Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Blog #11 The Breath of Life that saves

Hi again cadets. As we get back into the swing of things with
First-Aid and Health, your task this week is to find a video or
posting from a website that has a story about a person saving
another person's life using mouth to mouth resuscitation or
cardio-pulminary resuscitation (CPR).  Make sure that you
give a brief synopsis about the story with your URL link and
you must also comment on your peer's work as well.  Don't
forget to continue to read your Leader's Autobiography as
well to finish your term project.  Good luck and here is my


  1. I was looking for a video on this, and although it isn't a person saving another, it's actually really a person saving a dog using the mouth to mouth resuscitation. I found this very interesting. it was posted on the Today news of two fire men giving mouth to 'snout' resuscitation after they had saved the labrador from a burning building, I believe that this is a great use of mouth to mouth resuscitation! hope you find it interesting as well,


    1. Reaally interesting Ashley. That isn't common nowadays that a person saves an animal by CPR. REally an amazing video and I learned alot. Thanks for sharing.

    2. Wow well thats cool knowing that Dr. Heimlich used his technique to a dog just like this story

    3. This is really interesting story. It is really cool that a person saved a dog life by CPR>

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=oH3g5TqqWNg

    This is an interesting video about how a community saved a man's life using CPR for over 96 minutes. Most people would have gave up, but these people didn't.

    1. wow this is amazing show how much dedication and how much they care for the man

  3. A interesting video that I have found that I want to share is about a woman name Lauren Kornacki from Virginia who saved his father life from CPR. Lauren saw his father pinned under his BMW car. So she pulled him out and did CPR on him. AN AMAZING DAUGHTER>> See this video ...


    1. Wow. That's really shocking and amazing that the daughter was able to do such a thing.

    2. that is anazing how she could calm herself down and perforn cpr.

  4. Rebekah Tucker saved a mans life and told news reporters that she offered people to help her a no one did instead took pictures and videos. if it wasnt for her the man would have been dead


  5. Is a beautiful day on the beach Life Guards are on a photo shot everything is going great no one Spectated that something was going to go wrong into the find a guy Floating on the surface the life guards take him out and start CPR. I found this video really interesting because you can see life guards on action trying to save a guys life. Is still a mystery how the guy got there and nobody notice.


    1. interesting. I like seeing the "save-the-day" feel associated with CPR in your story.

    2. Amazing video! I can totally see how professionally the life guards and the paramedics are trained and is confident to have them save my life.

  6. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/96-minute-cpr-marathon-saves-minnesota-mans-life/story?id=13048099#.UMZcL4PAdOE

    This video is about a Minnesota man who unfortunately suffered a heart attack one day.A bystander responded by calling 911 and proceeding to perform CPR.However,a man who worked at the auto shop across the street noticed, and came rushing in.They both took turns giving the dying man CPR.Eventually,more than 2 dozen people arrived at the scene and they ALL took turns giving the man CPR.One person stopped when they became exhausted and the next one took over.This went on for 96 minutes,and is a great example of the effectiveness of proper CPR. To keep a man alive for over an hour until help comes ! The thought of it is silly, but it happened :)

  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAVAGIoHT7g
    This video explains how to properly give CPR for adults. I found it very helpful and very similar to 1SG class lesson.

  8. this article is about a women named Rebekah Tucker saved a mans life if it wasnt for her the man would have been dead.


  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y5zm1S8pGs

    This video is about coworkers try to help a guys named Jim.
    Jim was laying on his side and they rolled him over on his back, his lips were blue. They started performing CPR which saved his life.

    this is his comment,"I've read it probably, maybe 40 times in the last year and a half, and I still can't get through it without being emotional. '368 days since my life changed. 368 more days I have my dad."

    1. Great video choice Tharchin! Jim's story is very touching and truly encourages people to go out learn CPR

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAqBplR2Wtk
    In this video Amanda Henson rushed to the aid of Gerald R. Williams' at a grocery store. With her experience as a ARC Lifeguard Instructor she checked for a pulse and when there was none she began chest compressions. After four cycles Henson had restored the victim's pulse, saving his life.

    1. That's something nice to hear, i think having experience like that can come useful in certain situations. Well done Katherine!

  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAQdXejSLis

    This video was based on a baseball player saving his coach's life by administering CPR for 10 minutes!The coach had his heart beat stop twice during the time period before the ambulance had arrived.I found this story very inspiring compared to others.

  12. A very moving testament to what CPR can do and how it can affect a persons life. Great story and great job.

  13. This isnt a story about a person who saves another person using cpr but saving a dog using CPR its really amazing and its so moving that this guy was able to help this dog and bring it back to life. This guy is a hero!


  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTgKS0Piv_k

    it is amazing how people can do cpr under the pressure of time. it's cool and i think we all should learn cpr to help others

    1. Pretty interesting video about CPR. I think he did the right thing by giving them CPR. I also agree with the paramedic who says that poor CPR is better than no CPR whatsoever....

  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPEFskCrdhQ

    I choose this video because it shows you a scenario of a person that is laying down the couch and they are not responding. It shows you the steps which one must follow and how many times you should do it.

  16. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11190559/ns/us_news-weird_news/t/teen-saves-life-woman-who-saved-him/#.UOyoTOSRSf4

    This is a story about a women saving a 10-year old boy using CPR, and 7 years later, the boy (17) saves the women by doing the Heimlich maneuver.

    1. It's nice to hear about stories that involve two people saving each others life in diffrent time spans.

  17. http://yourlife.usatoday.com/mind-soul/doing-good/story/2011/03/Dozens-of-people-perform-CPR-for-96-minutes-to-save-heart-attack-victim/44427376/1

    This is about how a dozen of people took turns doing CPR to save a mans life and this went on for 96 minutes it's very moving to see what people will do for a stranger.

  18. This story is about 2 Kalamazoo bus drivers that performed CPR on Joyce Gregory on a bus. They believed that she wasn't gonna live after the emergency personnel took her, but later found out that she had survived.

