Thursday, November 8, 2012

Blog #8 Presidential candidate, was your's the winner?

Hi again cadets. Now that all of the hoopla has died down after the election, it is time for the leaders of our country to set aside differences and work together to get our country back on track.  I hope that your candidate won and if so, please post a message of positive support. If your candidate lost, be respectful and post a message that you hope the President will work towards making a reality in the next 4 years. Either way, the masses of our country have spoken and voiced their opinion.  Now is the time for everyone to pull together and make America a stronger country again. Not only for our citizens but for the rest of the world. Post your comments, videos, links etc and as always, comment on your peer's work.  Good luck and I look forward to reading your postings as always.



    By doing this people could have jobs and the economy run smoothly. I believe this could help United States to be more self sufficient and we wouldn't have to borrow money from other countries.

    1. I agree and thats why we are moving FORWARD

    2. I agree w vega and Guzman.... But still I rest my case on not voting for either.

  2. I've always believed that 4 years is a long time, but again, is it enough to make drastic change in society? In my perspective, instead of voting for a new president and having to restart it all from the beginning, why not give President Obama four more years to accomplish what he have always wanted to since the beginning.

    I hope President Obama would work toward; rebuilding jobs, rebuilding the middle class, decrease gas price, and decrease the amount of money we owe to outer countries in the next four years.

    1. In my opinion I did like Romney a little more than Obama. I feel Romney made a lot of valid points and I felt he did a better job at changing topics on different things. These 4 years im looking for change, for the better. I also think that maybe if Obama agrees on some points Romney made he can use them to his advantage. Stuff that he agrees on though not random stuff. Hopefully these 4 years will get better :D im looking forward to Obama again I liked both candidates.

    2. I think Obama will do great. Its just that the republicans don't like him at all.

    3. I agree with you Brian, Obama will do great.

    4. I agree with Incle that if Obama agreed on some of Romney's points, it would benefit him and I also believe Obama would do great these four years! Thanks!

    5. I agree with cadet Ling 4 years is long but is only one person ruling The United States why not give Obama 4 more years for him to finish what he wanted to do and stop procrastinating so much and move our country Forward it would take time it always those but he could do it and I believe in him.


    Honestly Obama did a good job in the debate and I'm hoping he will bring change among us like he did before .and I'm just hoping he keeps his promises.
    Its a good video


      I honestly believe that Obama is a great orator and I hope that he rebuild jobs, help our economy, and also rebuilding middle class.

    2. I do believe that he did good in the debate and he was also able to get more votes since he was a great orator and was able to convince people.

  4. I wouldn't have voted for either. Romney shows no leadership skills. He's always defensive and he won't benefit the country because all he can do is defend himself and himself only. He is extremely rude and doesn't answer to the public's opinion. Obama has not made the employment rate 5.4% like he promised. He has made our national debt go up 19 tril. His Medicaid act hasn't benefitted much people in fact many people have been placed unemployed because companies cannot afford to raise their costs for merchandise to pay employees. I honestly don't see our country going anywhere. And like every empire, USA will eventually fall altogether as a nation. We have already started our economical decline since 1929. At this rate, by 2030, china will rule over us and USA will no longer be.
    Btw, I calculated our economical status and rate. Unless tax goes up 25.66% per product including food, and major companies cut down on productivity while increasing sales, our country will only reach another economic recession.

    1. I agree with all your information and details. America has to change

    2. Pretty good work and details shown but ill disagree with raising up the taxes unless for the wealthy people but in the other hand we could always make more jobs and stop borrowing money from china.

    3. I really like what you said Law. On my reply, I would vote for Obama, compared to Romney, but again, I may also not vote for either of them. I also agree with Luis. If the tax increases, it would be harder for the middle and lower classes. Good Job!

    4. This is really good information. I completely agree with the fact that if tax increases the middle and lower class would have to work even harder to find a way to pay them, especially if they are out of a job.

  5. I went with my mom to vote for a presdient on election day. I like Obama and I wanted him to be president and I am very happy that he is the leader of AMerica. MY mom voted for OBama but all her friends are a fan of Rommeny. I asked my mom why do u support Obama. SHe is like that OBama already was president before, so he knows how to manage the country.I alos agreed with her. I believe that if Obama steps up the game he can improve the nation and make obama stronger. Obama has to make AMerica's economy stronger then ever.We have already started our economical decline since 1929. Like how Law said that" At this rate, by 2030, china will rule over us and USA will no longer be". I did research and I found out that this is true. Obama has to show the world that AMerica is a nation that is different and unique. He needs to work hard to put Americas name high.

    Here is a video

    This video is after Obama got elected and gave a speech that he is proud of everyone helping him to be president. I felt so sad when he cryed front of the media

    1. I really agree with you Choudhury!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


    I honestly believe that Obama is a great orator and I hope that he rebuild jobs, help our economy, and also rebuilding middle class.

    1. I AGRREE with you because it takes time to do these this you cant just do it overnight

  8. I felt like the presidential election was a difficult one at most. The American peoples votes were tied. Many people didn't know who to vote for. Many points such as, president Obama didn't achieve everything he promised;what makes you believe another term will give him the time? And others didn't like Mitt Romney's views on certain subjects such as abortion. However, it came down to one man and the American people have made their choice. In some way I am glad Obama was elected a second term because we give him a chance to finish what he started instead of starting a new plan with someone who wants change right away. Of course it takes time. You can't rush progress, which I don't think Romney fully understands quite as well as Obama.

    1. I agree with obama not achiving his goals but , )(in my opinion) i believe he didnt have enough time to do all of his goals.

    2. I absolutely agree with Kezadri. I was actually one of the people who really didn't know who to vote for. It was tough, and somehow seeing that none of them don't seem enough convenient based of the results of our economy for the past 4 years and also Romney against abortion was one of the main reasons of being against him. Hopefully, Obama having another term ahead of him will somehow improve the economy of our country.

    3. i also agree that obama didnt finish his goal i think he had enought time just didnt use it right thats why people thing he didnt have alot of time

    4. Yes i agree with you. This was actually a hard debate.

  9. I just hoped Obama would win cause I felt that Ronmey was a bad choice. Dont get me wrong but I felt that he wouldnt be a good president (in my opinion). Both had good reasons also. I have many hopes for Obama to make the country better( even if he had to be elected two times). In my opinion.

    1. I agree, I also think it was better that President Obama won the election. Another good thing that would come from this would be that in the next four years, (during the next election) we will have two new candidates. Unless Mitt Romney decides to run again.

    2. Remember that you must also comment on your peer's work that they posted in order to receive full credit for your assignment.

  10. I was in a way mutual during the decision making proses, I thought that both candidates at the time had an equal amount of positive and disagreeable things they wanted to do with our country. But in most ways I'm fairly glad honorable Barack Obama won, I feel that he has done some good changes in the past four years and that he would continue to do so in the next four years to come.

  11. my choice was obama and he won so on that note i am pretty happy. I hope that president obama would be able to get back on track and not just focus on social problems they should worry about the money that we borrowed from china and how we are going to pay it back

    1. Remember that you must also comment on your peer's work that they posted in order to receive full credit for your assignment.

  12. I agreed and disagreed with both Obama and Romney. But I believe that with Romney's business backround, he would of build-up our economy. Obama has alot to do for the next 4 years and I hope that Obama and congress will figureout a way to fix this economy.

  13. I really hope, by the re-election of Obama,by giving him another 4 years, he will hopefully make some drastic changes in terms of our economy for better. I personally, wasn't every enthusiastic in voting for Obama since our economy hasn't gotten any better. But given, to the circumstances and the the short amount of time referring the 4 years who weren't sufficient to rebuild our economy,then may as well him another chance with the hope that this time we will see some changes for better in our country.

  14. I would have voted for president Obama. Four years seem long , but it's actually a really small amount of time to accomplish the promises that Obama made and to fix the problems that our society is currently facing. Giving him a second term would allow him to finish what he started. Hopefully by the end of the term of his presidency, everything in our society would be better.


    i think this will help the economy so we will not have to borrow money from other countries anymore
