Monday, May 20, 2013

Blog #28 Thanks for your Service and Sacrifice this coming Memorial Day.

Cadets, it's that time of year again where we try to honor those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice and gave their all serving our country. As we have learned studying the Korean Conflict, the award of the Medal of Honor is the highest tribute our country can pay to those that sacrifice themselves for the protection of all.  Your task this week is to post the URL for a video that pays tribute to those soldiers for Memorial Day. If you create your own and post it to Youtube, you will get double bonus points for this homework so let's get started. Here is my post and I hope you like it. Remember to comment on your peer's work and to pay your respects.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Blog #27 Korean Conflict and Term Project Download

Good morning cadets. Hope that you and your mother's had
a great day together.  Your mission this week is to find out
information about the Korean Conflict that started in 1950
and ended in 1953.  You should try to find interesting information
that can be discussed in class and also bring to light new
details about the Korean Conflict.  As you have already learned,
the Soviet Union installed a Puppet Government in N. Korea
after the end of WWII and North Korea wanted to have a
united Korea while South Korea wanted to keep their
Democratic Government. That is my fact for this blog and
here is the website to confirm this fact:
Kim Il Sung Puppet Government

As promised, here is the link to download your worksheets
for the term project on the Vietnam War.  You can download
either document, MS Word or Adobe PDF.
Vietnam Term Project MSWord

Vietnam Term Project PDF

Monday, May 6, 2013

Blog #26 Pearl Harbor survivor receives last Navy Medal.

Hi again Cadets. Since we are moving from the end of WWII to the cold war and into the Korean Conflict, I thought I would give you one last video to watch about Pearl Harbor. This one is very fitting and honors a survivor that fought there. As promised, your information about your term project will be attached to this blog so be ready to be first to get a chance to select your Vietnam War movie. After the video posting is a list of Vietnam War Movies that are available. Select at least 3 that you would like to watch. You will be able to select your movie by the end of this coming week so make sure your posting is up first to get the best choice in class.

Here are a few of the Vietnam War movies that are available to watch online or downloadable from various sources. Remember to post your 3 choices and you must explain why you want to watch at least two of the movies. Post a URL for the movies and also comment on other Cadet's work. Good luck and I hope that you are one of the lucky ones to post first in your class.
Movie Name Year      Movie Name Year
84 Charlie MoPic 1989      Platoon Leader 1988
A Bright Shining Lie 1998      Rescue Dawn 2006
A Yank in Vietnam 1964      The Anderson Platoon 1967
Apocalypse Now 1979      The Deer Hunter 1978
Bat 21 1988      The Green Berets 1968
Born on the 4th of July 1989      The Hanoi Hilton 1887
Casualties of War 1989      The Iron Triangle 1989
Coming Home 1978      The Odd Angry Shot 1979
Faith of My Fathers 2005      The Siege of Firebase Gloria 1989
Full Metal Jacket 1987      The Walking Dead 1995
Go Tell The Spartans 1978      Tigerland 2000
Good Morning Vietnam 1987      Tunnel Rats 2008
Hamburger Hill 1987      Uncommon Valor 1983
Heaven and Earth 1993      Under Heavy Fire 2001
Platoon 1986      We Were Soldiers 2002
Remember to look again next weekend for your Movie Worksheet to download for your term project. Good luck and remember that Memorial Day is fast approaching to make sure you are working on making your Tribute Videos to post on You-Tube as well for your bonus points.