Thursday, November 1, 2012

Blog #6 What did you do after Hurricane Sandy?

Hi cadets and I hope that all of you OK after Hurricane Sandy.
My house is still standing and with water damage to the
basement. I had inclusive wind and water damage to my first
floor but will be alright.  This blog to so demonstrate your
caring and compassion and to highlight what you did to help
your community after the hurricane.  I went out to Belle Harbor
and help neighbors clear out their flooded basements, garages,
and cars.  I also passed out food and water to those that needed

Post what actions you took to help your neighbors and I hope
that each and every one of you are thankful for what you still
have. I know that I count my blessing daily.  Comment on
other cadet's work and post stories about helping others in
your community from videos or news feeds.  Good luck and
I look forward to seeing your work.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cadet Gonzalez and I have gone around the neighborhood and have collected cans for those in need in this Thanks Giving. Do to the fact that hurricane Sandy have destroy houses, cars, and most important lives that can not be replaceable. We felt that was important to go out there help out with the community since there was going to be more people in line in this Thanks Giving. I hope people can recognize there is people out there that their lives are destroy and we could always do something for them.

    1. I also went around collecting can foods, it is a good thing that you are dedicating your time collecting can foods

    2. It was really nice and fun to do it for the people who need it, thanks for the help. When I got the idea I didn't though it was going to be a big deal but after all this days any help is good for them.

    3. It was a really nice and a good thing for you guys to collect food for people that are in need of help.

  3. This is an emotional video. It is unimaginable what people in Rockaway Beach have been through; 9/11, plane crash, and now Hurricane Sandy. No people should ever even face one of these incidents. Although all these incidents occurred, it is amazing to see how the community acted as a family. The spirit that they have will bring the pieces back together. Living in Brooklyn, I was not affected a lot by Hurricane Sandy, and I am grateful for that. I pray that all those who were affected to recover from their loss and to live happily and safely.

    1. I agree with you on the video part. I believe that majority f Brooklyn was very lucky. Staten Island was affected the most and Coney Island.

    2. I understand how you feel nicole,it is so sad that this tragedy happened in new york

  4. Well After the Hurricane Sandy, Cadet Incle, Guzman, Mojica, Alvarez and I went around our school's neighborhood collecting can foods, we asked them if they would like to donate can foods for the Hurricane Sandy relief. Some of the people donated money. I also donated few of my clothes to Salvation Army.

    1. That was nice of you and i had a great time it was fun.

  5. After Hurricane sandy I went bike riding with cadet Guzman we saw tons of things such as trees,gas stations houses, roads etc. Then as cadet Tharchin said me and other cadets went around and collected a lot of cans.

    1. yes and we helped clear out like one tree. at least we helped

    2. THats really helpful me and my mom gave cans of food

    3. That's very nice to help clear a tree!

    4. its good that everyone is helping out

  6. After hurricane sandy me and Cadet Vega,L. collected cans for the people who sadly lost everything, I was blessed because around my place nothing really bad happen but when I watching the news and I saw a lot of people suffering for this so I felt that I had it to do something. =)

    1. We really had fun that day I hope we could do it again. :D

  7. After hurricane sandy I went out with my father and we helped people that didn't have food to eat. We also tried to clear as much trees that we could and we put some effort.

    1. that's really nice, I bet you two really put some effort to help and the people are really happy you guys did.

  8. After hurricane sandy, many of my friends lost their homes. I helped donate food and clothes to them. I offered them my house and I helped them recover whatever was left of their house. Many of my friends' had found photos that left undestroyed

  9. First Sergent LEwis I feel so bad about what happened but I pray that your house all the flooding will go away.Thank GOd that your house is fine. The video is so sad and I feel so bad for the people in Rockway. ALso there was so much damge in statem island,coney island and many other places. I am happy that many people are going together to hellp all the people that was affected by this storm. THinkgs that I am doing now to help with the people is that me and my mon went to Staten Island and gave people food, homemade food and can food. My dad went to Cosco and got packages of water so we can give them to the people that was affected by the storm. I donated some clothes for them. I am also raising money right now, so I can help the students and teachers in FOrt Hamiliton that was affected by the storm

  10. after the storm me and a few of my friends went door to door in my coummuntiy. since there was no power the stores were close and people didn't have anywhere to by food so we gave out some cans .

  11. I wasnt able to collect cans for Thanksgiving. But, i was able to collect some of my old clothes and donating to my local church. Its not a church i attend, but they had a relief fund and were excepting donations. I was able to help out for a couple of hours. helping them bag food and putting it into boxes so it could be delivered to victims in Staten Island. I was only able to help a few hours. I got a sense of satisfaction. I felt like i could have done more but i helped out at least a bit.

    1. Me too. But its better to do something than just nothing.

  12. unfortunately i was unable to collect cans for the homeless for thanksgiving but i did donate some cash to a local church i wish i could have done much more.

    1. Same here. I felt like i should have done more but due to the circumstances, I was unable to help.

  13. Replies
    1. Even though you stayed home I think that if you had thought of a way to help people you would have.

  14. After the hurricane, I tried somehow to find a way to help those in needs,since fortunately my family wasn't affected from the hurricane. I tried to donate clothes and donate cash so i could contribute somehow to the victims. Due to my busy schedule, I was unable to actually go to those in need and help them in every possible way that i could. In that way I would actually felt much better knowing that i helped in a way.

  15. Fortunatly, i was one of the lucky people who wasn't affected by the storm. I donated my clothes and some canned food. I regret not having the time to do more.
    Thank you who did take their time to help others.

  16. After Hurricane Sandy i went all throught Brooklyn and Coney Island and saw all the damage Sandy did to New York. after the hurricane i went to my summer house in long island to check the damage, there was 2 feet of water in the house. she destroyed my screen room to my house and all the floors inside the house, the floors buckled. after i cleaned and fixed as much as i can i walked up the street there was a boat in the middle of the street the people who live by where the boat said that the boat came from a place 5 miles away i thought that was crazy but that also made me reallize that other peolpe must of had it alot worse then us.

  17. Fortunately, my family and I were not affected by the hurricane. It's sad to see a lot of people lose everything they have, especially items that were important to them. My brother and I donated clothing to the a relief organization for the victims of hurricane sandy. We also helped clean out a local park

  18. My family and I were not affected by Hurricane Sandy but my aunt was her basement and first floor was water damage. I went from door to door asking people for cans. Most of the people said they donated to there church or they couldn't donate. We got not only cans but breed and pudding too. It was a group of 6 people asking for donations we also got money donations.

  19. During the Hurricane I was not affected by the hurricane and i did not do much to help but for everyone who was able to help out i bet you made a lot of people happy.
