Monday, October 15, 2012

Blog #4 Presidential Candidates and Health Care Reform

Welcome back Cadets. I hope you had a great weekend and are up to your task this week.  Since we are studying First-Aid and how to save a person life, your task this week is look at your Presidential Candidate and post what their ideas are on Health Care for the people of the United States. Remember to post the URL for the site that you use to support your facts. Give a brief synopsis of the position and why you think that it is the right one for the american public. And last but not least, remember to comment on your peer's work. As always, you are doing such a great job, I am having to keep on my toes to challenge you. Good luck and I hope you enjoy the Presidential Debate this Tuesday evening at Hofstra University. 


  1. Nearly 5.4 million Medicare recipients saved more than $4.1 billion on prescription drugs as a result of the Affordable Care Act, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said in an August news release.
    "Seniors in the Medicare prescription drug coverage gap known as the 'donut hole' have saved an average of $768," she said.
    The law helps make Medicare prescription drug coverage more affordable....

    I think the Obama-care plan was successful and should stay that way as it says in the article people saved money and it was affordable.This mean that the American public will not have to pay as much. And if we put through Obama for another term great things can come our way

    1. I agree with u, I belive that Obamacare is successful and can help provide people with healthcare which can save money.

    2. I agree as well, I believe if we are to pay for medicare, it should be affordable and can protect major injuries or cases. It will a piece of mind to those citizens that don't get paid a lot.


    The only other time in the United States history where the government forced people to buy something was on car insurance, but that's if you own a car. Obama-care has forced millions of people to go under medicaid, and medicare has been cut by $528 billion dollars. The act also violated state rights by mandating health insurance throughout the nation. Personally i don't like the fact that the government was able to do this and force people to pay for something.

    If obama-care is in the best interests of the people, why not put it on the public market. It would still be the most affordable and would give people a choice, which is what Romney's suggestion was.

    1. I totally agree why should people be forced to pay for something. People should have rights and freedom to pay for something they want. Why should people be forced???

    2. I agree with both of you and included that people had to be forced to pay for something is not the best part of ObamaCare in my comment, but in my perspective, it would benefit the US citizens at the end.

    3. I agree with you,I believe that people shouldn't be forced to pay for something but Obamacare will benefit more people.

    4. good work even though i disagree with what you said I like how you provided facts to back up Obamacare

    5. I think you made some valid points which should be considered nice job

    6. I don't agree with you but i do like how you gave those facts. it's a very good response.

  3. My presdiential candiate on Health Care Reform is Preseident Obama. I think his Health Care Reforms are better and will help America. America economy is low and many people can't afford to pay for health care. many families has no jobs or money. Many people with sickness and diseases can't afford health care if they don't have money. Some ideas of Obama on Healthcare Reforms are that he expands Medicaid by up to 17 million. That is good and will benefit America alot. It will be better if he expands it up more because there are many people living in America. Governor Rommney isn't thinking about expanding Medicaid at all. Another idea is that Young adults can stay on their parents' health insurance plan up to the age of 26. That isn't bad as you think about it. By the age of 26 or more they can get jobs or a career. Also Obama Guaranteed insurance coverage for children under the age of 19 with pre-existing health conditions.

    There are many more ideas on Obama Health care Reform just go on this URL

    1. Good job. I agree with that fact that Obamacare insurance cover for children under the age of 19. Good work bringing in facts

    2. It is great that Medicaid is being expanded so much. I think you made valid points Choudhury!

  4. Obama's Health Care Reform is the ObamaCare.
    This health care's goal is for all US Citizens to be able to have a health care that insures them of any situation, and to be affordable to them. The people who have a low income salary do not have enough money to pay for insurance, so they do not have an insurance plan which may come in handy one day. Like food stamps, it helps people who do not have a high salary so they do not have to worry about food. This is an amazing creation to help people and to solve their problems. With ObamaCare, I believe it would help people and change the United States, not only to a free country, but to a country where people are given many opportunities to live a better life.
    My father just moments ago showed me a Chinese newspaper about a family living in a home in Hong Kong described as the size of a snail shell. Not only is the living situation not the best, but the food they have (a small portion) has to be divided into the three portions for the three people. Also, if they do not have insurance because of the income they make, they would not be insured and would be living in a much worse situation, god forbid anything happens to them. With ObamaCare, the people here do not have to live in the same situation in Hong Kong or other places.

    May all be safe, healthy, and happy.


    1. Also, ObamaCare forces people to pay for their insurance. The plan is for it to be affordable and the intention for all US citizens to have an insurance plan and to be insured is good intention, but the fact that they have to be forced to pay for something is not the best part of this plan. But once again, the people who would be benefited at the end are the US citizens.

  6. here is the link to obama care and how it benefits you. According to some of the info it has in the link Obama care is trying to put an end to charging women more than men for the same coverage.It also states that the care act is "putting an end to the worst abuses, such as capping or dropping your coverage when you get sick."

  7. I agree with you and Obamacare does help America in some ways. I like how you included that Obamacare is Affordable and will help Americans


    Obamacare seems to be the better choice out of the two since thats the one saving us Americans money. With Obamacare people have been able to get the medical care they need without having to spend a lot of their money. Mitt Romneys health care plan seems to me that he is just trying to make us spend more money and making health care less affordable.


    This is what Paul ryan wants to do for medicare. He says he wants it to become a voucher program but with no voucher plan. If he makes it voucher plan that means we have a set cap which means we can spend a certain amount of money that you can spend on your medical bill. If you go over whos going to pay ? Not us because thats why we have medicare, he said that medicare isnt going to spend nothing. Hopefully the money doesnt get used from the taxes because that means we probably would need to pay more.


    Here are the top ten reasons that why Obamacare is good for citizens. I believe this are great reasons to be under the Obamacare policy. The Obamacare is going to do great for those who do not get paid the amount enough to have medicare. Also it's great because it makes people more equal to each other in term of having the same health care.

    1. Good job Vega, I like the way you went straight to the point and the candidate you think has the best reform, which top ten reason of why do you like it and we should be agree with you.

  11. In here there is a comparison of both candidate's health-care reforms:
    I personally think that Obama-care is much better for us because is more affordable, and according to what president Obama reforms they "provides affordable, accessible health care for all Americans, builds on the existing health care system, and uses existing providers, doctors, and plans. Under the Obama-Biden plan, patients will be able to make health care decisions with their doctors, instead of being blocked by insurance company bureaucrats".

    My presidential candidate is President Barack Obama and his healthcare plan is called Obamacare. This healthcare plan ensures that people will receive medical care if they cannot attain a sufficient medical plan from their employer. Legal U.S. residents benefit from this plan, it stops medical care from being in "the hands" of insurance and drug companies. In my opinion Obamacare is ideal for everyone in the United States including senior citizens. Senior citizens are given no less of medical care than any other person under Obamacare. This is not the case in Mitt Romney's health care plan whereas he plans to give each state a fixed amount of money in which they are to fund medical care. This would not be a good choice because it ignores the possibilities of health care inflation.

    1. i agree it help people who can't get it with out help

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. presdiential candiate on Health Care Reform is Preseident Obama. this link is the link to obama care and how it benefits you. Obama care is better because it is more affordable. According to the information in the link to Obama care, obama care is trying to stop charging women more than men for the same coverage. It shows that the care act is putting an end to capping or dropping your coverage when you get sick.

  15. i think obamacare is a helpful because by doing this everyone is get health care


    I feel that it's obamacare that made medical worst.

    5. ObamaCare expands Medicaid (medical care for the poor) to everyone (under the Medicare age of 65) who has income less than 133% the federal poverty level.
    ^ ^
    The estimated amount of people whose income less that 133% the federal poverty level is more that half of the national population.
    6. ObamaCare will shorten the amount of time Doctors have with each patient, and lengthen the amount of time patients will have to wait.
    ^ ^
    If a patient has an emergency with the doctor, why are they waiting longer than usual? what if it's just a well visit and patients end up waiting so long? it disrupts a patient's patience.


    ON this article there is 10 reasons why Obama-care plan is better and can change peoples mind. Obama-care on my own personal opinion I think for the Poor and the middle class can afford.
