4 years.

  9. I like President Obama and I was really happy when he was elected as presient of America in 2008. When Obama was elected president he symbolize that in America any race,religon,and color of the skin be president. The only that has to change is the gender. AMerica should let woman be as president. That is a different issue. He gave many speeches that will change america on loweing taxes,pass immigration laws and more. He didnt do any change during his four years of presdient. It is true that President Geroge Bush left AMerica in a bad state, but Obama said many speeches about changing America. He didnt do any change at all.He needs to get new speeches and stop using the old ones over again. He needs to step up in his game.
    My presidential candidate that I choose that won the debate was Governor Mitt Romney.I do like President Barrack Obama but he was so nervous. Mitt Romney backed up his facts and but he said half truth about many things. Not only did Governor Romney but President Obama did as well.
    These are Romneys half truths:"oil production is down 14 percent this year on federal land". This is half truth because oil production on federal land when Obama was President increased from 566 million barrels in 2008 to 626 million barrels in 2011. It didnt lower but raised. Another half truth:"My plan will create 12 million jobs in four years". This is false because the U.S. economy will create at least 12 million new jobs it will not matter who is going to be president for the first term.
    Obama's half truth:"What I've also said is, for (those earning) above $250,000, we can go back to the tax rates we had when Bill Clinton was president". This is not true bacause President Obama wants to Obama has raise the income tax for the wealthiest households to the Clinton-era.
    More excellent information on this URL.

  10. During the vice president Debate I think that Joe Biden knew what he was saying during his debate. He was getting to the point. It also showed that Joe Biden had many experience in the WHite House.JOe Biden did win the debate.Both Ryan and Biden said false and half truth.

    Biden's Half truth:"Romney wanted to let Detroit go bankrupt". This is false because in the atricle it stated that
    "Biden's wording came from an opinion article Romney wrote in The New York Times that ran under the headline "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt" but "his point was never that he wanted the auto industry to go down the tubes," says The Associated Press". It was just an opinion not a fact

    Ryan's Half truth:"Obama robbed Medicare to pay for ObamaCare". This is false because this article states that
    "The anticipated Medicare savings were used to offset "anticipated costs of expanding health care for all Americans, but the Medicare trust fund is unscathed."

  11. On the presidential debate, the candidate I chose was President Barack Obama. Although he have not accomplished many things as president during these 4 years, but like Tharchin said, he brought home our troops, ended the war, and minimized healthcare disparities. Most importantly, during these 4 years, gas prices went up and there were changes that no body wants, but on the other hand, our soldiers are home safe and that means a lot.
    That night, Romney's facts were very significant, but his tactics was a disgrace. It is important for him to win the debate and to get more votes, but the way he presented himself was awfully bad. He kept smiling and interrupting while Obama talked, and when Romney spoke, Obama was calm and did not have any fake reactions like Romney.
    Mitt Romney's argument was to stop programs like PBS funded by borrowing money from China which leads us to a deficit. Stopping the program would lead the United States to a decrease in dept, but on the other hand, two third of the dept we owe is to the federal government. With that said, China was also decreasing its holdings recently. So in a way, what Mitt Romney stated about canceling a TV program was true, but in a way, it is not.

    I did not watch the vice presidential debate but searching online, I found this.
    Joe Biden answered: "People making a million dollars or more", to the question on "Who would be paying more taxes in Obama's second term". The truth is, the people who would be paying more on Obama's second term are individuals making over $200,000 and couples making over $250,000.

    1. wow great work i like how you provided us with facts and the URL was really helpful
