Monday, November 19, 2012

Blog #9 My Favorite Leader / Role Model

Good day again Cadets.  I know we have been talking about great leaders
and their qualities that inspire us as great role models.  My favorite musician
was John Philips Sousa. He is not also known as the Mark King but also
was a great musician and composer.  He inspired me to join the Army Band
and is responsible for my career in the military.  Below is a list of leaders
in various fields that can be your starting point to select a leader for your
Term Project to read about.  Post your leader/leaders that you are interested
in add a website URL about your leader as well. Remember to comment and
leave positive feedback on your peer's work and make sure you can get
your book, biography or autobiography by the end of November.  Your
Term Project will be due in January of 2013 so don't procrastinate. Get to
work and finish on time and you will be ahead of the game with your time
management.  Here is my video on John Philips Sousa:


  1. Replies
    1. Good question, how about Bruce Lee? Do you think he was a great leader that had an impact on the 20th/21st century? The choice is yours but remember that you must find a biography of at least 125 pages and also need to post a Web-page URL link that is devoted to him as well.


    I would like to do Gandhi as my project. He led India to get their independence from Great Britan by useing non-violent methods. He also tried to bring peace between Hindus and Muslims. He is the greatest leaders in history.

    1. Ghandi is one of my role model. He was a great leader.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


    I would like to write/read about Franklin D. Roosevelt as my end-term project.

  5. I would like to do Oprah Winfrey as my project. A role model for many women out there.

    1. I agree Oprah Winfrey was/ still is a great role model for all women!

    2. Nice choice Franceska Oprah is an inspiration to a lot of people

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


    I would like to do my project on Bill Gates. He was a great inventor and He has changed all of our lives today.

    1. i agree we have the latest technology thanks to him.

    2. Well, I beg to differ. Although there were other inventors before him, don't you think our generation has gotten worst? Because he created Microsoft and spell check, people become so lazy. They fail to spell out the simplest words. People rely too much on technology. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying it's all his fault. But I do put a portion of the blame on him since he started this whole technology tactic. People are too lazy to write. They rely on Microsoft word too much to do their work. People have become lazy procrastinators. Their efforts that are placed into their work have lessen because they rely on Microsoft to spell check and fix their grammar and correct their punctuations.
      So, unfortunately, I do not find Bill Gates a good leader.

    3. Well honestly whose fault is that? its our fault for not putting down the I pad or not getting off of Facebook. Because yes technology can be a blame but its really us.I have friends who are always using technology yet they put it down to hangout or just to have fun. So its not that Bill Gates is a bad leader because its an opinion but its because people nowadays just don't realize what their doing. So unfortunately its us not the technology .

    4. I have to agree with Guzman,Brian. I know people that they are addicted to technology just because they are missing something in their lives or where really affected by a tragic event in their lives that they do not really remember. I am speaking by experience and have taken me about over $8,000 bucks and over 1,750+ hours in the 6 moths in video games. It is shocking as sonnet i found out I was wasting my time in just video games I really needed help and since my family was busy the whole time I found my self stock in this situation where the answer was video games. Hopefully I am changing my way to react towards situations. Hopefully good to my self and others. I found this a soonest I went online to track my self and found how many I have spend in time and money... I was shocked when I saw the stats I was over the community gameplay spending time by 50%+. I am now really doing something about it and my first step is to recognize it. I think I am doing a great job. :) Please comment showing some help I really need it.

    5. i agree i think he is a great inventor just like Steve Jobs

  8. My favorite Model Hero and Leader is Michael Jackson!
    Song: You are not alone

    this song reminds me people is all ways around me and if I need someone i can go and there would be a bunch of people that loves me and support me no matter if i am far or away i have them in my heart and i am in there heart.

    1. Michael Jackson is a great leader he influenced a lot of people when he was around and he still does

    2. Awesome king of pop Michael jackson. He is totally amazing. Excellent choice and amazing role model. He truly is king of pop. By the way I love his songs thriller and beat it

  9. I chose Pancho Villa as a good leader for my project, Although I chose him for the reason that is to learn something new, I am very happy with who I chose because in truth, as I was beginning my search on a good biography, I have slightly brushed onto who he was, which was a Mexican revolutionary leader. Who was a both a killer and a bandit! This is fascinating to me because it's as if he is the mexican robin hood!

    The link above is a little bit of info on who he was in case anyone is curious, it's only about 3 minutes long. Thank you for reading!

    1. After watching the video, Pancho Villa seems like an interesting person to learn about. The video however was unexpected in my perspective! I'm not sure if he was a good person. He may of been a Mexican revolution leader, but at the end, he killed innocent people. Most importantly, do not value my opinions, what matters is yours. I hope you enjoy learning about Villa.

  10. In this project, my leader/ role model is Winston Churchill. He is my role model because his quotes are very meaningful in life. I do not know a lot about him or really much who he was, but I will after this project! To me, Winston Churchill was an amazing leader at that time. He stood up for whats right and was not afraid to share his opinions. I watched one of his speeches but do not understand most of it, however, I watched another video that was dedicated to his funeral. Although it is about his death, it shows how others appreciated him at that time, and I'm not sure if its because of the music, or the funeral is just very touching and inspirational.

    1. Nicole I absolutely believe that Wilson Churchill is an excellent role model. He was a second choice but I am a big fan of Hillary Clinton

  11. I choose to do it on my favorite artist George Harrison. I see him as a role model to my life, in the sense that his music has inspired me to change my view on the world. He, also being a member of The Beatles brought a new way to music and culture. The band brought more efficient ways of Touring and made media become a huge part of the 60's revolution.

  12. The leader I choose was former Navy Seal Chris Kyle. I see him as an inspiration because he done so much for our country and served our nation well. He is known as the deadliest sniper in US history. Here is a bit more information.

    1. I agree that Chris is a great leader to choose, he had done so much for the country.

  13. Emmanuel Pacquaio, aka Manny, is my leader and boxing idol. I have watched every single one of his fights. Although I'm not a crazed fan and I don't remember every fight he's had, I consider him as one of my many leaders. He's had such dedication to boxing and commitment and so he's responsible for my dedication and commitment to jrotc and the Air Force. I've seen his workouts and he never gives up. He's always motivated to win every fight. He's inspired me to take up boxing as a hobby and ace it. He's responsible for my nickname. He is an amazing boxer and leader. He's honest to himself, he's committed to his work, he's always motivated, he's an inspiration worldwide, and so much more. He has made some great changes in the boxing world. He has respect for this sport and even for his opponents. Manny has great management skills which makes him such a great boxer and leader of the 20th/21st Century.

  14. 1st sergeant Lewis the role model that I want to do on is Hillary Clinton. For me she is an amazing hero and I want to follow her foot steps. She ran for president, the first woman who want to run for president and control America. All of our history we had all male presidents, I believe a woman president should be elected. Hillary Clinton showed strength and build courage inside to run for president. She cared about America and really wanted to improve the nation. If she was elected for president the nation views would change. She symbolized that woman are strong not only men. I want to be like her and run for president of America in the future. I believe woman can do anything .
    A website you can go for more info is

  15. I have chosen John Glenn, since he was one of the greatest and luckiest leader in the century 20th. He was enlisted as a pilot, was an astronaut, and a senator representing Ohio.
    He fought great wars such as WWII and Korean War. He has run missions and have fought them. This only a couple of reasons he was a great leader. If interested just check a
    *small* biography of him below:


    When Jackie Robinson took the field for the Brooklyn Dodger on opening day, April 15th 1947, he forever changed the face of major league baseball.Robinson was the first African- American to play in the major league in the 20th Century. He shattered the so called color barrer, 50 years of segregation. I would like to do Jackie Robinsonas my project.

  17. i am doing my report on Steve Jobs i think he is an inspiration to all inventors like Bill Gates he was a great inventor and he has change technology forever.


  18. The leader i Choose to do my project on was Bethany Hamilton I consider her to be inspirational and her determintaion was moving to me.

  19. The leader i choose is Abraham Lincoln i find him really amusing and different compared to most leaders.
