Monday, November 19, 2012

Blog #10 Thanksgiving and thankfulness

During this time of year, we all have something to be thankful for.
I myself count my blessing as I have my family that is still here after
Hurricane Sandy.  We have our house that is still standing and
I know that we will be able to make repairs and make it better.
We will have a great Thanksgiving Dinner with all of our family
and I know that there are those that will not be so lucky.  I am also
thankful for having a secure job and having great students that keep
classes interesting.  Here is the video that I chose to give thanks.
Hope you like the video and music.



    I selected this video to show people to be grateful and give thanks on Thanks Giving to don't complain and do the job or stuff the right way other people suffer they have it worst then you and people complain of there life. Give thanks that you have a good life and you can support you and others.

    1. Very moving video Cadet. Thanks for putting things into perspective for people. I hope that you and your family have a great Thanksgiving and please keep doing great things. You truly are an awesome student.

    2. this is a really nice video, people should be grateful for everything they have and stop complaining because some people would love to have, what they do.

    3. This is a really good video and people should appreciate everything thing that they have.

    4. wow, this is really nice vega! ^_^ it's very touching and sweet.


    This video is an old song by Bing Crosby called "Iv'e Got Plenty To Be Thankful For"
    I certainly do have plenty to be thankful for! Iv'e got a great family, a warm home, and i really couldn't ask for more, I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanks givings!


    2. I love the song. Excellent choice. This song relates to thanksgiving and the importance of being thankful

  3. My teacher said today that she liked Thanksgiving because it is a holiday that all people celebrate and I agree with her. To me, Thanksgiving is a day we spend with our love ones and to be grateful for what we have. I am very thankful for all that I have and I pray that they would not be taken away from me. I give thanks every night and I hope I would not take it for granted.

    Listening to praise songs give me the inner peace, it makes me grateful for all that I have, and the problems or sad moments are nothing compared to all the happy and relaxing moments in my life. For all who do not believe in Jesus Christ or God, just take this video/ song as a motivation to be thankful for everything in life.

  4. Thanksgiving is really important and we should be giving thanks to everyone. We all should be thankful for our friends and family. We should be happy that we are all together with our family. There are many military family that aren't together for thanksgiving. We should all pray their them and help anybody if needed. If anyone is living with military families then invite them and have a feast together. Don't leave anyone out, make sure everyone is together. Also help the poor and charity for thanksgiving, try to give food and donate clothes for them especially for the people that was affected by sandy.


    This song helps you remind about what you are grateful for .
    " The Throne". By Michael W.Smith

    You can find this song in.


    I have chosen this video because of how many people complain of their lives and they have at least a house, food, family, friends, something they can play with, cloth, money, ect...
    People are blind of their blessings and we should be always Thankful for our blessings and what we have not what we want. We should be happy with needs not accessories or unneeded utilities. I AM THANKFUL FOR WHAT I HAVE AND FOR MY GREAT LIFE, PARENTS, HOUSE, FOOD, CLOTH, FRIENDS, EDUCATION, TRANSPORTATION, I AM THANKFUL FOR EVERYTHING THAT I HAVE IN MY LIFE AND ALL THE BLESSINGS THAT I HAVE NOT YET REALIZE I HAVE... THANK YOU!

  6. First I hope u guys had an awesome thanksgiving.
    In this special day we have to be thankful for everything we have. I have to say I thank for every single day of my life, for the food in my plate, for my education, for my health and specially for all the good people around me who make me life full of all kind of memories.

    Now this video is about a nice story of a thanksgiving miracle, you never know what life can bring you and you have to appreciate what you have. In this case your life or the life of someone really close to you.

    1. I think its great giving thank in Thanks Giving but is way out of a humans mind how great miracles work in special occasions. Great videos and great job.

    2. nicoll it's so nice that you appreciate everthing that is given to you and that you value everyday your alive. By the way your video was so motivating it brought a tear to my eye awesome job.

    During Thanksgiving we spend our time with love ones and be thankful. Well I am thankful for all the soilders that are serving the military and also to the veterans. I am also thankful to my friends, family, love ones for helping me go through bad and good times.

    1. i agree about our family members helping us out through hard times

  8. i am thankful for my friends and family. i am thank for none of my family getting hurt during the hurricane and i am thankful for my grandpa for surviving his long fight and to the man and women who are fighting for us to be free.


    During thanks giving i stayed home and ate food .; But i am thankfull for having a family and for living . Im also thankfull for all of our heros (military, police, firefigters, veterans) for protecting and keeping our country safe.
    The video is a song about thanksgiving i dont know who sings it, but its a nice song to hear.


    There are many things im thankful this thanksgiving.
    This Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for such great friends I have. Friends who I know I can count on. Friends that are there for me no matter what. Friends who have changed my life. Friends who support me. Friends who I can tell everything to. Friends who I know will help me up when I fall. Friends who help me through the worst of my times. Friends who never give up on me. Friends who I can trust. Friends who accept me for me. Friends who stay by my side even when they're 15 miles away from me. Friends who I can talk to no matter what. Friends who give me their shoulder when I cry. Friends who I kid around with. Friends who don't judge me. Friends who tell me I look great when I really don't. Friends who will never turn their back on me. And friends who will never bully me no matter what.
    But most of all, a family. A fmaily who I can tease and they'll never get mad at me. A family who I can pick fights with but in the end, a hug makes everything quite alright. A family who always supports me. A family who will never let me fall to far from where I was. A family I can look up to. They look over me. In my life I'm grateful for everything that has been given to me. I'm grateful for my family always being there for me. A family who always cares for me. A family who loves me. I'm grateful for my talents. The talents that God gave me as a gift. I'm grateful for a lot of things. I'll always be grateful for everything. I'm grateful for all the heartbreaks I've had because I know that feeling of emptiness now. I'm even grateful for having met bullies because now, I know that feeling of isolation and inner pain.
    I'm also most thankful for the soldiers who have gave their life for us. they fought for our country and gave it their all. for that, they are the ones who deserve the most thanks. without them, i wouldn't be able to enjoy so much freedom today.


    1. That was very nice law! :D you did a great job on this !


    Sorry im late with this. I was in Puerto rico theres no internet it comes and goes. Im back I celebrated Thanksgiving in Puerto rico. We have to much to be thankful for. Life is just the biggest thanks we can have. We also have to be thankful for what we have. People that are less fortunate might not have what you have but there happy with the little things and what they do have. As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. – John F. Kennedy. This quote means a lot. As we express what were thankful for make sure you mean it. We all have to be thankful for everything we have as in parents,iteams anything. Thankful for food on the table. Hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving. Night


    I'm glad I have so much to be thankful for...Family, friends, as well as my own health and abilities.I'm also thankful to be blessed with food and material possessions that not everyone is able to have.The link I posted is a video to a song that I find very appropriate for thanksgiving.It has an atmosphere of contentment, and that's part of what Thanksgiving is about.


    I am thankful for my friends and family who are always there for me when i need them without them I would as blind as the people the singer in my song choice is singing about. I'm thankful for the great year and hope that others will have a great year as well.
