Monday, December 17, 2012

Blog #13 Stronger Gun Control Laws?

Good morning Cadets.  This weeks task has to deal with the tragedy that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School this past Friday.  As all of you know, 20 students were killed along with 8 faculty members.  Their lives were cut short by a person that eventually took their own life with one of the
weapons that he used to kill the other people.  The current outcry is to have stronger gun control laws in our society.  Your task at hand this week is to post your opinions on how we can stop such a tragedy from happening again. Keep in mind to be respectful of other cadet's opinions and to keep an open mind when you read their responses.  Post your opinions backed up with information that supports your opinion along with a credible web-site URL. In your responses, please post your condolences to those families that lost loved ones as well.  Good luck cadet's and here is my website link.

Gun Control Needed

To those parents and family members that lost loved ones during the massacre at your school, I offer my most heartfelt apologies and condolences. No words can remove the grief that you have in your hearts. Remember to hold onto the goodness and joy that those loved ones brought into your life and never let go of those feelings. 


  1. I wasn't able to post my full post on here. So, I logged in to my website and publicized the post.
    Below is the link to read what I wrote.

    1. I agree that there should be certain regulations, but the second amendment granted the people to the same firearms as the military. By, taking that right away it takes the people's right to defend themselves.

    2. That is true, however, the military has more control over how they use their weapons than 'regular' people.

  2. My opinion on how to stop tragedy's like this is to help the people with mental problems. We can figure out a way to help people with rehab or serious talks. And also we can limit the amount of guns or ammunition to have by being a certify licensed.My last idea is to increase the amount of security everywhere to be more alert. also this is the url for gun control
    Lastly I want to give my condolences to the family and friends who lost loved ones on that day.I cant explain how sorry I feel for them but we will recover and we will overcome these tragedy's if we stand up and fight for rights and believes

    1. I do agree with you I believe that Gun control should be more strict and they can't be selling assault rifles to anyone with a licence... i think they should have a specific kind of license for each one...

    2. I totally agree that gun control should be more strict and President Obama should do something soon as possible, because there are alot of killing going on

  3. I believe that the second amendment is in the constitution for a reason. The people have the right to defend themselves. Even though guns are used in killings, making them illegal will not stop that. Criminals do not abide by the law, they will have guns whether it is legal or not, which is the reason guns are legal. Just like drugs, just because they are illegal does not mean people cannot obtain them. When all of these killings occur, they are done in places where people cannot protect themselves. In other words they are done in "gun free" zones because there is no threat to the attacker. I have never personally ever heard of someone try to rob a gun store with a gun. It is illogical because the attacker knows that he is no longer the only one with a gun. Now, for the amount of guns and which types of guns a civilian can own should only be regulated to a certain extent. When the second amendment was written, the people were given the right to the same types of guns as the militia. They were muskets at the time. Why doesn't this apply today? The amount of guns a person can own should be based on how many guns they want. Some people are gun fanatics who collect plenty of different types of guns for their pleasure. Don't get me wrong. I am not saying that anyone who wants a gun should be given one. There should be training policies and processes to acquire a licence for purchases of firearms. The fact is that most killings in America are done in gun free zones.

    1. It is a tragedy that something like this occurred. The victims were innocent children and teachers. My condolences go to the families and friends who lost love ones on that day.

    2. I believe with u Evan, I believe that every one has the right to own gun and the 2nd Amendment states that, its for our self defense.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The Second amendment has been put in the Constitution for the reason to protect our houses from in case of a war with British. Since years has passed more people has used the Elastic Claws from the unwritten Constitution and they have stretch the second amendment to mean that everyone has the right to posses a gun for different kinds of reasons.In my opinion I believe not everybody has the mentality to posses a gun but look carefully that i haven't say that they have no right to... In my personal opinion I believe is time to the 50 states come once all again together and make strict laws of gun possession. A person shouldn't in any condition have a very powerful gun with them and also they could just live good with maximum of two guns... 1 handgun and a shotgun, or 1 handgun and 1 Springfield rifle. I also want to add that the Government can NOT take any of the rights off the constitution because if they do they could take any of the other rights as well. Therefore Gun control should be really strict to get a licence for one and should have a criminal as well mental check.

    I really think we are really... lucky that was not us.. and that is a good thing to be thankful for our lives everyday...Also I have to say that If anyone out there that is reading this right now and has a child or a close child that was killed or involved in that kind of accident on Friday... I am really sorry for what happen and I know if I will be in your shoes I will be as upset and angry as you are right now... Just want to say life is unfair and we have to keep going with it to the end.. never give up because life is one and you should be doing the best you could. I feel terrible and destroy but as much as you are. I believe this guys should be held down in places were they could never harm anyone in life. It is just disgusting how a man could take so many lives in a way that has no words to it. I really would like to help and I will try to make couscous to the world that we should be able to be thankful for our lives because there is always someone out there living worse than we are...

    1. I agree with what you said Vega, we should limit the amount of gun possession in the US.

    2. Why should we limit the amount of gun possessions. It's not like you can shoot 8 guns at the same time.
      I believe that it is the person's liberty to own as many guns as they want and as many different types. I don't believe it is fair to punish the responsible gun owners because of a few bad apples. Just like cars, there are many different types of guns and some people own plenty.

    3. but evan, people dont abuse cars.... people abuse guns.
      vega, i agree with you 110%

    4. great work and i agree we should limit the guns we have in the us

    5. By limiting the guns in America, you are taking guns out of responsible people's hand and not affecting criminals

  6. Gun control is a very harsh subject to write about, being the fact that many American citizens have very strong opinions about it. Especially when directed towards the recent events occurring here in the us. The questions being, Is it really safe to have as many weapons as one could pay for in a household? Is it right? Should we make stricter laws against this, and should we mingle with the idea of changing the second amendment? In my personal opinion, i believe that no, the second amendment should not have to take the punishment for the recent occurrences here in the us. This amendment itself was created by our four fathers to PROTECT us, but then again why is it being turned to work against us, to HURT us? I can't answer that question but what i can answer theoretically is how can we prevent this tragedy from happening again. The answer lies within the way one interprets the question. The plan i thought theoretically would function best is to enforce the law that keeps an eye on how many guns an individual may own. And to make the vendors who sell this weaponry become more strict as to whom they sell to, Also another good idea would be to limit the number of weaponry legally allowed in a household. Please keep in mind also that if one is to collect guns that the fire pins should be removed. Especially when one has children in the household, to stop the fire arm from having the ability to shoot. I believe that all these factors would function better because not only would it keep these vendors in check [in terms to whom they are selling to] but it would also give these people a better understanding that guns aren't shiny "bells and whistles" they are dangerous and should be limited by the number of guns owned in a household. Although suppose these changes are to occur, would it stop illegal gun possession in the us? Probably not. but at most we would be trying to make a change for to better the safety within the us.
    Below is a link that supports my opinion,

    As to those that have been tragically forced to glance and hug only photos and mementos of those lives lost on that horrid day, my words cannot express the amount of pain and sorrow i feel for you nor can any make you heal any faster then you all must be already...truly the lives forcefully taken can never be brought to justice with a simple "I’m sorry" or " the Man who had done such a heinous crime has committed suicide." no that is unforgivable. I myself am ashamed to say that this man was an American, in fact it shouldn't even be acknowledgeable. Because that is not what we stand for, We as Americans in my belief stand for Pride and strength against even the largest of troubles that have come before us, for this, I thank you, families and friends who were close to these innocent victims. For keeping your chin up at such a moment of great disappear and sadness, I thank you for showing the future generation like me, that staying strong even at a time like this is important. Your hardships right now are very large, and many eyes are letting the tsunami of emotion over come us, But we do not lose sight of what is important. to you all I deliver all my condolences with the upmost respect. For I know it is never easy to overcome such a tragedy, especially when it is about loved ones. To those who died so suddenly, I send my most sincerest apologies for it is not your fault to have suffered in such a manner I myself am sorry for the inexplicable and uncontrollable actions that happened that day,
    Finally, to the teachers and faculty who gave their lives for those young children, you have graced every American with the upmost pride, bravery and selfless service that one could ever have, you are all the upmost true heroes of our time, I thank you for this.

    1. sorry, I know I wrote a lot, but thanks for reading

    2. you shouldn't be sorry.I am proud that you wrote alot and explained so much in detail. I totally agree with you. The founding father did what was right. GOOD JOB

  7. I think we should have more gun control over the people who get them. Though the only problem with this is if theres no guns people will find ways illegal ways get guns to them. If not they will use other weapons such as knifes, tazers, and etc. If we do make distributing guns more strict we need to make sure its 110 percent strict. Incidents like this shouldent happen its really sad. May those kids and adults rest in peace.

    1. i agree with you on how if people wanna own a gun they'll find away.

  8. i think we should have more guns that way more people will be affraied to do anything just like SGT. piorier said their was no gun crimes where he lived.thats why i think we should have more guns.

  9. TJ I don't actually agree with you. I think adding guns to everybody hand is not going to solve anything. Why should everybody have guns? What is the point? There has to be another way to solve this problem on guns

  10. For my opinion I think gun control should be strict. I think not everyone should be handed a gun illegally. President Obama has to do something to stop this gun control. People should only have guns if they are liceneced to have a gun like for only the police,FBI,Police securilty and the military. Not everyone should have a gun in there hand. People can do harmful things with a gun in there hand. There are more crimes then what happened in Sandy Hook. Many other kids,teachers,and people are geting killed by shooting. President Obama has to pass a law to stop the gun control and help protect the people in the United States. We don't want anymore situations to come.

    Lastly I am so upset and give my blessing to all the blessing to the victims of Sandy Hook. I pray that all those innocent kids and teachers rest in peace. MAny kids in brooklyn dies or gets shot. We should respect them as well. There are many shooting of kids in Brooklyn that happens, but that is never stated in the news or newspaper. Why should we ignore this. Across my block in brooklyn a three 13 years old black students got shot. Why wasn't they on the newspaper and on the news. They were kids and everyone around the world should have known about this that they were shot and killed. We should have had a momnet of silence for them. If you think I am saying something wrong comment please. GUn control should be stricted not only waht happened in sandy hook but around many places in america

    Here is a article of other shootings that happened in brooklyn.

    Another article of gun control

    First segrent Lewis I would like you to dicuss this situation to your class

    1. Well it's simple. There is more crime in "gun free" zones than there is is gun zones.

    2. I absolutely agree with you. Not only should some incidents be shared, but all should. Every victim deserves everyone in the world to know what happened to them, and a moment of silence should definitely be given to them.


    The second amendment states that a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. The people have the right to defend themselves. Even though guns are used in killings, making them illegal will not stop that. It will provoke more problem like when we prohibited alcohol. So to make sure this doesn't happen again we should help people with mental problems and make every one register their gun.

    I wish to express our deepest sympathies to all of the families of those lost, to the survivors and their families, and to the others impacted by the senseless and unthinkable tragedy that unfolded at Sandy Hook Elementary School. We cannot begin to comprehend the depth of your sadness and grief. Please know that we care deeply for you

  12. I agree with you on this 100% great job

  13. To be honest, I'm not sure how the government can have a strict gun control. Eventually, there would be people like James Holmes and Adam Lanza who had the ability to obtain guns and perform illegal actions with it. It is legal to carry a gun for protection purpose, but people would always use that as an advantage to themselves for performing illegal activities. Even if there were to be checkups on the gun, the time between checkups would be the time they strike. If strict background checks were to be made on the owner, others can steal that gun from the owner and strike. As of now, I don not have any ideas on how to increase gun control, but I pray for the best to come out of the government.

    What happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School, did not deserve to have happened, to anyone. This is the hardest time of the incident, but you will get through it. May you have courage, and for all the happy moments of your loss ones to stay with you forever, and for them to leave in peace knowing that you will be alright. May you have the warmest sincere and keep on going forward, to not give up hope and faith.

    "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains." Herald Gospel

  14. The thing with gun control laws theres no amount of laws that can stop people from killing other people the best bet would be to go back at time and get rid of the people who created guns. In the end though if somone seriously wants to hurt people there going to do it.
    I am sorry thogh for the family who lost thier children and how they must feel but the world is a vicious cycle with people who are not all there and who do not think about there actions i'm very sorry for your loss and hope time will heal the pain.

  15. How can we stop such a tragedy from happening? The way i view it is that if the staff in the school were able to carry firearms then the damage done would have been minimized.Although everyone carrying guns seems a bit crazy, would you try and attack an individual that is carrying a gun? My opinion is that anyone adult should be able to carry a weapon for there own safety because less crimes would be committed.

    1. this is the URL

  16. the thing with this law; yes it should be enforced but not all will abide to the law.. not every one does this can only make matters worse and criminals more thirsty for the object.

    1. I agree with you, that there will always be there who wont follow the law or rules.

  17. I believe that there should be stricter gun control but to a certain limit. That there should be a stronger background check for a person that wishes to buy a gun and a certain waiting period before you can get it. But not have guns banned. Even if guns were illegal, there would still be certain people that will obtain them. I believe that killings will still occur, with or without it being illegal.

  18. Nice blog, If you want to be trained and know about all the Gun rules in detail you must get a training from Firearms Training MA to know everything in depth.
