Saturday, December 29, 2012

Blog #14 Have A Happy New Year

I hope that everyone had a great Christmas and Holiday.  As the
New Year fast approaches my Christmas Wish is that the world
become a safer place for everyone. That each and every one of
you take the time to enjoy the small things and revel in the joy of
the moment. Don't let time pass you by and live to love your dreams.
My New Years resolution will be forthcoming with the very next
blog. Remember to post your New Year's Wish and try to set
the example that you would like to see in the rest of the world.
Warmest regards and I hope you enjoy the book that you are
reading.  Here is a video that I hope you enjoy.

For those of you that are looking for the download link for your
term project check out your Pupil Path for your assignment. Thanks to
Cadet Choudhury, she kept me on my toes and I figured out how to post
the items for you to download.  You can also click on the link provided
here: Term Project Download. Good luck and Happy New Year. I am
looking forward to reading your work and getting back to see each and
every one of you.  

Monday, December 17, 2012

Blog #13 Stronger Gun Control Laws?

Good morning Cadets.  This weeks task has to deal with the tragedy that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School this past Friday.  As all of you know, 20 students were killed along with 8 faculty members.  Their lives were cut short by a person that eventually took their own life with one of the
weapons that he used to kill the other people.  The current outcry is to have stronger gun control laws in our society.  Your task at hand this week is to post your opinions on how we can stop such a tragedy from happening again. Keep in mind to be respectful of other cadet's opinions and to keep an open mind when you read their responses.  Post your opinions backed up with information that supports your opinion along with a credible web-site URL. In your responses, please post your condolences to those families that lost loved ones as well.  Good luck cadet's and here is my website link.

Gun Control Needed

To those parents and family members that lost loved ones during the massacre at your school, I offer my most heartfelt apologies and condolences. No words can remove the grief that you have in your hearts. Remember to hold onto the goodness and joy that those loved ones brought into your life and never let go of those feelings. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Blog #12 Leadership Term Project Update

Good day cadets.  As usual, that clock is ticking on your term project for Leadership.  Don't procrastinate and wait until the very end to try and finish your book.  You have had 3 weeks now and some of you should be finished or close to it by now.  Your task this week is to give an update on your book status.  Post how many pages you have read. Give a brief synopsis of what you have read so far and let our blog readers as well as cadet's know if you are satisfied with your choice and what inspirational information you may have gained so far.  You should post another URL for a different web-site for your research and remember to comment on your peer's work as well.  I must say that I am very impressed with the choice of books that most of you chose this year. I look forward to your work and your classroom presentations.  Good luck and here is my site for the person I am reading about:  Harry Truman

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Blog #11 The Breath of Life that saves

Hi again cadets. As we get back into the swing of things with
First-Aid and Health, your task this week is to find a video or
posting from a website that has a story about a person saving
another person's life using mouth to mouth resuscitation or
cardio-pulminary resuscitation (CPR).  Make sure that you
give a brief synopsis about the story with your URL link and
you must also comment on your peer's work as well.  Don't
forget to continue to read your Leader's Autobiography as
well to finish your term project.  Good luck and here is my