Monday, December 10, 2012

Blog #12 Leadership Term Project Update

Good day cadets.  As usual, that clock is ticking on your term project for Leadership.  Don't procrastinate and wait until the very end to try and finish your book.  You have had 3 weeks now and some of you should be finished or close to it by now.  Your task this week is to give an update on your book status.  Post how many pages you have read. Give a brief synopsis of what you have read so far and let our blog readers as well as cadet's know if you are satisfied with your choice and what inspirational information you may have gained so far.  You should post another URL for a different web-site for your research and remember to comment on your peer's work as well.  I must say that I am very impressed with the choice of books that most of you chose this year. I look forward to your work and your classroom presentations.  Good luck and here is my site for the person I am reading about:  Harry Truman


  1. I'm reading about John F. Kennedy. I've read about 100 pages so far of my book. I've learned many things so far, and some of the first ones were about JFK's early life. He was born in Massachusetts on May 29, 1917. He had a good life as a child, although he played his fair share of pranks in high school, one which involved exploding a toilet seat with a firecracker. I find that this website ( ) is a great place to learn about JFK.

    1. JOhn F. Kennedy is a interesting person to learn about. I think he was an amazing president and helped AMerica in many ways. You want more fun facts about him go on this website, it will help you actually

      It also has fun facts about lincoln as well

  2. Im reading about Lance armstrong im going to start reading the book.He was born on september 18, 1971. He has 5 kids now and has 4 books. Hes a former professional road racing cyclist. Armstrong had won the Tour de France a record seven consecutive times between 1999 and 2005, in 2012 he was disqualified due to cheating.

    1. why did he cheat? do you know? and lance Armstrong is an inspiration to cyclist. good choice

  3. My leader that I am doing is Hillary clinton. I got out 2 books about her and I started to read yestersday.Her life is interesting. She inspires me to be the first women president. I really do want to be president.By reading her biography I am learning also about Bill Clinton her husband. Bill Clinton was president but he helped and supported Hillary CLinton to run for office. I read now like 20 pages in the first book and I want to finish both books. She really changed the and impacted many woman around the word. I want to do the samething THis website helps me to get more information on her.

    1. Hilary Clinton is the best i swear. It kind of sad that she didn't become president they would have been cool if we had a women president. any ways good topic

    2. I agree with Guzman, Brian Hilary Clinton was top females that made it throughout history. For this Hilary should be rewarded as one of the top greatest leaders. Not only she was almost the first female to be president she would be an inspiration for women and a great change for United States.

    3. hilary clinton is such a good choice to read about and I think that you will achieve your dream of becoming the president.

  4. The book im reading is American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History and i read 50 pages of it. this book talks about Chris Kyle's conformed kills and his life

    1. I watched a video about Chris Klye and he is a great inspiration.

  5. The biography that I'm about to read is about an astronaut name Robert Hutchings Goddard and I haven't start yet but I'm going to today. I'm planning to read about 15-20 pages today...
    Here is a page dedicated to him:

  6. the biography i am reading is about Steve Jobs life and how he created apple. i have read 150 so far out of 600. i am reading 45-50 pages a day

  7. im reading about Bruce lee ,so far ive read 100-110 pages.
    The book is about the persons life and how bruce influenced him to do stuff and he talks about bruce during his story

    1. It seems like a very good book! Instead of talking about Bruce Lee's life, it shows the changes Lee has done to another!


    I am reading an autobiography about Jackie Robinson and so far I read to to 170 pages. I learned that when he was in the military he was arrested and court-martialed during boot camp after he refused to move to the back of a segregated bus during training. He was later acquitted of the charges and received an honorable discharge. His debut game on April 15, 1947, marked the first time an African-American athlete played in the major leagues.

  9. My leader was Winston Churchill. Not finishing the book yet, I really like my leader. As to the book, I do not prefer. Winston Churchill grew up tough, but from going to a military college, serving the Army, becoming a politician, a journalist, and then becoming British's Prime Minister, is absolutely amazing. Winston Churchill is a person who succeeded despite hardship, and is someone we should all look up to.

    Most importantly, Winston Churchill's quotes are very moving and meaningful!

    "You have enemies? Good. That mean you've stood up for something. something in your life."

    "If your going through hell, keep going"

    "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage that continue that counts."

    "Continuous effort- not strength or intelligence- is the key to unlocking our potential."

    "Never, never, never give up."


    I have finished the book of the person i'm reading and im very happy with who I chose to read about. There story has been very inspiraring Bethany (person I'm reading about) has never let anything get in the way her dreams and I think that can be a nice lesson for all of us.

  11. I read Marilyn Monroe's auto biography and finished my assignment, the book is pretty inspiring and motivational.

  12. I have finished with the book that I selected to read. The Story of Michael Jackson was very interesting and I recommend the book to the People that Like his music or is a big fan of him. The book is very interesting and also five you a lot of info.

  13. I have finished with the book that I selected to read. The Story of Michael Jackson was very interesting and I recommend the book to the People that Like his music or is a big fan of him. The book is very interesting and also five you a lot of info.
